how to grow mushrooms the easy way

Can anyone tell me a really reliable place to get the syringes ? I know there are many types. Are any of them easier to grow, or produce better quality than others ? This would be my first time attempting this. I know sometimes it takes a 1/4 and others 2 caps and your ________________________________. lol

Oh, and whats the easiest way to start, a syringe, petri plate or foil print ?
Try premium They are more reliable than others I've tried. their website explains difficulty level. Shop here and forget the watered down clowns. good luck
Is there an expiration date on spore syringes ??I’m about to buy some but not quite ready should I wait until I am or buy them anyway
I haven't taken it that far man, idk what an exact ideal temp would be. I call the fridge good enough lol
Thanks man I’ll take your word for it. I’ve been putting seeds in my fridge for years now and they pop like they were freshly bought.So I’m going to guess the temperature in there is ideal