Well-Known Member
The USA has 4.3% of the world's population, yet has almost 30% of the coronavirus deaths, kinda tells ya something, the numbers do speak rather loudly, they scream, 100,000 dead by June 1st.
People are mean to Donald and those who carry his water for a reason, I haven't even mentioned the resulting economic catastrophe unfolding as a consequence of his stupidity and dereliction of duty. Job one of the POTUS is to defend the nation by mustering and directing national resources in time of war and crises, to LEAD. Trump failed spectacularly at this basic function of government, defending the nation and continues to impede progress with incompetence and perceived self interest. THESE ARE FACTS
Firing the pandemic response team 14 months before worst pandemic in 100 years was a colossally bad choice. So was firing the US scientists embedded with the Chinese, mere months before this pandemic. Ignoring a dozen warnings from our National Security group over 4 months. Telling Americans that CoVid was no worse than the common flu. These aren’t political complaints. Simple facts. History.