Starting in 5 gal watering help

Hey pretty new to autoflowers, currently have 10 in a 2.5 x5 foot room... I feel like I don't water enough, I'm 8 days from sprout and every 36 hrs or so I come back and my soil is dry first three or so inches will be like dust, am I not watering enough? I only give maybe 4 fl oz of water when I do water


Well-Known Member
Pics help but i start mine in 5gal dont over water it should only be moist around the plant and as it grows you add more and more water it takes time to know how much is needed but youll learn


Well-Known Member
Don't have my humidifier set up ATM but you get the idea for my set up, everything look good for now though? Im worried I'm gonna be overcrowded
If you keep them in that space yes you will be in 5gal u figure about 2x2 per plant is good anything less is cramped


Well-Known Member
I soak the entire soil in my 3 gallon bags the day before I plant a germinated seed. Then i don't water for 7-10 days! Yes, just yesterday I watered my 8 day old seedlings for the FIRST time.

I do not soak the soil again until the girls are 3 weeks old. I tend to bottom feed (pour water into plastic tray and let pot soak it up) more than water from the top in the first 3 weeks.
I soak the entire soil in my 3 gallon bags the day before I plant a germinated seed. Then i don't water for 7-10 days! Yes, just yesterday I watered my 8 day old seedlings for the FIRST time.

I do not soak the soil again until the girls are 3 weeks old. I tend to bottom feed (pour water into plastic tray and let pot soak it up) more than water from the top in the first 3 weeks.
That's pretty much like I do as well. Initially soak your entire pot when you start to germinate your seeds. I germinate in wet paper towel. Plant the seed and water for the first time when the pot feels light again. Depending on your temps and pot size this could take up to 14 days. After that I just water smaller amounts around the plant for a few weeks before I start to fully soak the medium again.