Nutrients comparison

That's funny - have you gone here?

Most harvest, most grows, most awards. Great website, great information, helpful and friendly people. I get the fact that old timers are a little jealous that new people are growing weed - it's not like 20 years ago when you had to do everything quietly. Now, you can go to a website, buy a tent/setup package, buy a nutrient package and even call them for support on the phone. Times have changed - but the old timers are in my opinion quite jealous that so many new people are growing weed - differently, but successfully.

Your statement "Nothing but" is far from true and a gross exaggeration. Very gross exaggeration. You aren't guaranteed to grow any plant properly since a lot of it has to do with Genetics.

Your post is interesting - but pretty much an exaggeration. There are 100's and 1000's of options of growing weed ... and many people mix things. But, people have problems with any and all growing styles because of so many factors. And again, you need to correct your statement about "nothing but problems" - as this is again, a gross exaggeration.

I hate people who exaggerate to make a point - they move so far away from the truth that it makes all the other stuff (which may be accurate and right) less convincing.

Attached at my plants (these clones are 20 days old!) using Advanced Nutrients. Nothing but problems - lol.

Vitagrow is about $70 for the three bottles ... doesn't seem all that much cheaper.
Grow diaries is the Cadillac of grow sites. Bag a sponsor or free gear over there easy.
That's funny - have you gone here?

Most harvest, most grows, most awards. Great website, great information, helpful and friendly people. I get the fact that old timers are a little jealous that new people are growing weed - it's not like 20 years ago when you had to do everything quietly. Now, you can go to a website, buy a tent/setup package, buy a nutrient package and even call them for support on the phone. Times have changed - but the old timers are in my opinion quite jealous that so many new people are growing weed - differently, but successfully.

Your statement "Nothing but" is far from true and a gross exaggeration. Very gross exaggeration. You aren't guaranteed to grow any plant properly since a lot of it has to do with Genetics.

Your post is interesting - but pretty much an exaggeration. There are 100's and 1000's of options of growing weed ... and many people mix things. But, people have problems with any and all growing styles because of so many factors. And again, you need to correct your statement about "nothing but problems" - as this is again, a gross exaggeration.

I hate people who exaggerate to make a point - they move so far away from the truth that it makes all the other stuff (which may be accurate and right) less convincing.

Attached at my plants (these clones are 20 days old!) using Advanced Nutrients. Nothing but problems - lol.

Vitagrow is about $70 for the three bottles ... doesn't seem all that much cheaper.
Looks good. There are people that over exaggerate that’s for sure. You can get any nutrient line out there to grow but that said I always look for performance and something that’s cost effective. That’s why I stick with megacrop now. The only thing I add to my mix is great white and mammoth p. Most people that have issues are mostly user error.
Here is what I am learning.

It's easy to start to grow weed now, EVERYONE is doing it. Not like 20 years ago - like I said --- now it's website, internet search, call a salesman, package arrives at your door, instructions and you are good to go. You can buy awesome tents, grow lights, single vendors, and even go to tradeshows - or meetups.

You start off with say maybe Advanced Nutrients (or something else) and you follow the instructions. So - you spend an extra $100 than you should, maybe you are putting too much, whatever - but you learn. After a year or a few grows, you notice you only need this instead of that - or you find out you can just get the same out of a $5 powder than a $19.99 bottle. Seriously, what is the big deal?

I just find it so interesting that on this particular forum (versus all the other places I've joined), people here seem to get really nuts / angry / condescending / pompous over someone elses nutrient selection or grow style. (Flush or not to flush for example, or heavens, using Advanced Nutrients)

To me, if someone started growing weed, I'd be more like helping them in a nice way rather than being condescending or pompous, with an understanding there are 20 ways or 2000 ways to grow weed - unless I was jealous for some reason I guess. I think what I have observed, as a newbie, is old timers maybe either jealous or upset with the influx in new growers - when to me, I don't see how it would concern them in any way. For me, when I go to the store, they can't keep the clones for more than 2 or 3 days in Bay Area - CONSTANTLY OUT OF STOCK - so to me, more people are growing. The reason for California, is the taxes are outrageous, quality is getting poor (people just trying to get wet weed out the door maybe?) and it's cheaper and better to grow your own weed. Now, it's completely 100% legal to have six plants going. Imagine 20 years ago when six plants would get you fined or in jail?!?!?! Times sure have changed.

