Help. New grower


Active Member
Oh ok yeah wasnt sure prob just the camera glare ...
I sure hope so. I am taking the pics on my iPhone so they aren’t real clear. I have two other plants with it that are beautiful. Just don’t understand why this one is yellowing like that. I have a beautiful strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
I thing those other guys had it right its nute burn...dial back your food a bit and you should be fine I have experienced the same thing and not to worry this is common ...


Active Member
I thing those other guys had it right its nute burn...dial back your food a bit and you should be fine I have experienced the same thing and not to worry this is common ...
That eases my worries. Thank u again. This pineapple is such a weird plant. I don’t know if it is something I’ve done wrong or not. It’s leaves are kinda dry and the bugs feel a little dry to me.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I didn’t even notice it until I just looked at the cropped photo I posted, but your plant also looks like it is covered in powdery mildew.


Well-Known Member
I’d get a jewelers loupe and take a close look at those leaves. It looks like it has mildew and/or bugs all over the leaves. Sorry :cry: