Pandemic 2020

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I just sold a 38 special. I'll buy a shotgun...maybe.
I'm assuming the 38 was a revolver, so no loss there, but fuck the shotgun unless your shooting through doors.
Get a .40 cal S&W/Glock with two15 round magazines, it's much more effective.
8 rounds in a 12 gauge ain't gonna be enough for true crowd control.
It will make a good TV ad for Bloomberg's boys to run against trump for Joe, all the anti Trump election ads will need to be redone, most new ones will feature his handling of the pandemic.

Now is not the time to upset the dear leader however, not until he signs a few more pieces of paper and folks get a chance to adjust to the new reality, Nancy will know the best time and the democratic leadership know her opinion and respect it bigly. Donald will pay dearly for this fiasco, at a time of Nancy's choosing and she is real good at picking the right time for maximum effect in november.
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How about a DIY hand cleaning station MOD using a modified non contact infrared thermometer, (turn the display around & mod the on button) have it give you your temperature while you sanitize your hands, the station could also have signs that inform, that many people who don't have a fever are infectious too. People might wanna sanitize and check their own temps while getting vital information.
On the Political Right, Anger and Suspicion Over Virus Precautions
An Illinois mayor’s emergency decree drew fury from some who view coronavirus preparedness as politically motivated “hysteria.”

In Kendall, Fla., the megachurch pastor Guillermo Maldonado, another Trump religious adviser, derided members of his flock who stayed “home in a cave afraid of the virus,” according to The Herald, saying, “If we die, we die for Christ.”
So, the Trump administration is considering sending a $1,000 cheque to Americans.

Isn't that socialistic behaviour, giving out welfare like that?

Where are the Trump supporters and other ardent Republicans screaming about this absolutely despicable act? They're going to take the money quietly, then keep complaining about socialism.

In Kendall, Fla., the megachurch pastor Guillermo Maldonado, another Trump religious adviser, derided members of his flock who stayed “home in a cave afraid of the virus,” according to The Herald, saying, “If we die, we die for Christ.”

If you're advising the public to ignore even the most basic preventative measures because it's ok to be dying for some false deity that was created for control and financial gain, why not just put a gun to your head, pull the trigger and get closer to the "lord" more quickly?
More irrational than toilet paper and about as useful, a bug is far more likely to do ya than a bullet. It takes extreme conditions for social order to break down, even if America has a worst case scenario with this virus it wouldn't be nearly enough. Armed people need to be organized and trained to be effective, they also need a purpose and a plan. Life will go on, people and society will adapt to the new reality, it's just difficult until we do. It's one of the classic Buddhist 3 kinds of suffering, that of change, the other two are that of pain and the last is that of conditionality (needing conditions to be just right etc to be happy).
Not really, this only took 24hrs.....
Only about 2% of the cops are gonna die Jimmy, probably less cause they tend to be in better shape, though there are many exceptions! So it ain't the zombie apocalypse, though it seems that way to some because the bars and liquor stores are closed.:D Hey, running out of rolling papers is a major emergency for many here, lest anybody feel too cocky!
Police response times are abysmal on a good day and will be non-existent in a will die waiting on the police.
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