Brisco's Bargain Beans

Thanks brah. Yessir,that is indeed beans peeking.Some are fried leaf tips too. They haven't burst thru such as yours in that gorgeous pic. Strain? you know you can't just post that beauty and leave me unknowing. Preciatecha letting me know about the pics.
I have a question for folks that make/create beans.
Do you think bean size has anything to do with how soon the beats were pollinated? Meaning,if a plant is pollinated early on when the bracts aren't full-on golf balls & pistillate stigma.
Will they be larger since they were allowed to cook longer or will they be smaller because the bracts weren't large enough to carry big Beans?
Is it bract size that determine bean size?
I know genetics could possibly play a role or perhaps it is the sole force?
Just lifted off some good and the thought came to me while I was bean checking the other day which led me down that rabbit hole of thought.
The picture is of GG4 with some Monkey Juice fem beans bustin out.
My experience with your question is that I believe it is strain dependent. GG4 and most of its crosses usually tend to be smaller beans for me, while the Citrus MILF (which cooked up for just as long) were friggin boulders compared to everything else. I think time is more a factor for color of seeds and tiger striping, as well as how good the "seed skin" stays on the bean. I've seen some beans that once handled, the seed skin and all the coloring and tiger striping came right off really easy where as some others you couldnt scrub it off with a brillo.
The picture is of GG4 with some Monkey Juice fem beans bustin out.
My experience with your question is that I believe it is strain dependent. GG4 and most of its crosses usually tend to be smaller beans for me, while the Citrus MILF (which cooked up for just as long) were friggin boulders compared to everything else. I think time is more a factor for color of seeds and tiger striping, as well as how good the "seed skin" stays on the bean. I've seen some beans that once handled, the seed skin and all the coloring and tiger striping came right off really easy where as some others you couldnt scrub it off with a brillo.
Thank you for the perspective. In your experience are all (most)beans mottled or have tiger stripes.Its just some are easily swiped off? I've never really payed attention. Mohican has a bean picture thread.I haven't been in it in a while.
This run,I have some dark and lovelys as well as tiger striping or mottling.
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Thank you for the perspective. In your experience are all (most)beans mottled or have tiger stripes.Its just some are easily swiped off? I've never really pay attention. Mohican has a bean picture thread.I haven't been in it in a while.
This run,I have some dark and lovelys as well as tiger striping or mottling.
Not sure if you remember the small black seeds with no striping that was in all the Mexi brick some decades back. Detroit was certainly flooded with it back in the early 90's. They almost dont even resemble seeds of today lol.
S1 x S1 = S2 @Schwaggy P ?
Yes. I've seen two paths called S2:
1) Selfing an S1
2) S1 siblings mating

The second way could also be denoted using the rarely seen R (reversed) since you are reversing a female onto a different female (you could stack R's and S's to convey the sequence of events). Reversing and breeding together 2 siblings from S1 presents a gray area as far as nomenclature since it's not technically a selfing and it involves a form of filial pairing (F), so some may take issue with calling it S2 (if no selfing, then no 'S'). Since these breeding terms don't always follow textbook use with cannabis and there is no definitive/widely-accepted "rulebook", either way works.
Yes. I've seen two paths called S2:
1) Selfing an S1
2) S1 siblings mating

The second way could also be denoted using the rarely seen R (reversed) since you are reversing a female onto a different female (you could stack R's and S's to convey the sequence of events). Reversing and breeding together 2 siblings from S1 presents a gray area as far as nomenclature since it's not technically a selfing and it involves a form of filial pairing (F), so some may take issue with calling it S2 (if no selfing, then no 'S'). Since these breeding terms don't always follow textbook use with cannabis and there is no definitive/widely-accepted "rulebook", either way works.

Hi, folks. For all that follow along, you're very much appreciated. With some news coming up, I think it's important for a thanks, and a reminder:

I fully support RollItUps TOS, and ask that everyone be mindful that non-advertisers, como yo, cannot have threads that discuss selling, trading, or gifting seeds.

Anyone with related questions can get my offsite e-mail by sending a PM. Much thanks, and pop a seed for Valentine's Day.

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