Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems


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Ford announces closure of construction sector, with the exception of "critical industrial projects"
Premier Doug Ford announces closure of additional non-essential businesses in Ontario on Saturday at 11:59 p.m., all industrial construction to stop with the exception of “critical industrial projects” such as the building of hospitals.


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Ford announces closure of construction sector, with the exception of "critical industrial projects"
Premier Doug Ford announces closure of additional non-essential businesses in Ontario on Saturday at 11:59 p.m., all industrial construction to stop with the exception of “critical industrial projects” such as the building of hospitals.
Ford's "critical industrial projects" meaning "construction projects where friends and family of the Ford's have interest".


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Trump wants N95 mask exports to Canada halted, manufacturer says

Medical device manufacturer 3M says it is under pressure from the White House to stop exporting N95 masks it currently produces in the United States to other countries, including Canada.


Well-Known Member
Says the guy who has his manufacturing plant in the States ............. not great optics :(.
I don't like the asshole, but I agree, make the fucking stuff here, China has tons of equipment for sale to get the ball rolling, and lots of PPE too apparently. Donald just screwed 3M and every other medical supply company who sold to Canada, their biggest export market too. Jesus what a fucking moron, we will be over the worst of this before the Americans and will send them aid anyway, probably even masks. If Donald keeps this up America will suffer far more and for far longer than anybody else, they will have a catastrophic number of deaths and the effects on the economy will kill it, with a banking crises locking up the country like 2008, Donald is in charge this time. I'm thinking of growing potatoes myself and bartering like that fucking monkey Rob Roy to survive.


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Coronavirus: province releases 'stark' numbers around expected deaths

Public health officials have released stark projections about the COVID-19 pandemic, detailing the number of deaths we could expect in Ontario. Cynthia Mulligan with the disturbing numbers, and what experts say can be done to keep the numbers down.


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Fighting COVID-19: Supplies, testing and scams (Marketplace)

Marketplace looks into health claims on YouTube and Eventbrite about how to protect yourself from COVID-19. We ask an expert if you can really buy your way to a better immune system. We also hear from some home-care workers who are fighting for personal protective equipment. Plus, we investigate a controversial rapid blood test said to determine if you have the antibodies to fight off COVID-19. Why hasn’t Health Canada approved it?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I don't like the asshole, but I agree, make the fucking stuff here, China has tons of equipment for sale to get the ball rolling, and lots of PPE too apparently. Donald just screwed 3M and every other medical supply company who sold to Canada, their biggest export market too. Jesus what a fucking moron, we will be over the worst of this before the Americans and will send them aid anyway, probably even masks. If Donald keeps this up America will suffer far more and for far longer than anybody else, they will have a catastrophic number of deaths and the effects on the economy will kill it, with a banking crises locking up the country like 2008, Donald is in charge this time. I'm thinking of growing potatoes myself and bartering like that fucking monkey Rob Roy to survive.
I agree as well, make shit here. That’s the point of my post actually :(. He says make it here but why is his plant in the states? I’ll tell you why, cheaper labour and shipping costs.


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Is Trump's N95 mask grab really going to happen? | Power & Politics

The Trump administration is telling 3M, one of the world's leading manufacturers of life-saving protective equipment, that it must sell medical respirators and masks to the U.S. government before filling orders from other countries.


Well-Known Member
If this is what these two brothers are like in public, I can imagine what it's like in private. :D
Cuomo brothers go viral with amazing back-and-forth on air


Well-Known Member
Notice that they say that Alberta is supporting the oil industry, but that's about it, it's all the tory government is concerned about. From the right wing Financial Post too. As you can see the projected impacts on the economy are not nearly as dire as that of America, we have responsible government, it makes a difference here and in the blue states of America. Let's keep our fingers crossed and stay home, maybe we can help the Americans out of this mess after a bit, it will be good if we can, it would mean we beat it back enough to help others by helping ourselves first.
How bad is it? The state of the coronavirus-hit Canadian economy in numbers


Well-Known Member
It could be Chinese government propaganda, or it could just be a human interest story. I does show that there is no mask shortage in China, even though every government on the planet is buying in bulk from them.

Vlog: Canadian in China buys masks to send to Canada


Well-Known Member
I agree as well, make shit here. That’s the point of my post actually :(. He says make it here but why is his plant in the states? I’ll tell you why, cheaper labour and shipping costs.
He runs the family business and would move it to China if he could, he's an asshole no doubt, but he seems to get the idea of how dangerous this shit is and looks scared stiff. Boris in London going down hill fast at 55, has got a lot of people like him thinking twice about this shit were in. I'm seeing younger people than me get a real shit kicking even if they don't end up in the hospital. I'm keeping my head down until an effective treatment is rolled out and even then I'll be wearing a mask. I found another N95 mask in it's package in the workshop and I'm gonna use it myself, there's no shortages of PPE here and I figure one less in the hospital (me) would be helpful too.


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Ottawa working with Canadian companies to make 30,000 ventilators, says Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government is working with a number of Canadian companies to produce up to 30,000 ventilators.


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Coronavirus outbreak: Positive signs that Canada's COVID-19 curve is starting to plank

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says thousands of Canadian companies are pivoting their production lines to manufacture much-needed ventilators, along with personal protection equipment (PPE) for front line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mike Le Couteur reports on who's chipping in and how.

Plus, although more Canadians are being diagnosed with COVID-19, there are signs the country’s curve is flattening. Eric Sorensen explains.


Well-Known Member
One pandemic and all of a sudden...globalism, schmobalism.
At least it seems to be a legitimate effort, these things look like they will work and are a proven design from a reputable manufacturer. Too bad they never thought of it a couple of months ago, America ain't alone in having issues with this shit! We have a minority government however and the inquiry into our preparedness is gonna be fun. I'm a liberal, but I'm also a citizen first and inquiring minds will want to know, the only problem is the tories would have done worse.