Pandemic 2020

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Has nothing to do with the Virus, but just finished my taxes & I owe the Feds $17 more in taxes after earnings on a combined income of around $70000 between my wife & myself. (not counting Pot sales :) )
Last year when I could deduct my wife's out of pocket expenses for being a teacher (eliminated) & my property taxes (eliminated), I got back money, but now this year I have to pay more.
I just hope Trump's Tax overhaul worked for someone, because it sure as shit didn't work for me.
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Well-Known Member
I was watching Morning Joe this morning and Joe was so pissed he was screaming at the camera over Trump not bothering to read a memo mentioned in the above video. That's called dereliction of duty BTW and I imagine millions of Americans were screaming at their TV's when they saw this story. Oversight into this fiasco is gonna be something to see, provided I live that long.


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Rush Limbaugh Claims Health Experts Are Hillary Clinton Allies Trying To Hurt Trump .... Just fucking die already

The conservative radio host spewed a conspiracy theory about coronavirus experts being more concerned with damaging the president than aiding public health.

Rush Limbaugh the Fat Ass on Tuesday suggested Dr. Anthony Fauci and other medical experts involved in the government response to the coronavirus pandemic are “Hillary Clinton sympathizers” with motives to damage President Donald Trump’s reelection efforts. He claimed their advice to shut down the economy aimed to fulfill this objective rather than to protect public health.

The conservative radio host, who has persistently disseminated dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories about the outbreak and initially labeled it nothing more than a “common cold,” admitted Tuesday that the virus that has claimed more than 12,000 lives and infected more than 396,000 people in the U.S. is “deadly” and “very serious.”

Still, he argued the push to maintain strict stay-at-home measures is an effort to stifle the economy to hurt Trump.

Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a leading voice on Trump’s coronavirus task force, has repeatedly urged more widespread lockdown measures to protect American lives. Even with the social distancing and mitigation efforts in place, the White House estimated 100,000 to 240,000 Americans will die of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

“It’s just, you know, we’ve got all of these Hillary Clinton sympathizers still in the medical expert team here. And we know that one thing has not changed, and that is these people’s desire, above everything else, to get rid of Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said, following a rant about Fauci.

He went on to propose the “elderly and the susceptible” stay home and “let the young and healthy out, let them get back to work,” ignoring the fact that authorities report a large portion of hospitalizations and severe illnesses from coronavirus are among younger people and that social distancing measures require mass participation to minimize deaths.

Limbaugh has previously claimed the outbreak was an exaggerated common cold (but also a Chinese “bioweapon”), that government health experts at the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are part of the “deep state,” and that the media are weaponizing the outbreak in an attempt to bring down Trump and capitalism.

In February, the president awarded his ultraconservative ally with the highest civilian honor given by a U.S. president, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Drop dead you puppet fuck .... Agonizing
it's fvcked up when an irrelevant republican tries to leverage an even more irrelevant democrat.


Well-Known Member
I was watching Morning Joe this morning and Joe was so pissed he was screaming at the camera over Trump not bothering to read a memo mentioned in the above video. That's called dereliction of duty BTW and I imagine millions of Americans were screaming at their TV's when they saw this story. Oversight into this fiasco is gonna be something to see, provided I live that long.
our Constitution was broken; it's over..for this political blogger that was the line in the sand..he's stealing from us and we'll never recover from him.

We need to be tested and he's holding back on them because he doesn't want the world to know we are more infected than China.

He's gotten rid of oversight and instituted a new press secretary to talk at us about Supreme Leader.
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Well-Known Member
PUTIN finished “PUTTING “ his Red Commie dick in orange baboons asshole to get some aid. President Piece of Shit disparages our allies and then looks to the kremlin for some handouts ..... which we all know means “ strings are attached “.

Trump has put the U.S.A. into a death spiral , that will never bring back the norm ..... He blasts the science , grabs power over relief efforts , steals orders and inventories , discounts American lives , self congratulates, let’s our own states haggle for scraps , creates false hopes , fudges important information, denies proof of preparation issues , inject his bloodsuckers into positions to control relief, has stake in pharmaceutical maker , plays petty political games , blames Obama for the millionth time , blocks Dr. Fauci and his expertise, bolsters his imbecilic base , ruins trade and the economy single handily.......

