What has Trump done to this country?

he's saying he's going to send out military to states if they don't control..i believe the military cannot do this..anyone know for sure?
They just said on CNN that its a 200 year old law that he can bring them into DC because it is not a state, anywhere else and he would have to get the governor's permission.

This is nuts. To take a picture in front of a church with a bible, he cleared out peaceful demonstrators, just for a bombs bursting in air tv moment. That was the most insane split screen I have ever seen on CNN.

And then he walks back. This is insanity. Let them eat cake.
Yup, Anarchy rules for sure now, cities are burning from coast to coast, the National Guard is active in 3 states, curfews everywhere & the US militaries MP's are on alert to quell the riots in this country for the 1st time since the fucking Civil War.

I think when you said "Anarchy rules" you were using the term to describe chaos and bedlam, rather than actual Anarchy in the original meaning of the word. You see, the actual meaning of the word "Anarchy" is simply "without rulers, no imposed hierarchy", which extrapolates to Peace. Not all actual Anarchists are pacifists, but all true pacifists are behaving Anarchically, since they refuse to use force to impose a hierarchy. A true Anarchist would not initiate force, but many will use force defensively.

Trump is a cowering in his bunker. Although we both know if he made any public speeches, it wouldn't satisfy his detractors and they'd just find something wrong with what he said.

He's not a very good speaker anyway and his mode is to attack, not to unify. I don't fault him in this instance though, since there ISN'T going to be any unity, because these days emotional responses are about all most people can muster. This country is fracturing, we ain't going back to Leave it to Beaver either.

Wait until the actual shooting starts, and the inner city strife spills into Whiteyville, it will be interesting to see how many liberal types clamor for their own gun then.
he's saying he's going to send out military to states if they don't control..i believe the military cannot do this..anyone know for sure?

There isn't really supposed to be a "military" (standing army), according to the Constitution.

That anachronistic ship has sailed.

I think when you said "Anarchy rules" you were using the term to describe chaos and bedlam, rather than actual Anarchy in the original meaning of the word. You see, the actual meaning of the word "Anarchy" is simply "without rulers, no imposed hierarchy", which extrapolates to Peace. Not all actual Anarchists are pacifists, but all true pacifists are behaving Anarchically, since they refuse to use force to impose a hierarchy. A true Anarchist would not initiate force, but many will use force defensively.

Trump is a cowering in his bunker. Although we both know if he made any public speeches, it wouldn't satisfy his detractors and they'd just find something wrong with what he said.

He's not a very good speaker anyway and his mode is to attack, not to unify. I don't fault him in this instance though, since there ISN'T going to be any unity, because these days emotional responses are about all most people can muster. This country is fracturing, we ain't going back to Leave it to Beaver either.

Wait until the actual shooting starts, and the inner city strife spills into Whiteyville, it will be interesting to see how many liberal types clamor for their own gun then.
Yeah he just got a photoshoot to try to rewrite his cowering moment, he just did the very thing that I actually agree with your detest of.
They just said on CNN that its a 200 year old law that he can bring them into DC because it is not a state, anywhere else and he would have to get the governor's permission.

This is nuts. To take a picture in front of a church with a bible, he cleared out peaceful demonstrators, just for a bombs bursting in air tv moment. That was the most insane split screen I have ever seen on CNN.

And then he walks back. This is insanity. Let them eat cake.

i'm speechless and cannot believe what i just saw live happen.
Yeah he just got a photoshoot to try to rewrite his cowering moment, he just did the very thing that I actually agree with your detest of.

I call it like I see it. Trump is a bozo, but if he weren't the head clown, the circus would just have another one. Clowns come in all political denominations. Some are funnier than others, that's all.
Word is that tRUmp wants to use the military to end the protests, fucking psycho.
Did you expect any less? Think the troops would fire on the crowds? NOT FUCKING LIKELY, not with Donald calling the shots, they would be shooting each other, their officers and NCOs, not their families, not for Donald. These aren't SS, they are regular troops
Did you expect any less? Think the troops would fire on the crowds? NOT FUCKING LIKELY, not with Donald calling the shots, they would be shooting each other, their officers and NCOs, not their families, not for Donald. These aren't SS, they are regular troops

You have no idea what your talking about, the police and military are full of white supremacists, there are lots of them that will gladly kill for tRUmp.
"I will release my tax returns once the audit is over"
Over 5 fucking years and the IRS hasn't completed the fucking audit?
What a fucking joke.
Either the IRS is totally incompetent, or Trump is a lying sack of shit.
You choose.
Ya know James, glancing at the news it looks like Donald might end up fucking himself real bad over this business, the reaction with troops looks like panic to me. The other side (our side) could play the fucker like a fish over this with the right planning and discipline, he is predictable, that means he can be ambushed, to put it into tactical language. Looking at the headlines on CNN it does not look like he is gonna do well, if he murders people in the streets of DC he'll be impeached before the end of june, no matter what.
All governments which are based in coercion eventually devolve into infighting and then chaos. This one is no different.

Time to give Peace a chance, real Peace, not imposed order.
he's saying he's going to send out military to states if they don't control..i believe the military cannot do this..anyone know for sure?
He said he will invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act, which permits a president to deploy military inside the U.S. to deal with civil disorder.
You have no idea what your talking about, the police and military are full of white supremacists, there are lots of them that will gladly kill for tRUmp.
I sure they are, the military is also full of black people and hispanics, disproportionately so, Those cops who provoked will be identified in the coming days and weeks, even with respirators and armor. There are African Americans and hispanics in the police force and leadership mindful of a coming change in power and the consequences of committing homicide by following illegal orders impulsively given by a panicked and mentally unstable sociopathic POTUS. Next year they would be in orange jumpsuits if Joe wins and know it, it's only months away and they know that too.

This from a guy who figures Donald will pardon the 4 cops including the murder, before they even go to trial, if Barr charges them federally. Dunno what the state would do, but they want them bad for murder to maintain social rest and order. If Donald can fuck with it he will though and pick at the scab as much as he can. You don't need riots added to plagues, organised protests, with masks and rules in daytime by young folks who stay in camps or hostels at night to protect their families at home are the way to go.