Aussie Growers Thread

Don’t think I’ve encountered spider mites....what colour are they ?
I have not had an infestation since using sand of those prolific little black things that end up all through your buds and look like little specs of dirt.

yeah those little black cunts are gnatts. Mites are much smaller and found on the plants leaves sometimes in very large numbers (hundreds or Even thousands of mites per plant). If infestations are bad enough they can make what appears to me spider webs on the buds which is really fucking annoying
I'll remember that for next year. My growing "partner" who is stuck in his way of doing things (since the fucking 70's I might add) decided to hit it with a overzealous blast of pyrethium and ever since the foliage has been displaying symptoms that are becoming tough to diagnose. It's one of three things; a response to the use of pesticides, a mobile/immobile nutrient deficiency or simply just over-watering/feeding.

Because he thinks he knows everything and won't be schooled on anything he goes and does shit without informing me such as feeding/watering them the day after I've already done them (without telling me what he's added to water or if it's just straight unadulterated water), spraying them with God knows what etc etc. You guys get the picture. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else, but fuck me swinging, there's absolutely no room for improvement or suggestions with this guy. He just thinks "well I've been getting results for 40+ years so I don't need to improve on shit".

Rant over.
I’d tell him to get fucked, but that’s just me. If a 75 year old bloke who’s been growing since his teens can listen and improve His skills anybody can and I don’t have time for hand holding anybody who thinks otherwise.
Don’t be tempted to buy the Hydrofarm one cuz they’re cheaper, they have heaps of quality issues, and you’ll find that if you search reviews. Wiring comes apart on the sensor and batteries stop charging. Common faults. I had one, lasted a week and luckily got a full refund.

Apogee are best quality for price, the MQ 500 is good and can be found for $1,000 - $1,500. You can get a wand for them too.

can also just buy a sensor and wire it to any decent multimeter
yeah those little black cunts are gnatts. Mites are much smaller and found on the plants leaves sometimes in very large numbers (hundreds or Even thousands of mites per plant). If infestations are bad enough they can make what appears to me spider webs on the buds which is really fucking annoying
Well those cunts get sorted real good with the sand gnats; not seen one since using it.
Do we get spider mites in Aus? Never encountered them and the sound of what you guys say never want to....
Ladies & gentlemen

Thanks for your indulgence of me on a Friday night when I choose to have a single, weak, tobacco-chocked spliff & dissolve myself into music:

I find myself in a state of rage right now, which just isn't "ME" & doesn't feel "right".

I promise not to take this out on anyone.
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Ladies & gentlemen

Thanks for your indulgence of me on a Friday night when I choose to have a single, weak, tobacco-chocked spliff & dissolve myself into music:

I find myself in a state of rage right now, which just isn't "ME" & doesn't feel "right".

I promise not to take this out on anyone.
Very psychedelic. Going into my lsd playlist
Nothing worse; good luck with it mate...the oil magnifies the sun and burns your leaves that would be the main problem I would say; if you want a natural way to control them with less chance to burn your can plant marigolds around your dope plants and use a liquid mixture of chilli; water; dishwashing liquid and olive oil in a blender. Use it as a spray like you would you “neem” oil you guys spoke of; works a treat....
Just don’t get it in your eyes

Don't lie, what you just provided me with was actually a recipe for a weapon's grade bio-agent, wasn't it!?!? Or perhaps military spec. pepper spray? Ha ha ha! That sounds like the recipe for complete genocide for whatever creatures might otherwise be thriving beneath the surface. I wouldn't expect anything to survive that shit. It'd be straight Nagasaki/Hiroshima styles where the only thing left behind is said creature's shadow!
I'll remember that for next year. My growing "partner" who is stuck in his way of doing things (since the fucking 70's I might add) decided to hit it with a overzealous blast of pyrethium and ever since the foliage has been displaying symptoms that are becoming tough to diagnose. It's one of three things; a response to the use of pesticides, a mobile/immobile nutrient deficiency or simply just over-watering/feeding.

Because he thinks he knows everything and won't be schooled on anything he goes and does shit without informing me such as feeding/watering them the day after I've already done them (without telling me what he's added to water or if it's just straight unadulterated water), spraying them with God knows what etc etc. You guys get the picture. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to do this with anybody else, but fuck me swinging, there's absolutely no room for improvement or suggestions with this guy. He just thinks "well I've been getting results for 40+ years so I don't need to improve on shit".

Rant over.
no matter what ur spraying its best its done at sundown or lights out. Its also the best time to water.