Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
A lesson I learned a long time ago.
Don't buy cheap liquor & especially don't mix it with soda pop.
Guaranteed liquid death :)
Well, Canada just closed the border to the US, ya poor bastards are trapped in the nuthouse now! If Trump closed it we would have read about it in a tweet, before anybody else knew. Jimmy, you'll have to come as a refugee now, ya should have jumped in the car and made a run for civilization yesterday! :D
Canada, U.S. border temporarily closing to non-essential traffic to slow COVID-19

U.S. President Donald Trump says temporary restrictions could last 30 days

Canada and the United States have agreed to restrict non-essential travel across the border as both countries try to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus — but they insist key supplies will still flow between the two nations.

U.S. President Donald Trump first tweeted the news Wednesday morning. Soon afterward, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a news conference to announce that travellers will no longer be able to cross the border for recreational and tourism purposes.

"These measures will last in place as long as we feel they need to last," he told reporters from outside his home at Rideau Cottage, on the grounds of Rideau Hall in Ottawa, where he's in self-isolation.

"In both our countries, we're encouraging people to stay home. We're telling our citizens not to visit their neighbours if they don't absolutely have to."

Canadian citizens will be able to get home, although the government says travellers presenting symptoms won't be able to board flights.

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said that Canadians and Americans who cross the border every day to do essential work will not be affected.

"We know, for example, there are many border cities where citizens on one side of the border travel each day across that border to work in hospitals and to provide other essential services," he said. "We have to make sure those people can get to work."

Blair also said international students, workers on visas and temporary foreign workers will also be able to enter Canada, with the expectation that they'll respect the government's request to self-isolate for 14 days.

The Prime Minister's Office said it is still negotiating the start date and will be able to announce it "soon."

Trudeau said both sides agreed to preserve the supply chains which ensure that food, fuel and life-saving medicines reach people on both sides of the border.

"Supply chains, including trucking, will not be affected by this new measure," he said.

At his own press conference in Washington, Trump said the temporary restrictions, which he stressed were the result of a mutual decision, could last a month.

"I would say 30 days, and hopefully at the end of 30 days we'll be in great shape," he said.

"I think essential is medical, we have military working together, we have industry working together, and again it's not affecting trade, so things like that. But just leisurely — let's go to a restaurant to have dinner, which a lot of people do, they come both ways, they go on both directions, that kind of thing we have ended on a temporary basis."

Restricting travel in Canada on the table: Trudeau
When asked if he's considering limiting travel within Canada, Trudeau said his government is "looking at all options."

"We will continue to look at measures as they become necessary," he said, adding that invoking the Emergencies Act would be a "significant step."

"Not one that we feel we need today, but not one we are closing the door to in the future if necessary."
The Emergencies Act allows the federal government to declare a public welfare emergency and empowers it to
prohibit travel, requisition and use property, order qualified people to provide essential services and regulate the distribution of goods.

Ottawa has to consult with the provinces before triggering it and seek parliamentary approval within seven sitting days.
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Well-Known Member

We good now? Can we all calm down?
So I guess you're self isolating and taking care that the older folks in your life are safe? I hope you changed your mind about this, your great leader Trump sure looked like a fool yesterday when he had to eat crow on TV. Hannity was eating some crow too I hear. Time for an update Cleetus, the trump flu is coming to a town near you. Wash your hands and don't pick your nose, you've been doing it forever, but ya gotta stop now. It's gonna go through the red states like shit through a goose, the more that they don't like no big guberment tell'em what to do, the more will die, it will be like Hell in the south. I guess yer gonna miss them rallies, Donald does.


Well-Known Member
Well, the Canada just closed the border to the US, ya poor bastards are trapped in the nuthouse now! If Trump closed it we would have read about it in a tweet, before anybody else knew. Jimmy, you'll have to come as a refugee now, ya should have jumped in the car and made a run for civilization yesterday! :D
Canada, U.S. border temporarily closing to non-essential traffic to slow COVID-19

U.S. President Donald Trump says temporary restrictions could last 30 days

Canada and the United States have agreed to restrict non-essential travel across the border as both countries try to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus — but they insist key supplies will still flow between the two nations.

