Random Jabber Jibber thread


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Seagull rips off man’s testicle as he sunbathes naked
3 Years Ago

A rogue seagull ripped off a man’s right testicle as he sunbathed naked in his back garden.

Experts say the fearsome bird mistook the man’s exposed privates as a couple of birds eggs and dropped in for a tasty snack.
As the man – who has not been named – dozed on his patio in his detached home near Ipswich, the seagull swooped from the sky, and with one bite of its beak ripped away the right testicle.

In gripping scenes that could have been written by a copywriter, he woke screaming in agony and saw the bird flying away with one of his ‘crown jewels’ wedged in its yellow beak.

His wife called an ambulance, and staff at Ipswich Hospital’s accident and emergency department had to patch him up, and give him a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

A hospital source said: “Nobody could quite believe it when the poor chap was brought in. There was a lot of blood and he was in agony, but he will feel better in a few weeks.

“The injury is not life-threatening, and tests have confirmed that his remaining testicle is still in working order, so he will be able to have children.”

A spokesman for research group Seagull Watch International confirmed that seagulls often feed on the eggs of small birds.
“Eggs are full of protein – it’s why we eat them, after all. Gulls will often steal other birds’ eggs, so it is unfortunate for this man that his private parts resembled a couple of eggs in a nest.

“It was no doubt a young adult gull that is still learning to be independent. “This is the first time we have heard of such an attack in the UK, and it is probably a one-off event, but just in case this particular seagull has now got a taste for ‘men’s eggs’, we would recommend putting some shorts on while sunbathing at home.”

Ipswich Hospital refused to name the seagull victim, or even pass on an interview request from the Suffolk Gazette.


Well-Known Member

Seagull rips off man’s testicle as he sunbathes naked
3 Years Ago

A rogue seagull ripped off a man’s right testicle as he sunbathed naked in his back garden.

Experts say the fearsome bird mistook the man’s exposed privates as a couple of birds eggs and dropped in for a tasty snack.
As the man – who has not been named – dozed on his patio in his detached home near Ipswich, the seagull swooped from the sky, and with one bite of its beak ripped away the right testicle.

In gripping scenes that could have been written by a copywriter, he woke screaming in agony and saw the bird flying away with one of his ‘crown jewels’ wedged in its yellow beak.

His wife called an ambulance, and staff at Ipswich Hospital’s accident and emergency department had to patch him up, and give him a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.

A hospital source said: “Nobody could quite believe it when the poor chap was brought in. There was a lot of blood and he was in agony, but he will feel better in a few weeks.

“The injury is not life-threatening, and tests have confirmed that his remaining testicle is still in working order, so he will be able to have children.”

A spokesman for research group Seagull Watch International confirmed that seagulls often feed on the eggs of small birds.
“Eggs are full of protein – it’s why we eat them, after all. Gulls will often steal other birds’ eggs, so it is unfortunate for this man that his private parts resembled a couple of eggs in a nest.

“It was no doubt a young adult gull that is still learning to be independent. “This is the first time we have heard of such an attack in the UK, and it is probably a one-off event, but just in case this particular seagull has now got a taste for ‘men’s eggs’, we would recommend putting some shorts on while sunbathing at home.”

Ipswich Hospital refused to name the seagull victim, or even pass on an interview request from the Suffolk Gazette.
Just call him lefty.


Well-Known Member
Daytime temps here are dropping 20 degrees for a week or so -- with rain. (from low 80s to low 60s)

Our tomatoes will love the water -- but they also like warmth and sunshine.

Damn it. :???:
Got my kid all excited about growing a garden and visiting the local community one. Planted trays a week too early. He's turning them and I'm watering. His mom is fuming. Glad for the extra led panels. Even I look bright under them. Peace and peas.


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing ads for cannabis nebulizers. Do you have someone in CA that could pick on up for you?

From what I can find it’s only in Washington state. :-(
I talked to my pharmacist, I love those guys and I speak the language. He’s going to try to figure something out.
In the meantime I’m using the tincture and chasing it with chocolate milk. Also eating the truclear. Heading down to get some banana kush and dogwalker to see how those go.
I’ve been on the phone constantly with insurance bullshit and dr bullshit. Finally got an appointment on the 26th. Freaking televisit but I’ve got to go in there to do paperwork? smh
Rheumatologist working on the lungs. I’m not needing oxygen around the house but I’ll take it today to the dispensary.
Vaped once and I cannot begin to tell you how terrible it felt. I even put a cigarette filter in it.
The mrs is surrounded by jars of weed and the snow temple, agent orange and sour diesel are about to start turning. smh
I’ll be your huckleberry. Be careful of your lungs my friends. This ain’t cool. I actually made out a will and all that shit.
Anyway, since I can actually breathe I’m hopeful this too shall pass:eyesmoke: