Alaskan Ice Bubbleponics 400W Grow


Well-Known Member
Yea. I hope they get bigger if I put them into flower soon. I want max yield. Hoping for 8 oz.
well keep vegging measure from to your rez and cut that in half cause ur plants will double so if its about 5ft u want ur plants to get 2.5 feet tall in vegg get my drift


Well-Known Member
i dont see why not but maybe its true humm i dont kno try it or if not grow till its foot within your lamp i know it will strech for sure


Well-Known Member
I actually bent the tallest over to give more room tonight so she wont get tall but will open up more bud sites to the light.


Well-Known Member
O ok the side nodes will reach for more light though they will gain height till they over see the others its a dog eat dog kinda world the canopy fights


Well-Known Member
Omg I just did it for like 15 to 20 minutes. They are the same height as the top of the plant and then i just let the string loose and it morphed back the way it was in literally 5 seconds. The fan blowing on it to push it back up but still. I stepped infront of the fan and its still straight up again. Weird


Well-Known Member
omg i just did it for like 15 to 20 minutes. They are the same height as the top of the plant and then i just let the string loose and it morphed back the way it was in literally 5 seconds. The fan blowing on it to push it back up but still. I stepped infront of the fan and its still straight up again. Weird
i know lol hummm well good luck ill be back pics please lol later


Well-Known Member
lols I just tried to explain that to someone else in another post, never throw out ur tops theres way to much u can do with them, one bish kept in veg ,even in soil can keep ur entire op or even sog flowering.

after all u can always have more than one bish, just gotta find out how to hide them from eachother. peace


Well-Known Member
lols I just tried to explain that to someone else in another post, never throw out ur tops theres way to much u can do with them, one bish kept in veg ,even in soil can keep ur entire op or even sog flowering.

after all u can always have more than one bish, just gotta find out how to hide them from eachother. peace

exactly they make ture cannabis what it is so u should always find something to do with them


Well-Known Member
Well for one you can do anything with tops. Its not the same as a cutting. The top is just the center of a bud site that you cut to get 2 bud sites from each 1 that you cut, doubling your colas.


Well-Known Member
wow, ok but there are thousands of posts here that can show u how to do it?

Ur going to wish u did at the end when ur waitng for seedling to pop,and u could be harvesting more colas lols, just search around.