His continued alternative reality has cost thousands of lives in the last few months , his inept handling has made America the infected hotspot of the world much less than the laughing stock other countries view us as. He crippled us .... he brought America to its knees.
This dystopian future is now ......

Face the reality , as I have said before ..... Trump is the death of America .
and we handed him the keys..


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Trump says he didn't see adviser's memos warning about pandemic

When asked about January memos from trade adviser Peter Navarro warning of the impact of coronavirus, Trump claimed that he only heard about the information “maybe one, two days ago.”
Indvidual 1 is a functional illiterate. Trump can't read.jpeg Why Donny can't read.
Edit: Can you say "indictment", Donnie? I knew you could.
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Have a look at this priceless moment, with this guy all decked out in vitally needed hospital PPE for a little PR stunt that made him look like a murdering idiot, which he is. Joe takes him to task for this bullshit along with the republicans in Wisconsin a good rant!
Joe: Wisconsin Primary Was Reckless, Irresponsible To Public Health | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Wisconsin voters on Tuesday braved long lines and waits while defying the state's stay-at-home order to vote after two courts ruled that the primary election couldn't be postponed. State Democrats sought to delay the contest but failed. Aired on 4/8/2020.


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Drone Video of Mass Burial at New York's Hart Island Described as Showing Inmates Working Amid Virus Outbreak......

A drone video from The Hart Island Project, an advocacy group rallying for the public to visit the mass cemetery on New York’s Hart Island, was described as showing inmates burying bodies, en masse, on April 2, amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The video shows wooden coffins inside mass graves on the island, which has been used as New York’s public cemetery for decades. Inmates and a police bus can be seen in the video, as former inmate Vincent Mingalone narrated the footage, describing his time on the burial detail. Mingalone can be heard in the video saying he was serving six months at Rikers Island for disobeying a court order before his release on February 18.

In the video, Mingalone said the prison only enlisted the help of inmates to bury bodies on Thursdays, and the Thursday burials ranged from 11 to 24 bodies per trip. Melinda Hunt, the Hart Island Project board president, told reporters 23 bodies were buried on Thursday, April 2.

Mingalone said he would work on the truck unloading coffins and his job was to write the name of the deceased on the outside of the coffin and map the plot. He would then pass the body to three inmates, who would pass it to three inmates “inside the pit”, the burial location. Each coffin would be stacked three high, and they would “continue the process until the truck was empty.”

Once the coffins were placed in the grave, they would pack the coffins with sand and soil, and “we would leave the pit until next week’s burial.”

“I must say, we did take pride in what we did and we knew we were the only ones there for these people and you know, it’s just always intriguing that there’s so many stories, like we didn’t know this person, we didn’t see this person, they’re inside of a box. All we know is a name and date of death, but we always wondered if this person serve me coffee, was this person a janitor in a building, or what did this person do in life that they ultimately wound up here alone? We did the best we could with dignity and we handled the bodies carefully,” he said in the video.

According to reports, prisoners were offered $6 per hour to perform the burials and given personal protective equipment (PPE). The offer was made to those prisoners with convictions, and not to those awaiting trial, the report said. Mingalone can be heard in the video expressing concern about the lack of available workers, considering some New York prisons or jails are releasing prisoners amid the outbreak.

The Hart Island Project posted the footage and had shared similar footage in the past in an effort to encourage the public to visit the island, which in November became accessible parkland.

Hart told Storyful: “Hart Island is a beautiful location and the burials are conducted with respect. I do not think New Yorkers should fear Hart Island burials. The Parks Department will restore the landscape and it will be one of our most beloved parks.”

Wheres the drone video?


Well-Known Member
The republicans are gonna use the virus as a weapon on election day in red states, it will be a repeat of Wisconsin yesterday.
If Bloomberg wants to spend a billion, distribute a basic PPE package of gloves, and an N95 mask and to every registered democratic voter in the Red states this fall who wants or needs it. Make it a surprise though and don't give the GOP time to react, most of the democratic voters will be protected on election day and feel confident and safe enough to vote, the republicans won't be. Doctors use PPE to protect themselves and voters can use it too, the republicans will be looking to time an outbreak to peek during the election, Donald will make sure they do, provided he survives the summer. When the oversight of the covid19 fiasco begins, he might not, it will quickly lead to a second impeachment investigation and trial, the results might be different this time around.

