Pandemic 2020

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Donald will kill your parents and grandparents, here's how he'll do it.
Trump Admin Ignoring Dire COVID-19 Situation In US Nursing Homes | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Andy Slavitt, former administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, talks with Rachel Maddow about the threat of COVID-19 to U.S. nursing homes and log term care facilities and what steps the federal government should be taking to protect this very vulnerable segment of American society. Aired on 04/10/2020
that's correctomundo! no testing; no bad optics..wonder where they're gonna bury the Florida dead or if they'll just leave them in their beds to stink and become infectious biohazard which the air handlers will carry because everything is sealed in with AC in Florida.

Trumpy* now lives there..Melania will complain of the stench and Trumpy* won't notice..such poetic justice!


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Nobody thought to stop the deliveries to shuttered businesses.

Perhaps everyone stole it form their employer before the shortage.

What are the Koch Brothers thinking??


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It's really amazing that a virus that started in Wuhan, China 6 months ago has already penetrated deep into the Amazon jungle.

How the fuck could that possibly happen?

Oh well, any day now me thinks the Virus will be knocking on my front door considering I'm living within 65 miles of the largest concentration of the virus on the Planet Earth in NYC

It's insane shit, but I feel a lot like the old woman in this episode of The Twilight Zone.

Facing Mortality, like literally knowing with a great degree of certainty that one of these days you will get infected & it will kill you (I'm a poster child for whom it kills), it is a weird feeling.
On one hand I just feel like saying fuck it, it's been long overdo, just get it done & finish me
But, on the other side of the coin it's my nature to say fuck you COVID-19, catch me if you can.
I don't know how it will turn out, but knowing my history with God, that entity will just keep me breathing long enough to torture me further :)'s a dreamless sleep or another dimension- I'm torn..physics tells us of multi dimensions; folds in there's that and there are EVPs..Schuylaar needs another whiteboard to finish her calculus..

Sir Napsalot

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Walmart CEO says:

"People are starting to need a haircut," McMillon said. "You see more beard trimmers and hair color and things like that. It's interesting to watch the dynamic play out."

I'm so happy he's engaged in watching the 'dynamic play out':finger:



Well-Known Member
Outsiders burn the first peoples' forests and expose them to killer illnesses, that’s how us over privileged white boys got here, works every time. Just sSouth America instead of North America
It is heartbreaking to think about what we did to this continent. That's why it is so important we warn everyone we can about how horrifying it is that they are doing the same mistakes we did in the name of progress.



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A healthcare worker could use that mask, I'm sure there are cartons of them in the WH gathering dust. I wonder if the secret service agents around the president are wearing masks? I figure they test them daily.
actually, some received from the Federal Stockpile which were dry-rotted..unsalvageable and thrown away.

Thanks, Trump*!


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Trump Reportedly Weighed Letting COVID-19 'Wash Over' U.S., But Was Warned Of Grim Toll ...... * How about that trumptards ?

President Donald Trump asked his top health adviser last month why officials couldn’t simply let COVID-19wash over the country,” infecting people, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

In his haste to jumpstart the economy, Trump posed a frightening scenario to Dr. Anthony Fauci during a task force meeting in the Situation Room. No COVID-19 countermeasures would be taken so that people would quickly become infected, with some recovering to create a protective herd immunity, sources told the newspaper.

“Why don’t we let this wash over the country?” ..... Trump asked, a question others told the Post the president has raised repeatedly in the Oval Office. Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, realized with surprise that Trump was serious, the Post reported.

“Mr. President,” Fauci responded, according to the Post. “Many people would die.”

Wants country to completely become infected just to get his agenda moving again. Time to Article 25 , this megalomaniac monster.
He would rather send you , your loved ones , our fellow Americans to their deaths . What kind of fucking president does that ?
When I said he brings DEATH , I wasn’t fucking kidding. He is a stupid , unfeeling menace. Same Herd mentality that his English counterpart BORIS tried to push and karma bit his fat Brit ass.

Trump’s public comments during that time also indicate he was considering such a scenario to get the economy moving again — despite the toll. He said repeatedly that the “cure cannot be worse than the problem itself,” implying that saving lives could be less important than saving the economy. He has claimed without evidence that more people would die from a weak economy than from a pandemic...... this your president you mindless followers... ALTERNATE FACTS.

Last month Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Fox News, a supportive sounding board for the the president’s policies, also raised the startling fringe notion that “lots of grandparents out there” are willing to take a chance against COVID-19 to save the economy. Patrick, 70, said he would put his own survival on the line for “keeping the America that all Americans love.”

Another populist leader, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, also early last month raised a “theory” about Britons “taking it on the chin, take it all in one go and allow the disease ... to move through the population.”

Johnson at that time didn’t think it was such a bad idea for Britons to attend mass sports events. This month Johnson landed in intensive care after testing positive for COVID-19. He’s no longer in intensive care but remains hospitalized, He deserved karma.

Johnson enacted social distancing guidelines later last month after an Imperial College report predicted a 250,000 death toll in Britain — and up to a 1.2 million tally in the U.S. — if strict social distancing and isolation measures weren’t taken.
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