So, maybe all of them (and me) start with Advanced Nutrients for example, maybe they/we spend an extra $100 on something - but after 2 years, I'm sure they will be using VitaGrow or MegaCrop or Jacks or whatever ---- but they learn and get better. I personally find the people at Grow Diaries extremely helpful and friendly, with non-biased information - and free shit too. But, as I have shown, I'm mostly using AN (plus other things) and my 20 day old plant are 15" and I haven't run into an issue yet (fingers crossed of course).

I think most grow issues are user error (like you said) which are Over watering, Under watering, temp, humidity, bugs or carelessness. I don't think the nutrient selection is the issue - and surely, going with Advanced Nutrients and following their schedule isn't going to kill your plant or not make it so you always have issues. That's just plain silly and again, an exaggeration.

I'll probably look at MegaCrop or VitaGrow in a year or two when my AN runs out - but now, for $199, I have enough for at least three or four grows!
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Here is what I am learning.

It's easy to start to grow weed now, EVERYONE is doing it. Not like 20 years ago - like I said --- now it's website, internet search, call a salesman, package arrives at your door, instructions and you are good to go. You can buy awesome tents, grow lights, single vendors, and even go to tradeshows - or meetups.

You start off with say maybe Advanced Nutrients (or something else) and you follow the instructions. So - you spend an extra $100 than you should, maybe you are putting too much, whatever - but you learn. After a year or a few grows, you notice you only need this instead of that - or you find out you can just get the same out of a $5 powder than a $19.99 bottle. Seriously, what is the big deal?

I just find it so interesting that on this particular forum (versus all the other places I've joined), people here seem to get really nuts / angry / condescending / pompous over someone elses nutrient selection or grow style. (Flush or not to flush for example, or heavens, using Advanced Nutrients)

To me, if someone started growing weed, I'd be more like helping them in a nice way rather than being condescending or pompous, with an understanding there are 20 ways or 2000 ways to grow weed - unless I was jealous for some reason I guess. I think what I have observed, as a newbie, is old timers maybe either jealous or upset with the influx in new growers - when to me, I don't see how it would concern them in any way. For me, when I go to the store, they can't keep the clones for more than 2 or 3 days in Bay Area - CONSTANTLY OUT OF STOCK - so to me, more people are growing. The reason for California, is the taxes are outrageous, quality is getting poor (people just trying to get wet weed out the door maybe?) and it's cheaper and better to grow your own weed. Now, it's completely 100% legal to have six plants going. Imagine 20 years ago when six plants would get you fined or in jail?!?!?! Times sure have changed.

So, maybe all of them (and me) start with Advanced Nutrients for example, maybe they/we spend an extra $100 on something - but after 2 years, I'm sure they will be using VitaGrow or MegaCrop or Jacks or whatever ---- but they learn and get better. I personally find the people at Grow Diaries extremely helpful and friendly, with non-biased information - and free shit too. But, as I have shown, I'm mostly using AN (plus other things) and my 20 day old plant are 15" and I haven't run into an issue yet (fingers crossed of course).

I think most grow issues are user error (like you said) which are Over watering, Under watering, temp, humidity, bugs or carelessness. I don't think the nutrient selection is the issue - and surely, going with Advanced Nutrients and following their schedule isn't going to kill your plant or not make it so you always have issues. That's just plain silly and again, an exaggeration.

I'll probably look at MegaCrop or VitaGrow in a year or two when my AN runs out - but now, for $199, I have enough for at least three or four grows!
Some people don't like AN and advise against, and that causes some to end up really butt hurt for some reason.
Use what you want, the minerals in the bottles are all the same.

