How much income are you losing to the covid-19 pandemic?

I’ve lost £0 and will lose £0 as I get full sick pay from my employer at full rate, so the equivalent of my exact wages I would earn if I was not off. I took 3 months off last year after a bad car crash where unfortunately i quite badly injured myself.. was in hospital for a while, the NHS couldn’t have done a better job if I asked, not only was I air lifted to hospital via helicopter but I didn’t pay a penny unlike USA where you have to pay thousands, UK health care is completely free for us. They contacted my next of kin on my behalf, my family informed my employer and I got full pay for the entire 3 months I was off. Couldn’t be more grateful to the company. If I get sick now from Corona Virus, I know I’ll get sick pay again, so I’m really not worried.

good luck to all those affected financially though! Wish you all the best of luck and I hope for those self employed you can secure additional funds from banks etc to help you get by during this difficult time.
Send us a photo of some fish n chips on a double decker bus outside Big Ben comrade
I feel it at the cleaners, but the laundromats were still crowded today. I guess people still need clean clothes

Dang I forgot you own a laundromat. You know last time I went to the laundromat, I thought I was going to have to get physical with the old lady owner lol.

I washed a couple loads of clothes there and figured I would save money and bring home my clothes to dry in my own dryer, well she stood in front of the door when I was trying to leave and was telling me since I wash there I have to dry there.,.....WTF? I told her no I'm going home to dry my clothes and she better move out of my way. It was a weird awkward situation. She was mad as hell at me and told me to never come back
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My work is mainly around public events (music, dance, theater, public speaking), and pretty much everything is canceled. I still have my base salary I'll make doing maintenance and paperwork (for now; fingers crossed -- I do have a contract), but none of the extra income (OT, extra gigs, equipment rentals, etc). So far this month, I'm losing around $1500-$2000 already, and likely the same next month as well due to cancellations.

Good, you're privileged anyways and it's about time it's put in check. Only reason you have OT, extra gigs, equipment rentals, etc is because you're a white male
My son works in the food industry and they can't keep up. Luckily he is in maintenance. The equipment is highly automated so not many people. Maybe 500. My daughter is a hospice nurse. No change. What little money I have isn't safe in the market. And not making money in interest. This could be a long time to uptick. Business loans at a record level as is personal loans. Not good. And dotard is going for 0% money. We are the leaders of the world......
My income is not affected but my savings have taken a massive hit, I've lost a fortune in the markets on paper.
Hi guys, I'm from Brazil, and the government here is hiding confirmed cases, so in a week we will become Italia 2.0, unfortunately. College classes were canceled just this week, and shops and football games are happening normally, not to mention the month of Carnival that just ended ...
Good luck. I am hoping things are not as bad as it seems in this vacuum of responsible leadership several of our countries are dealing with.

My income is not affected but my savings have taken a massive hit, I've lost a fortune in the markets on paper.
That sucks man, hopefully things rebound relatively quickly.
And I pulled all my money out of the market literally the day before the bottom fell out.
Is this a lie or is this really true? What led you to do this? Tell us everything that led up to your decision to pull. Please don't leave out any details.
Most of us lost in the neighborhood of 50k in our retirement accounts. We going to be working till death now..........
Is this a lie or is this really true? What led you to do this? Tell us everything that led up to your decision to pull. Please don't leave out any details.
Most of us lost in the neighborhood of 50k in our retirement accounts. We going to be working till death now..........

well, it's actually a i'm not sure how you can throw out a would have to depend on what you have.

the market is gambling.

Hi guys, I'm from Brazil, and the government here is hiding confirmed cases, so in a week we will become Italia 2.0, unfortunately. College classes were canceled just this week, and shops and football games are happening normally, not to mention the month of Carnival that just ended ...
Be safe brother & I wish you the best :)
Is this a lie or is this really true? What led you to do this? Tell us everything that led up to your decision to pull. Please don't leave out any details.
Most of us lost in the neighborhood of 50k in our retirement accounts. We going to be working till death now..........
Big part of it was luck. I seen the market was at an all time high. Bull runs cant last forever and running for over a decade is a long time. I seen words like "pandemic" and "quarantine" in the news and online. Seen what was happening in China. My gut told me it was time. I figured even if nothing bad happened to the economy, the most is could miss out on was a couple percent gain. I transferred my entire 401 from a blended stock investment over to money market which is basically like a savings account. Im actually making a few bucks a week on it LOL. As for those of you who "lost a shitload" all I can say is eventually the market will bounce back, might take a while though. However when it hits rock bottom and I buy in, I will likely double or triple my money....... Housing market will likely crash again as well, might pick up a couple investment properties when it does.