Underground sea container grow room!

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Yeah dont worry know ones gunna notice a giant backhoe or dumptruck and the 20 ft tall pile of dirt. I mean the giant crane aint gunna be a problem, just like put a sign up that reads, Caution: DANGER FOR THOSE WHO EAT DONUTS AND DRINK COFFEE BEYOND THIS POINT. p.s. nothing suspicious is going on here.Your good to go


Well-Known Member
Containers are $1500 for grade A containers in my area (I live near a major port, hauling it would prob cost just as much). Of course it would be difficult to make a generator grow pay for itself. Unless you have a natural gas generator and free natural gas, uncle has all the free gas he can use and a old prison gen, he prob wouldn't go for it working for the gov and all. Rent a back hoe for a week ($2000 max). I would think land is the most expensive part of the equation.


Active Member
dude i had the same fuckin idea!!! my grandpa has his own digging company and imma have him bury next to my moms house and make a secret entrence and shit. its gonna be dope!!! and im pretty sure that one of those contaners could easly support the dirt above it. you just gotta make sure its water tight b4 u bury it. unless you want an underground pool.haha


Well-Known Member
I looked at the container houses the other night, now that I may really have to do. I'm thinkin I could get pretty creative with a 12 box house. I guess if you do that you my as well have one under the other ones with a trap door.


New Member
a special stair well could be designed to hook up to stacks of containers and make it easy to use them like apartments, though you would have to figure out a way to slide them in and out if you where going to be able to move them

Scalded Dog

Well-Known Member
Man you don't know how easy it would be to bury one of those
I have thought of the same thing with the shed as a cover to the entry
dirt is not a prob.
Most backhoe operators have a dump truck to haul off any excess dirt from a job...
The prob is finding one you can trust to keep his mouth shut about it.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i guess anyone who is serious about this would of allready figured they will need to lay a concrete slab when they bury these containers , otherwise the container will end up moving all over the place in time ....theres lots of movement underground