God I Love California


Well-Known Member
haha that's the beautiful thing about it. companies wont dare touch that market as fear of the mass Christians and conservatives would dislike it. And we all know their power in this country. Damn All =)


Well-Known Member
yeah i love it here! when ever i go stay with friends in other states i get extremely home sick. one time I even kissed the dirt when i crossed into California after being away for a long while. lol


Well-Known Member
it just got here a few days ago. 500 dollars for a 1 hour tour of the bay. you fly hella low and it's slow and quiet.



Well-Known Member
I love New Jersey !! not ...

Does anyone ever even say that? Everyone who lives in California love it ... Everyone who lives in Jersey wishes a nuclear bomb will hit and just finish it...
LMAO! That shit's just sig worthy. :lol:

I detest Dan Lungren. Fucking prick.


Well-Known Member
ah that's cheating. fuckin awesome. but cheating
i thought you made your own lol
now if i can get the info from you on where to buy said weird stampy thingies =)


Well-Known Member
What if you made your own and then made it into a ring like the king's ring? That'd be cool.

And who added the "tittay swingan" tag? :lol: