Hazeman Seeds

hazeman seeds grape bubba or grape 13 or strawberry cough what is more stinky more couchlock ?
Running the SC now and it's supposed to be a sativa so I doubt you'll get any couchlock from it. Smells aren't very stinky on the 4 fems in flower right now after 2-4 weeks and I would guess it's not a very loud strain at this point.
Everything listed here is on my "list" as well... I've ran multiple hazeman strains (sour grapes x bright moments, grape stomper x headband, cherry pie, cherry pie x hindu, madness... currently running headchez and super strawberry diesel) and all are legit. If you're questioning whether or not to try hazeman, I think most in here would agree that you should give it a go. He's been in the game for a long time, just doesn't care for the limelight from what I've gauged. For his prices what's holding you back?

So how’s the Super Strawberry Diesel? I was looking at that one and very tempted but there’s very little info available about it. From what I’ve found it SCxDiesel x SC. So my main issue is there enough of the fueliness to it to get it over the the regular Strawberry Cough.

Anything you can say about it good or bad would be tremendously helpful.
So how’s the Super Strawberry Diesel? I was looking at that one and very tempted but there’s very little info available about it. From what I’ve found it SCxDiesel x SC. So my main issue is there enough of the fueliness to it to get it over the the regular Strawberry Cough.

Anything you can say about it good or bad would be tremendously helpful.
Just finished a week ago... pheno I have smells wonderful (sweet and gassy). Unfortunately won't be keeping this one as the buds are pretty fluffy. Will definitely pop some more at some point. All 3 seeds popped were fast vegging plants and all had a nice sweet stem rub. Pulled 2 males though...
I found a great pheno in his grape bubba. A nice heavy hitting indica.View attachment 4473935

@thenotsoesoteric I'm reluctant to say-very nice specimen bro, just messing...
But on a real note hoss she's a "Beaut". And meant to ask you this awhile back bud, but it's been touch and go lately; do you make mothers' first, whether just smaller or not, then clone before vegging-to-flower? I do this, as I found especially with unworked or questionable genetics that just generally speaking your females will flower with less chance of mid-late flower "nanners" forming, with an almost equavalent chance of their resilience. Though not to be substituted for "stress-testing" genetics one intends to sell and/or breed. Nevertheless, was curious to your views and experiences on this, from Indie's to pure equatorial-like Sativa's.

To not only @thenotsoesoteric but everyone else as well, I hope you and your families are hunkered down and staying safe given the sweeping SARS CoV-2/COVID-19 viral pandemic looming. It sucks to say the least and will ufortunately only get worse before there's a viable, tested, manufactured and then distributed nationwide vaccine; though virologists and epidemiologists among other experts with the CDC & W.H.O. who say there's a chance that CORVID-19 could act seasonal, as seasonal influenza A/B or the flu does, and if so giving the populations everywhere where whether and conditions permit a chance to breathe and recoup a bit with even talks of opening up the currently closed essential businesses/entities to regain some semblance of our normal lives-that being said I truly hope and pray for us all that this is or becomes seasonal. For now though the only thing we can do is stay socially distant for awhile, though for those of us who are working for that mortgage, family, or cause your an essential worker please stay clean, utilize proper PPE (PersonalProtectiveEquipment) as in major metropolitan areas it may require more like Tyveks as well as face mask or better yet halfmask respirator with proper particulate cartridges and even eye protection, again if in really densely populated areas: furthermore THANK YOU too I believe is in order for those putting their safety and health on the line to help us all contain this in whatever way that is!
I'm sure y'all are all very aware at least of most if not all above info, but there's a silver-lining in all this: you get to have the chance to spend time you usually wouldn't have, due to work and other previous responsibilities, honing your botany skills to attain the desired results that @thenotsoesoteric has illustrateted time and time again especially with Hazeman's original genetics, which I can attest his genetics are quality for a fair price period, or his own equally "trich'd out" outcrosses of his own making.

@thenotsoesoteric I'm reluctant to say-very nice specimen bro, just messing...
But on a real note hoss she's a "Beaut". And meant to ask you this awhile back bud, but it's been touch and go lately; do you make mothers' first, whether just smaller or not, then clone before vegging-to-flower? I do this, as I found especially with unworked or questionable genetics that just generally speaking your females will flower with less chance of mid-late flower "nanners" forming, with an almost equavalent chance of their resilience. Though not to be substituted for "stress-testing" genetics one intends to sell and/or breed. Nevertheless, was curious to your views and experiences on this, from Indie's to pure equatorial-like Sativa's.

To not only @thenotsoesoteric but everyone else as well, I hope you and your families are hunkered down and staying safe given the sweeping SARS CoV-2/COVID-19 viral pandemic looming. It sucks to say the least and will ufortunately only get worse before there's a viable, tested, manufactured and then distributed nationwide vaccine; though virologists and epidemiologists among other experts with the CDC & W.H.O. who say there's a chance that CORVID-19 could act seasonal, as seasonal influenza A/B or the flu does, and if so giving the populations everywhere where whether and conditions permit a chance to breathe and recoup a bit with even talks of opening up the currently closed essential businesses/entities to regain some semblance of our normal lives-that being said I truly hope and pray for us all that this is or becomes seasonal. For now though the only thing we can do is stay socially distant for awhile, though for those of us who are working for that mortgage, family, or cause your an essential worker please stay clean, utilize proper PPE (PersonalProtectiveEquipment) as in major metropolitan areas it may require more like Tyveks as well as face mask or better yet halfmask respirator with proper particulate cartridges and even eye protection, again if in really densely populated areas: furthermore THANK YOU too I believe is in order for those putting their safety and health on the line to help us all contain this in whatever way that is!
I'm sure y'all are all very aware at least of most if not all above info, but there's a silver-lining in all this: you get to have the chance to spend time you usually wouldn't have, due to work and other previous responsibilities, honing your botany skills to attain the desired results that @thenotsoesoteric has illustrateted time and time again especially with Hazeman's original genetics, which I can attest his genetics are quality for a fair price period, or his own equally "trich'd out" outcrosses of his own making.

I typically cut clones in veg and then throw mom in flower vs keeping mother plants. The grape bubba has a tendency to flower out in veg if she is root bound or not happy. Long story but it is mention way back in this thread.

So far the g bubba has never had any intersex issues.
finally found my password after like 2 years ha
sd/dc^2, cheese bx1, purple haze freebie,
all growing vigorously but the cheese does not like to be fed much. cheese is the stinker of the 3.


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Has anyone tried Hazeman's Blueberry? Is it just DJ's or DPs? Or is it his own?

Strongly thinking of getting it being $50 for 12 seeds...that's a steal compared to other Blueberry prices

Also anyone try the Azure Haze x Blue Dream cross??

Definitely picking up Strawberry Cough and Super Strawberry Diesel...as well as the Chocolate Thai f4....but was wondering about these blueberry strains.

Also was interested in the Deep Chunk x sour diesel