Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Went to the local grocery store that serves a large area about 10AM on a saturday to see if there was a panic, none, and few people there so I went in and bought some stuff to stock up. I live in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada and there was toilet paper on the shelves though the supply was ravaged a bit. The staff told me the shelves were cleaned of it last night when folks got off work and picked up their orders on fridays, people are buying extra so they go out less often is what I figure, me too. They stocked the shelves this morning thought the situation there this afternoon might be a bit chaotic. There is no hand sanitizer to be had, but I've got the ingredients to make over 2 gallons of WHO approved hand sanitizer using instructions from a youtube video.

I noticed that there was lots of -40 windshield washer which also has a bit of detergent and water in it, I'll bet that could be used as sanitizer in a jamb, straight out of the car if required! I'll have to see what the alcohol content would be, says it's good to -40 C so there should be lots of methyl alcohol in it, google time.
you can find Purell in Vitamin Shoppe and higher end type establishments..don't go to WalMarrt like'll pay more but it'll be there.

panic and hoarding set in when people feel a loss of control..who do you think would make them feel that way..out of control?

we have a toddler president and if you put choices drawn in big blocks, my dog would have made better.


Punxsutawney Phil where are you when we need you?
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Well-Known Member
One of my absolute favourite places to visit in all of Canada. Absolutely beautiful. I try to get out there for a couple weeks every few years. When I lived in Ontario I'd just drive out. Since I've lived out west (AB and now BC), I've flown to and drove from Halifax.

On point: Good to see that it's not a complete fiasco out on your coast. In my area out here on the west coast, I'm seeing the same thing... very little stupid panic buying. I am however outside of a major population area.
One of my absolute favourite places to visit in all of Canada. Absolutely beautiful. I try to get out there for a couple weeks every few years. When I lived in Ontario I'd just drive out. Since I've lived out west (AB and now BC), I've flown to and drove from Halifax.

On point: Good to see that it's not a complete fiasco out on your coast. In my area out here on the west coast, I'm seeing the same thing... very little stupid panic buying. I am however outside of a major population area.
that's because you have normal leadership who put it's people first.


Well-Known Member
I don’t like the guy. I think he’s a clown and a worthless excuse for a president. I always thought a businessman as president would be a good thing. I just pictured The US picking a successful one. Silly me
now you know..but he's not really a business man- he's a charlatan who got a lot of people with feelings of being marginalized by their government to vote him..a people who don't think rule of law pertains to's these same type of people we must have rule of law to protect us against for they are the ones who would work us to death for minimal wages and no benefits because:

rkymtnman said:
just b/c somebody can't afford something also doesnt' mean they deserve something. that's where you Bernouts fail.
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Well-Known Member
Facts...........are fluid.
You kids sure like to jump to conclusions and then run your mouths endlessly.
Anyone not mindlessly spewing the same racist rhetoric is considered a trump supporter.........then called a racist.
The facts have absolutely nothing to do with your feelings and you all feel salty as Fuck and just don't know how to cope.

I guess you managing to call me dumb instead of racist is a step in the right direction...........kudos.
My dumbass quoted the wrong post.......must have been my inherent racism.
What in the straw man sling blade fuck all is this?


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Well-Known Member
just b/c somebody can't afford something also doesnt' mean they deserve something. that's where you Bernouts fail.
who are you blaming now for your un or underemployment? do you really think free college would help your life plan at this moment? i'm 50 and i've never been fired from a job, ever. can you say the same?


Well-Known Member
Don’t they write everything for him? All he has to do is read. They make it as simple as possible for him

His vocabulary includes “pussy” so he technically has one.
he's the toddler much do you think he can read? he likes pussy and like a toddler he grabs onto them without asking- Mary Ann Trump was one reaaaaaaaaaal collllllllld bitch.

baby donald never had a chance with a mom like that.
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