Right now there is a tremendous shortage of PPE and all available should be reserved for medical staff, it won't be that way in a few months though, PPE will be plentiful, there's money to be made and I have faith in capitalism and greed.
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Well-Known Member
Republicans have no fucking morals anymore, worse than their predecessors, Dixiecrats.

Now we have a thugbrat for President.

Now showing all how totally fucking ignorant and incompetent trump is.

“Everything donald trump touches dies”


Well-Known Member
40%+ of the US population and a large majority of white males will still vote for Trump no matter what. Vote in November even if ya gotta wear a hooded bunny suit with an N95 respirator and gloves, like the GOP house speaker in Wisconsin, while telling everybody it was safe to vote in packed conditions.

ABC News: US intelligence warned of China's spreading contagion in November
Washington (CNN)US intelligence officials were warning as far back as late November that the novel coronavirus was spreading through China's Wuhan region and posing a threat to its people and daily life, according to ABC News.
The US military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) compiled a November intelligence report in which "analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources of the NCMI's report told ABC News.

Chaos rocks Trump White House on virus' most tragic day

The source told ABC News that the intelligence report was then briefed "multiple times" to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's Joint Staff and the White House.
Repeated briefings were held through December across the US government, including the National Security Council, culminating in a detailed outline of the threat in the President's Daily Brief in early January, according to ABC News, whose report cited four sources briefed on the matter.


Well-Known Member
I went to the local grocery store yesterday to get what I needed for the week ahead, and as I entered the store I noticed a sign stating that only one individual per family is allowed in & no more Mom's & kids were allowed.

Think about that, in the sense that if the grocery store becomes a contamination zone & has too be shut down, what the fuck do you do then?

Fucking frightening, right?


Well-Known Member
I went to the local grocery store yesterday to get what I needed for the week ahead, and as I entered the store I noticed a sign stating that only one individual per family is allowed in & no more Mom's & kids were allowed.

Think about that, in the sense that if the grocery store becomes a contamination zone & has too be shut down, what the fuck do you do then?

Fucking frightening, right?
They've got seniors hours in most places where the store opens an hour early for seniors only, we've got people wiping down shopping cart handles and signs all over the place, one door for in traffic and one for out traffic. There are spit shields up everywhere, but no too many masks around and I figure the grocery store employees should be first in line after the medical needs are taken care of, even the guys stocking the shelves at night need masks and gloves. Going early in the morning is usually the quiet time and afternoons are more crowded, I and most other folks are buying more when we're there and not going nearly as much.

I got my head down here as much as I can, there are cases on the island and a few in my community too. Studies indicate that less than 10% of the cases are detected so there's a few people running around spewing this bug, hopefully they are home locked down.


Well-Known Member
40%+ of the US population and a large majority of white males will still vote for Trump no matter what. Vote in November even if ya gotta wear a hooded bunny suit with an N95 respirator and gloves, like the GOP house speaker in Wisconsin, while telling everybody it was safe to vote in packed conditions.

ABC News: US intelligence warned of China's spreading contagion in November
Washington (CNN)US intelligence officials were warning as far back as late November that the novel coronavirus was spreading through China's Wuhan region and posing a threat to its people and daily life, according to ABC News.
The US military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) compiled a November intelligence report in which "analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources of the NCMI's report told ABC News.

Chaos rocks Trump White House on virus' most tragic day

The source told ABC News that the intelligence report was then briefed "multiple times" to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's Joint Staff and the White House.
Repeated briefings were held through December across the US government, including the National Security Council, culminating in a detailed outline of the threat in the President's Daily Brief in early January, according to ABC News, whose report cited four sources briefed on the matter.
Don't you understand ?
He was distracted by the "Great Democratic Hoax" & the Impeachment proceedings, otherwise he would have been right on top of the ball, and none of this would have ever happened.
It's all Obama's/Clinton's/Dem's/China's fault, he has nothing too do with it
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