U.S. President Donald Trump first tweeted the news Wednesday morning. Soon afterward, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a news conference to announce that travellers will no longer be able to cross the border for recreational and tourism purposes.

"These measures will last in place as long as we feel they need to last," he told reporters from outside his home at Rideau Cottage, on the grounds of Rideau Hall in Ottawa, where he's in self-isolation.

"In both our countries, we're encouraging people to stay home. We're telling our citizens not to visit their neighbours if they don't absolutely have to."

Canadian citizens will be able to get home, although the government says travellers presenting symptoms won't be able to board flights.

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said that Canadians and Americans who cross the border every day to do essential work will not be affected.

"We know, for example, there are many border cities where citizens on one side of the border travel each day across that border to work in hospitals and to provide other essential services," he said. "We have to make sure those people can get to work."

Blair also said international students, workers on visas and temporary foreign workers will also be able to enter Canada, with the expectation that they'll respect the government's request to self-isolate for 14 days.

The Prime Minister's Office said it is still negotiating the start date and will be able to announce it "soon."

Trudeau said both sides agreed to preserve the supply chains which ensure that food, fuel and life-saving medicines reach people on both sides of the border.

"Supply chains, including trucking, will not be affected by this new measure," he said.

At his own press conference in Washington, Trump said the temporary restrictions, which he stressed were the result of a mutual decision, could last a month.

"I would say 30 days, and hopefully at the end of 30 days we'll be in great shape," he said.

"I think essential is medical, we have military working together, we have industry working together, and again it's not affecting trade, so things like that. But just leisurely — let's go to a restaurant to have dinner, which a lot of people do, they come both ways, they go on both directions, that kind of thing we have ended on a temporary basis."

Restricting travel in Canada on the table: Trudeau
When asked if he's considering limiting travel within Canada, Trudeau said his government is "looking at all options."

"We will continue to look at measures as they become necessary," he said, adding that invoking the Emergencies Act would be a "significant step."

"Not one that we feel we need today, but not one we are closing the door to in the future if necessary."

What do they do again? :p


Well-Known Member
Ordered in more groceries, then went to buy ammo and another gun.

I'm of the opinion this is going to get very ugly. I'm not the only one either. The only 45 ACP they had left was hollow point tracers.


Well-Known Member
People are concerned now because of a couple of things, obviously the coronavirus, but also the disruption of their lives and incomes. People need to eat everyday and they need to pay their bills (credit scores will probably be frozen) including rent or mortgage payments. Older people are most concerned about public health and younger ones about the disruption of incomes and lifestyles. The beginning of change is always the hardest, but we will adapt in a short time to the new reality and it won't seem so bad. People adapted to the blitz in London during WWII and so will we, we have TV, radio and of course the internet, endless entertainment and stupidity!

If the government wants people to stay home they will need to pay them to do it, all the people too, not just some. Hunger will drive you out your door in search of food, it always does, so Uncle Sam had better come through with some cash soon. We are doing it in Canada the government is gonna pay people to stay home, though I'm not sure how much we will have to shut the economy down here. Here in NS it appears contained in clusters, but there is community spread, I think the government wants to push the "reset" button on this pandemic for at least a month or two, while they prepare better, organise and then try to regulate the spread while protecting the vulnerable, we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Maple syrup, poutine, good whiskey and ice hockey. That's all one needs :D

In all fairness, my wife is a dual-citizen, and I have family in both countries (Texas and Cali), so we're seeing both the Canada and USA sides of this fiasco. I feel one hell of a lot safer up north than I would down south though.
Having about 1/10 our population spread out in this situation helps.


Well-Known Member
Having about 1/10 our population spread out in this situation helps.
I believe about 70% of the Canadian population (google me if I'm wrong) lives within 100 miles of the US border and like the US, most live in cities. I live several hundred miles from the border on an island at the end of the world. Like America there ain't much between the cities and up north there's nothing but trees, further still it tundra.
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