A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it representative of a systemic problem of racism

The cop very well could be a racist, he's a douchebag either way.

The greater systemic problem precedes the racism though. It's a coercion based system, rather than a free market system.

The problem with cops is you're forced to pay them and they don't have any real competition, therefore no incentive to provide good service. I'll spare you the economics and free market lesson, for now.


Well-Known Member
I like your sentiment. Except they've never been "our police" or public servants, that's all a purposeful lie.

If you can't choose other kinds of security and you're forced to pay cops, even if you don't want any or all of their so called "services", it is impossible for them to be your servant.
I understand. Still, I like to think the government belongs to the people, and therefore the enforcers of our laws work for us. I still believe that most police officers are good people who really want to do the right thing to keep all people safe and secure. I know, I'm either naive or old fashioned. That said, until they start policing their own, in a way that is expected and regularly visible, we have no choice but to let them know who they work for through the only behavior they know: violence.


Well-Known Member
The solution is to NOT choke him to death. He’s supposed to be a trained professional

I felt the same way when I saw the post. I was like damn he’s not really serious.
And the other part thats missing - cops like that make everyone in public service unsafe. It makes the job 1000% harder.
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Well-Known Member
I dont like cops either. Their job inherently makes them unlikable. I honestly do not believe the officers intent was murder. If it was, he belongs at the end of a rope. If his intent was to "teach him a lesson" and "rough him up a bit", he deserves 20-30 years depending on how many times a day he gets raped.
Have a look at this to see what the law and decent people think of this, expert legal opinion, he makes the case.
Justice for George Floyd? Legal Update on Case Status

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
we have no choice but to let them know who they work for through the only behavior they know: violence.
There is another choice and it is more peaceful. Stop paying them and use competitive free market security.

If you went to a grocery store and got horrible service, but were told you had no choice but to pay them, even if you decided to use a different grocery store, would that sit well with you ?


Well-Known Member
Next you're going to tell us that blue lives matter I suppose.

The slow motion murder without mercy of a man begging for his life in public view caught on camera from multiple angles in front of a crowd of imploring witness is not enough for you? Tell ya what, if your not a racist who is rationalising here, I'll post a legal video for you, expert opinion from someone who can make the case for murder against all the cops, not just the one who murdered him in cold blood with malice and forethought.

Do you want to see the disgusting video so you can savor it? A jury will see it, maybe they don't show it much out of respect for him as a human being who was treated worse than an animal, by those sworn to serve and protect him.
The other cops knew it was wrong, and I know this because they told him multiple times to get off his neck and check his pulse. Still, they did nothing. They are accomplices to a murder. Full stop.


Well-Known Member
The cop very well could be a racist, he's a douchebag either way.

The greater systemic problem precedes the racism though. It's a coercion based system, rather than a free market system.

The problem with cops is you're forced to pay them and they don't have any real competition, therefore no incentive to provide good service. I'll spare you the economics and free market lesson, for now.
Bullshit, stop injecting your fruitcake ideology into this serious matter, racism is the issue here and dehumanizing people habitually.


Well-Known Member
There is another choice and it is more peaceful. Stop paying them and use competitive free market security.

If you went to a grocery store and got horrible service, but were told you had no choice but to pay them, even if you decided to use a different grocery store, would that sit well with you ?
No offense Rob but the way we hand out defense contracts in this country that process would be a political and financial disaster.


Well-Known Member
I've gone toe to toe with rogue cops fucking with my patients and interfering with my job more times than I can count. I've had one asshole attempt to remove a fucking rebreather to question a pt we were prepping for transpo.
The country needs an entire systematic redo of the whole goddamn hiring and training process for LEOs
Fuck rogue cops. Every fucking last one.
At that point though, really they are criminals, not cops.

With all the cameras we are now seeing the difference on a large enough scale that things are forced to change.


Well-Known Member
Police kill black people, brown people, yellow people, green people, blue people, and yes, even white people. Police are humans. Shit happens. This officer has lost his career and likely his freedom because of what he did at work. What else do you want? Should police just stop policing minorities? What is the solution here?
maybe don’t kneel on people’s necks


Well-Known Member
There is another choice and it is more peaceful. Stop paying them and use competitive free market security.

If you went to a grocery store and got horrible service, but were told you had no choice but to pay them, even if you decided to use a different grocery store, would that sit well with you ?
You think "free market security" wouldnt just be a tool of the capitalist oppressor like the current force is a tool of the government sanctioned oppresor? How very Ayn Rand fantasy world of you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The other cops knew it was wrong, and I know this because they told him multiple times to get off his neck and check his pulse. Still, they did nothing. They are accomplices to a murder. Full stop.
It's kind of like when Bradley / Chelsea Manning pointed out the drone murders and the military made him/her the bad guy.

Organizations which use violence as their primary means, like cops and military, have a habit of covering for their "brothers" murderous behaviors.

It's because they don't have any competition and their "customers" are actually their captives.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of like when Bradley / Chelsea Manning pointed out the drone murders and the military made him/her the bad guy.

Organizations which use violence as their primary means, like cops and military, have a habit of covering for their "brothers" murderous behaviors.

It's because they don't have any competition and their "customers" are actually their captives.
You know who would be the customer in your free market system? Those that can afford to buy the service. What do you think the outcome of that is?


Well-Known Member
It's kind of like when Bradley / Chelsea Manning pointed out the drone murders and the military made him/her the bad guy.

Organizations which use violence as their primary means, like cops and military, have a habit of covering for their "brothers" murderous behaviors.

It's because they don't have any competition and their "customers" are actually their captives.
Who do you think the first people those security firms are going to hire? Former police officers.