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Well-Known Member

What's y'alls stance on guns? I've notice most on here are left leaning to extreme left, which means most of you think of healthcare as a right to be paid or subsidized by the government. Well, arms are an actual Right, so where is my free government provided bazooka?


Ursus marijanus
Just because it shoots bullets doesn't mean everyone should be allowed to own one.
That's why nobody is talking about full auto.
It's just a bad idea... :dunce:
The Second Amendment says otherwise.
This is the bone in the craw of “communitarians” everywhere.

The Second Amendment is the sole guarantor of the First Amendment, and anyone (y’all know whom I mean) who says otherwise is promulgating a sinister agenda.
Buncha fake pluralists
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 4509470

What's y'alls stance on guns? I've notice most on here are left leaning to extreme left, which means most of you think of healthcare as a right to be paid or subsidized by the government. Well, arms are an actual Right, so where is my free government provided bazooka?
My stance is that you’re 43 times more likely to kill yourself or family than to defend yourself with those


Well-Known Member
The Second Amendment says otherwise.
This is the bone in the care of “communitarians” everywhere.

The Second Amendment is the sole guarantor of the First Amendment, and anyone (y’all know whom I mean) who says otherwise is promulgating a sinister agenda.
Buncha fake pluralists
Since when did you become retarded


Ursus marijanus
No thanks schuylaar
Then your opinion continues to have negative value.

Since your fall from grace you have striven to support your tripe by sheer volume.

Even NV so the fact remains that the Second us the only credible guardian of the First.

Which makes me wonder why you oppose free speech.


Well-Known Member
Then your opinion continues to have negative value.

Since your fall from grace you have striven to support your tripe by sheer volume.

Even NV so the fact remains that the Second us the only credible guardian of the First.

Which makes me wonder why you oppose free speech.

you’ve gone full on crackhead ever since you decided to defend racist shitheads

the stat is real, the fall from reason is yours


Ursus marijanus

you’ve gone full on crackhead ever since you decided to defend racist shitheads

the stat is real, the fall from reason is yours
Compare my credibility with yours, and weep.

If the stat were real you’d provide a link to a non- interested source. You didn’t.

You despise civil gun ownership, just like all the other National Socialists whose lying tactics you embrace.


Well-Known Member
Then your opinion continues to have negative value.

Since your fall from grace you have striven to support your tripe by sheer volume.

Even NV so the fact remains that the Second us the only credible guardian of the First.

Which makes me wonder why you oppose free speech.
I like the way you plink.


Well-Known Member
The Second Amendment says otherwise.
This is the bone in the craw of “communitarians” everywhere.

The Second Amendment is the sole guarantor of the First Amendment, and anyone (y’all know whom I mean) who says otherwise is promulgating a sinister agenda.
Buncha fake pluralists
The "not abridged" part is all gun nuts want to talk about. "Well regulated" is the part where we could do better.


Ursus marijanus
I like the way you plink.
I am not sure that is an endorsement, if you’ll forgive me.

I am just sick and tired of the idiots who maintain (without the support of the numbers, unless they’ve hairdressed them) that the police are adequate to the task.


Well-Known Member
Compare my credibility with yours, and weep.

If the stat were real you’d provide a link to a non- interested source. You didn’t.

You despise civil gun ownership, just like all the other National Socialists whose lying tactics you embrace.
The stat is real

you defended a racist birther conspiracy theorist

your credibility is zero


Well-Known Member
I've always owned guns. And when a candidate starts talking about wanting to take my AR15, they lose my vote instantly. I have no problem if they want to shut down gun shows, just don't fuck with my rights.
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