Here's what I've noticed. Maybe you're made of money, you like to mention it really often. A couple hundred bucks maybe nothing for you to spend on AN however often, but who gives a fuck it's not about you? You have zero firsthand knowledge to even have an opinion on it.
Your twenty days in and you're calling people jealous? Of what exactly?? Jesus christ get over yourself.
Really this conversation is pointless, everybody knows that nute line ups are bull shit in a bottle, they're all the same , as long as your plants are happy , doesn't matter what you use, using what you have properly is more important
Here's what I've noticed. Maybe you're made of money, you like to mention it really often. A couple hundred bucks maybe nothing for you to spend on AN however often, but who gives a fuck it's not about you? You have zero firsthand knowledge to even have an opinion on it.
Your twenty days in and you're calling people jealous? Of what exactly?? Jesus christ get over yourself.

I DO have knowledge - I'm using AN without issue, and I've seen many awards made from using it. I've also seen people personally use it without issue.

You seem to be spouting childish angry nonsense. I can't help that have anger towards me and you keep coming back.


You are the issue man and seem to get all bent out of shape. Smoke some weed, or do what you need to do to have a better disposition man.

My side hurts when someone complains people have problems with their own plants, or post on this forum; Christ, you spending fucken time here reading these posts - and then complain about the content. Seriously people? Do you own the forum or have nothing else to do but be drawn here and can't leave, and the content is a "must read/must reply". If it bothers you so much, then go read another thread or don't go through such agony of replying here and being all pissed off. I find that insane.

You see, AN created something where you just follow the directions on your plants and you end up with weed. That's not the same as 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. So, maybe I'm now an expert by default because some big company made a simple guide to follow and makes me just as good as you. That's all that I can come up with. :) I could do the same with Mega Crop, but I love the pretty bottles and slick advertising. How any of that bothers you or even makes you want to get pissed off - my only logic points me to jealousy. What other reason could it be? If someone paid $200 for shoes, and I see them walking down the street, do I give a crap if I like to spend $29 on converse chucks? They both get me from Point A to Point B. Same thing. I don't go and tell them they are wasting money or showing off, or stupid, or whatever. Think about it.

Or maybe I'm just fucking with you.
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Really this conversation is pointless, everybody knows that nute line ups are bull shit in a bottle, they're all the same , as long as your plants are happy , doesn't matter what you use, using what you have properly is more important

Thank you. As long as plants are happy - that's all that counts. If you don't like the nute line-up or what someone is doing, then in my opinion, just be an adult and skip the thread.
Absolutely not - I've given it to people and they have specifically said how great it taste. He grew very recently GELATO and it's been awesome --- I smoke it and the high last more than 4 hours, almost 5 hours. There is no weed I smoke that lasts 5 hours like this - and the taste is great. I'm not kidding - people love the taste.
Interesting, thanks for the insight!
Most harvest, most grows, most awards (Advanced Nutrients). Great website, great information, helpful and friendly people. I get the fact that old timers are a little jealous that new people are growing weed - it's not like 20 years ago when you had to do everything quietly. Now, you can go to a website, buy a tent/setup package, buy a nutrient package and even call them for support on the phone. Times have changed - but the old timers are in my opinion quite jealous that so many new people are growing weed - differently, but successfully.

It's cute that you think 20 years ago people were hiding in fear. By then med pot was already accepted & the golden era that you're currently bragging about had already begun because of the work put in by those "jealous old timers". The 80-90's seem to be the most paranoid years but that's before my time so I don't really know. Then again lots of people say the 60-70's were the best times & it's all down hill from there.

20 years ago we also had the internet, where we also got together on forums like these & had discussions just as pointless as these. There was also stores, called "hydro shops" were you could buy equipment & pay people to come set it up. If you were decent & personable you could often make friends with them & buy/trade for clones. Pssst we also had phones which we also used to call one another on, sometimes asking for help or other times just to have friendly chats...

I'm just teasing though, poking a bit of fun because I also made similar comments when first found the online community. It was like a flashback reading your comments.

New growers have a lot to offer but also often have a lot to learn. One of the biggest things is realising they aren't re-inventing the wheel. Growers have been arguing about what the best nutrient line is for as long as we've been growing. After a point you realise the arguments are usually more about ego, all nutrients will work. Some are easier, some are cheaper and there's all sorts of nuances therein but in the end it's whether it's used competently or not that'll make the biggest difference.

