Am I Being Taking Advantage Of?

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Well-Known Member
What kind of psycho would do that? Give me a thousand for this bird that I don't want or I'm going to let it go. They should send her a bill for the feeding and care of her bird. A thousand dollars sounds about right. That's crazy.

Or why wouldn't they just call the humane society? "There is a woman un-willing to care for an animal. If we don't pay her she's going to release the animal." They would have someone over to investigate asap.


Well-Known Member
What kind of psycho would do that? Give me a thousand for this bird that I don't want or I'm going to let it go. They should send her a bill for the feeding and care of her bird. A thousand dollars sounds about right. That's crazy.
I know, there are a lot of sick people in this world. Then the real kicker to all of this is, Ozzie and this bird (Sharon)do like one another..I watched them preen each other all night. The bird was obviously abused and that is why the woman couldn't sell it out of the can't touch this bird. My Ozzie took right to her and cleaned her up and snuggled her all night....
fuck it, I am not living like this...I am a good person and I am going to continue to be a good person even if it means I get fucked over...I am giving them the money. The jewelry I am selling is the jewelry left to me by my mother. She would approve, I know she would. I am going to do it.


Well-Known Member
I am at a loss and I am throwing this out here to hopefully get some opinions from unbiased individuals.

A couple of weeks ago I surrendered my birds to a rescue group. I did this for personal reasons and it was in the best interest of my pets. Long story short, I could of sold my birds and their cages and probably of made around 5,000.00. I instead donated everything to them knowing it was for a good cause. Well, I have since then become very good friends with the 2 guys that own the rescue. We hang out, eat dinner together, go mudding together, pretty much we spend all of our time together. I have bonded with this family to the point that I would do anything for them. Last night while we were eating dinner together they told me that they were having major hardships with their finances and that they would need to sell some of their birds to get out of the trouble they are in. It was heartbreaking, and I could see the pain in their eyes. I am not a rich person, I do however pay my bills and put my kids through college, so I guess I am what they call middle class. Okay, here it goes...they asked me to lend them $1,000.00. they said this would get them out of their trouble and then all the birds would stay with them and not have to be sold. I haven't given them my answer yet but I know I have to do it. My question is, are they taking advantage of me or do they just trust me enough to ask me for such a favor? I don't want to hurt anyone and this is going to be hard for me to do....I have jewlry that I can sell and I am going to go and see how much I can get for it today. I just don't want to be hurt again, yes, people have a tendency to take advantage of me.
So, in your honest opinion does this sound like these guys are just using me to get money or do they sound like people that just need a help? Remember, these guys have dedicated their lives to these birds. They obviously have a love in them for these birds that goes very deep...I am so torn up:(

Your a fool if you give it to them... They are playing you from the word GO ...


Well-Known Member
Or why wouldn't they just call the humane society? "There is a woman un-willing to care for an animal. If we don't pay her she's going to release the animal." They would have someone over to investigate asap.
They thought of that but they knew by the time anyone got there the bird would of been gone, she is fully feathered. This woman used a rescue group to get money for her bird since she couldn't sell it due to its malnourishment and abuse...She had them by the balls, she was holding this bird while it screamed, and she was outside while doing this just to let them know she didn't care and would do it.


New Member
I just don't like the idea of you selling sentimental items for this. I think they could have found another option. Don't they have jobs or things to sell? Maybe they could sell a couple of the birds they've rescued if they are that broke. Accepting donations is one thing, but flat out asking for cash is another.

In this camera phone day and age, they should have just started taking video while the other person called the police. She should be brought up on charges or maybe taken to small claims court, and did they have a thousand in cash on them when they went there? I know I don't just go walking around with a grand in cash on me.


Well-Known Member
hey,sounds like your hangin on to the friendship to these people because of your birds. they probly see that kinda stuff happen alot so maybe you can do some research on them now days first and last name is all you need to pull up court records. u kinda need to let the birds go its hard,i am sorry if this seems harsh by no means do i intend that. don't they have stuff they can sell to come up with a grand? i mean a stack aint much really, what did they say they need the money for? what did they do before you came along? do they work at all? why would you sell something of yours to give the money to someone else? these people are grown adults what they got themselves into they can get out of,maybe you could be saving them from a learning experience. like someone else said a couple of weeks of knowing someone aint jack to be asking for paper. sounds like a scam hold your duckets,even with a signed contract dont mean jack,they sign it,you pay,they dont re-pay you then end up in court which will take time out your day probly have to take time off work court cost and everything else just to get a judgement against them that process could take 3-6 months. be strong

