Pandemic 2020

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Nicolle Wallace from MSNBC actually had the audacity to call the POTUS a "punk" after he Tweeted support for his miscreants around the country that are protesting the Stay at Home rules (Why are they all Red States?)

She should have kept on going and called a spade a spade (an old saying) and just continued to call him what he really is, which is simply a low life, lying, pos skunk, and that of all the people on this Planet Earth, that fucker deserve to get COVID-19 and die from it.
He, along with the rest of his lunatic supporters.
That would justice.

Six more months until he's fucking finished though, but it's just too bad about all the Death & Destruction that he leaves in his wake.
Please, NO MORE FUCKING REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweep the House & the Senate clean now, and once and for all get rid of those scourges that call themselves True Americans, when actually all they do is talk shit about making America great again, wave the Flag & enrich themselves all the while watching American's literally die as a result of their blind support of Trump & his policies.

Maybe this could be a positive result from the Virus, that finally the Republican Party is exposed as a fraud, a deadly fraud at that & finally, all of them, are voted out (at least until the next election :) )
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Well-Known Member
Now that is fucking nuts but here the government is trump. Many responsible people in government also think it’s nuts.
You are going to hate this as much as everyone else here. But the world's top food producers need to continue producing the world's food. At least, that's what the world needs. Those four countries are under lockdowns.
Who Produces The World's Food

But on the whole, China, the US, India and Russia contribute a major chunk to the world’s food basket.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Biden
I love the guy :)
Yea, he's an old stuttering fool sometimes, but I'll give him a break in November because I know he will actually surround himself with the best & the brightest from the Obama Administration, which is good enough for me
When he picks Warren for VP (he should) he will solidify the Progressives & Moderate Dems which will prove to be unstoppable in November.
Any port in a storm, as the saying goes, and I want Uncle Joe to be the Harbor Master come election time.


Well-Known Member
Food production is going to change and adapt and costs will rise. I’ve worked in several food plants and the proximity of workers to each other is inches on many lines. Wide.y ranging environmental conditions in all of them and tons of stainless steel which is trumpvirus friendly.

We may see food workers in hazmat gear.

Lots of meat and poultry plants where I am now and they are trying to find ways to cope. Lots of underpaid people that are now in immediate danger. Some are dying.


Well-Known Member
Conservatives should tear up their stimulus checks in protest against big government
All those Red States that refused to implement Stay @ Home rules shouldn't get a fucking dime of the bailout money.
Fuck 'em, they're so intent on keeping the Feds out of they're lives, good for them, go for it, live free & die.
I have no pity


Well-Known Member
But seriously folks, is that head kissing so creepy? I'm not a parent, but I am an observer and from my experience, every parent kisses their baby on the head. I think that is a loving, holdover gesture. Is it creepy when a mother does it to her 8 yr. old son? It was embarrassing to me, only when my mom did it in public and I shied away, but I knew what her meaning was and it was comforting, it meant she loved me.


Well-Known Member
As a former paratrooper, this is 8up. In fact, the first thing you do when your parachute is not sufficiently slowing rate of descent, and you'd know exactly 4 seconds after you jump, is to jettison that shit and pop your reserve.
Does that mean our current parachute "quarantine" is working? Or should we jettison it early?


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck, this made me laugh hard.
The sales of this "stuff in a can" has increased by over 50% in the last 4 weeks, making it one of the hottest stocks to buy in the market today, so fuck Apple, get in early & buy stock in the real moneymaker for the future of this World.


Man, when I was 16 living in a single parent household this was my go too remedy for the munchies & continued on until I figured out how to cook real food (until I was 30)
Take my advice, go for the Beef Ravioli, it's the best (Spagetti & Meatballs blows)


Well-Known Member
Conservatives should tear up their stimulus checks in protest against big government
It's only socialism to them when The People are given taxpayer-funded handouts. When politicians and corporations receive the same handouts, it's 'helping preserve capitalism against socialism... or communism... or terrorism... or something'.


Well-Known Member
Army Decides a Pandemic Is a Good Time to Give GOP Donors $569 Million to ‘Build the Wall’....

In the middle of a pandemic that has killed 27,000 Americans and counting, the Army this week gave a politically connected Montana firm half a billion dollars—not to manufacture ventilators or protective gear to fight the novel coronavirus, but to build 17 miles of President Trump’s southern border wall.

This Is fucking shameful to me ... an army vet.

On Tuesday, the Army Corps of Engineers announced it awarded BFBC, an affiliate of Barnard Construction, $569 million in contract modifications for building “17.17 miles” of the wall in two California locations, El Centro and San Diego. That works out to over $33 million per mile—steeply above the $20 million-per-mile averagethat the Trump administration is already doling out for the wall. Construction is supposed to be completed by the end of June 2021.

And it’s only the latest wall contract the firm has gotten. BFBC, a reliable contributor to Republican politicians, has gotten over $1 billion in taxpayer money in less than a year to build a mere 37 miles worth of wall. Scott Amey, the general counsel at the Project on Government Oversight, urged federal watchdogs to investigate the new BFBC contract.

“$1 billion for 37 miles of wall is a travesty and it must be investigated and audited immediately,” Amey said. “That’s nearly $27 million per mile, which is well above other wall costs. These efforts might make good on a campaign promise, but who is minding the store and ensuring that military readiness and bases are not negatively impacted?”

And three days before BFBC got its latest windfall, several House Democrats wrote to the departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security urging them to immediately stop wall construction.

“In a time when our communities face the prospect of rationing ventilators and other life-saving care, all of our government’s resources should be spent on building hospitals and medical equipment, and ensuring that the public is safe and healthcare workers have all of the resources they need to face this unprecedented crisis,” wrote Reps. Raul Grijalva, Bennie G. Thompson, Filemon Vela, and Ann Kirkpatrick on April 8. The legislators noted that the additional construction endangered “border residents, and the communities of construction workers.”

“There’s no decency factor when it comes to this wall,” Grijalva told The Daily Beast. “These are cronies of Trump, the financial base, they’re getting taken care of. Irrespective of the pandemic, the opposition to the wall, the environment, health, indigenous [concerns], all the court cases, this vanity wall proceeds at a rapid pace.”

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Well-Known Member
Even the First Moron Lady thought this would bring hope to those that are suffering ....

Melania Trump Tested People With A White House Puzzle. It Did Not Go Well.
Critics reminded the first lady of another kind of test that is urgently needed in the U.S. — one to detect the coronavirus. Ya think ?

Melania Trump on Friday tweeted a White House-themed word search she declared was “a great way to bond with your loved ones,” presumably as people spend more time together amid coronavirus lockdowns.

All from the worthless House of Trump ...

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