AN really relied on aggressive marketing, they have a very complicated product line designed to maximise profit (like G/H & many others) & there was a sense they were exploiting medical users when they first came on the scene. They do work very well if you have the money for them or know enough to avoid the marketing traps. Both sides are right & they aren't mutually exclusive...
Thank you. As long as plants are happy - that's all that counts. If you don't like the nute line-up or what someone is doing, then in my opinion, just be an adult and skip the thread.
Maybe you should take your own advice.

OP was looking for advice/help picking out nutes. Then someone advised against AN and thats when the internet hurt your bum bum.

Up until that point you said nothing about AN so it's not like anyone attacked you or your choice of nutes, but you had to make the thread about you and your choices. Ask yourself why a stranger advising against a certain brand made you so angry.

It was you who hates people who exaggerate, telling people they need to correct their statement, or calling people jealous. Then you post pictures of your plants, for what? Nobody said anything about them, or you as a grower but because you're a self important, arrogant asshole you needed to put your big mike underoos on and make it about you and AN.

The reality is you have a hyper sensitive ego that couldn't believe anyone would disagree with your choices and it sent you into a tizzy and derailed ops thread. Read it again to see where the negativity, down talk, angry responses, and name calling started.
That's funny - have you gone here?

Most harvest, most grows, most awards (Advanced Nutrients). Great website, great information, helpful and friendly people. I get the fact that old timers are a little jealous that new people are growing weed - it's not like 20 years ago when you had to do everything quietly. Now, you can go to a website, buy a tent/setup package, buy a nutrient package and even call them for support on the phone. Times have changed - but the old timers are in my opinion quite jealous that so many new people are growing weed - differently, but successfully.

Your statement "Nothing but" is far from true and a gross exaggeration. Very gross exaggeration. You aren't guaranteed to grow any plant properly since a lot of it has to do with Genetics.

Your post is interesting - but pretty much an exaggeration. There are 100's and 1000's of options of growing weed ... and many people mix things. But, people have problems with any and all growing styles because of so many factors. And again, you need to correct your statement about "nothing but problems" - as this is again, a gross exaggeration.

I hate people who exaggerate to make a point - they move so far away from the truth that it makes all the other stuff (which may be accurate and right) less convincing.

Attached are my plants (these clones are 20 days old!) using Advanced Nutrients. Nothing but problems - lol.

Vitagrow is about $70 for the three bottles ... doesn't seem all that much cheaper.
I think so too, im gunna try adavanced this flower, someone prove the side by side comparison
If you don't have a huge grow you don't need to run the cheap stuff. I use Canna and it really can't be beat
One of the most well known professional growers here gets 2 grams/watt and has gotten 2.5. Proven with METRC records as required by law here. He uses AN everything. This guy is a legend here since 82. He doesn’t share all his methods. He’s under contract to 2 legal grow ops here. But he uses AN, uses Great White extensively and flushes for 2 weeks with straight RO water. If it’s good enough for him to spend the money . . ..
One of the most well known professional growers here gets 2 grams/watt and has gotten 2.5. Proven with METRC records as required by law here. He uses AN everything. This guy is a legend here since 82. He doesn’t share all his methods. He’s under contract to 2 legal grow ops here. But he uses AN, uses Great White extensively and flushes for 2 weeks with straight RO water. If it’s good enough for him to spend the money . . ..
I worked for this old farmer, (Old Man Johnson), in the late 60(s), early 70(s), who will be turning 107 this coming Wednesday, so I will just quote what I heard him say at least 1000 times... use whatever is cheapest, as long it grows what you are wanting to grow, cause whatever you might use is just as toxified as anything else that you might use to grow that same thing, LoL! And yeah, even though I find a lot of humor in that, it isn't very funny, cause its really true! Yeah, we humans have screwed up our planets eco-system so bad that there is nothing left in nature that hasn't been totally toxified by us!
If it's a cash crop and costs are recouped then AN for the win. Personal 3 plant run then maxibloom or Jack's 321 it.

Then wait for your partner the electric company to take their cut and add up cost of production against 3-6 oz or whatever you pull.

Got money and don't care run what you like...