Phily Kelly

Active Member
They thought of that but they knew by the time anyone got there the bird would of been gone, she is fully feathered. This woman used a rescue group to get money for her bird since she couldn't sell it due to its malnourishment and abuse...She had them by the balls, she was holding this bird while it screamed, and she was outside while doing this just to let them know she didn't care and would do it.
How do you know this? Where you there?
Scam artists always come up with stories to tug at your heartstrings.
Come on girl wake up and smell the deceit in the air:evil:


Well-Known Member
They do have jobs, and that was the other problem. The one guy got laid off and won't be starting his new job until next week. The other guy drives a school bus. I did check the courts and they don't have any sort of records. They are also federally registered as a non profit org.
The one, Robbie, just called me. He told me he never would of dreamt of asking me for this favor but he said he knew I was a good person and would try to help. He also said he has sold everything worth of value and it wasn't enough....
guys, I know you think I am being dumb....and maybe I am.
I don't know, it is something in me that wants to help others. I don't think that is a bad quality to have even if it means I get hurt.

I also agree with the person that said this is more about me missing my birds. I do agree with that.

I have made my decision, and I am not going to cry if I get burned. I am going with my heart on this one.

Thanks for all of your advice, it is appreciated more than you know.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well sunnyside it doesn't seem like we can persuade you otherwise. While I would not have done it...can't really bash you for stepping up. I hope everything works out well.

Just something this quote odd...

"He told me he never would of dreamt of asking me for this favor but he said he knew I was a good person and would try to help."

Just some food for thought. I hope all goes well.


New Member
I don't think you are being dumb, you are being caring and compassionate. If you really feel that they are on the up and up then do what you feel is the right thing. I would still at least make them sign a payment contract or something, and don't lend them any additional money until the first loan is paid off.


Well-Known Member
Well sunnyside it doesn't seem like we can persuade you otherwise. While I would not have done it...can't really bash you for stepping up. I hope everything works out well.

Just something this quote odd...

"He told me he never would of dreamt of asking me for this favor but he said he knew I was a good person and would try to help."

Just some food for thought. I hope all goes well.
To be honest, I was hoping I was going to read more of 'You should do it, we need more people to be willing to help others in a time of need'
It is okay that I didn't get that response, and everyones words didn't fall upon deaf ears. I am listening.
I just spoke with my husband and told him what was going on. His response to me was 'I have seen you literally take your shirt off for a prostitute that was freezing in Balto. city. Why would I think that you wouldn't do what you have to do to help someone else out? I love you for the things you do for others, it makes you, you' That was the approval I was seeking. He is right, this is me...
Thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are being dumb, you are being caring and compassionate. If you really feel that they are on the up and up then do what you feel is the right thing. I would still at least make them sign a payment contract or something, and don't lend them any additional money until the first loan is paid off.
Thanks Miss. I will be careful.


Well-Known Member
if anything you should claim this on your taxes. You are donating to a non-profit. Is there anyway they can hook you up with a tax-exemption form?


Well-Known Member
i also wish you the best sunny you have more of heart then i do. There's no way i could sell my stuff for someone else i give that to you. you should try a pawn shop to sell the jewlery try to atleast make an arrangement to get it back after all it was your moms you must really really love birds!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
if anything you should claim this on your taxes. You are donating to a non-profit. Is there anyway they can hook you up with a tax-exemption form?
I did ask him that this morning, and he said yes he does have a form so I can write it off my taxes. That will help.

i also wish you the best sunny you have more of heart then i do. There's no way i could sell my stuff for someone else i give that to you. you should try a pawn shop to sell the jewlery try to atleast make an arrangement to get it back after all it was your moms you must really really love birds!!!!!!!
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I do really love my birds. Hell, I really love all animals.
I made an appointment with a jeweler for today at 1pm. Hopefully he will give me a good price. He did say he would hold it for 30 days before he put it in the display case to be sold, so that is good.


Well-Known Member
I did ask him that this morning, and he said yes he does have a form so I can write it off my taxes. That will help.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I do really love my birds. Hell, I really love all animals.
I made an appointment with a jeweler for today at 1pm. Hopefully he will give me a good price. He did say he would hold it for 30 days before he put it in the display case to be sold, so that is good.

Then it would not be a loan ..It would be a donation .. you wont get that back ever


Well-Known Member
Then it would not be a loan ..It would be a donation .. you wont get that back ever
I am going to enter this with the attitude that I will never see the money again. If they pay me back, great. If not, I will live with my decision and write it off my taxes.
I think within 30 days I will be able to work enough to make the money to get my jewelry back, I am not going to count on them for that.
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