~BLUE *Dream •WaterFARM•~

Can you say...….FROSTY!!
it’s snowing Trichomes! This might be the frostiest I ever grew!! This ganja is very interesting

The long sugar leaves have so many Trichomes it doesn’t need a tight trim . the Trichomes go all the way to the tips of the long little slender leaves giving such a natural soft beauty.

I love the way this strain dries because it has the home grown crazy curly leaves .This is a very different look then I have ever had before. Very interesting .

I will weigh it
Out soon.

I filled all my jars and still have one more to fill.

I found one huge bud with mold . So tossed it but that was the only mold. I was really surprised when I found it . I wish I new how it happened. Maybe it was my most stressed bud from pulling down with the scrog screen.
The humidity reading in my jars this morning were like 76 -80 % so I took all the buds out and had them dry on racks in the closet for 4 hours and rejarred them .
when I Took the buds out of the jars I sealed up the empty jar . When I went to open the jar 4 hours later the humidity level in the jar never dropped I guess the reader needs stimulation to move down and reajust .

Then placing all the buds back in the high reading jars
After 4 hours of air dry .

now After about 7 hours I cracked all the jars but the 2 that read 63 and 62 %.

will wait about 30 minutes
Now and close them back up.

this is always a tricky time for my deciding when my buds are dry enough.

my personal approach I need to Feel them to determine the perfect cure.

I know when they are 2 dry and I know when they are too moist.

it took me years to get 2 understand how to cure properly.

I guess everyone has their own style.

Working on the beginning stages of curing and airing this beast is tricky.

Been burping the jars 2 times a day for 30 minutes each time but the humidity reading was still high in the 68- 77% so I decided to dump all the weed out of the jars And put in paper bags and take the Boost packs out so that the humidity reader could recalibrate down Into the 50’s.

it didn’t take very long to get the empty jars down into the 50% range .

placed all the weed back in and will go from here .

the smell has really gotten intense! Very Piney Fuel Smells with undertones of grape bubblegum.
If you want to ease the curing process maybe you should try some Bovedas. I use them for 2 years now and it makes the whole thing more forgiving.
Just my 2 cts
Nice buds btw!
The trick is to slowly dry them to the point where you can snap the stems like a dry twig. At this point you can put them in a jar to allow the remaining moisture to redistribute throughout the jar. I almost always end up with a stable 65% using this method.

Subcool taught me this method.
That’s the method right there Mo! The problem where I live is the relative humidity stays between 5 and 20% usually closer to 5. If I’m not careful it dries down so fast that it leaves behind chlorophyll, I usually put in containers in intervals to slow it down a little. Those Boveda packs are great to help stabilize the process.
My wife won’t let me in the house with it. I was thinking of modifying one of my old tents. I want to get dark jars like that Ambs, those are killer!
Looks like you poured a bowl of sugar over those buds Ambzy! VERY NICE! (in my best Borat voice)
Thank you!
The cure is finally settling into the right consistency that I like the buds . I absolutely hate overly dry weed That crumples.

I have done that before and consider it a complete rookie failure of a job.

I take great care in the curing process and through my 10 years of growing harvesting and curing weed I have had many different experiences working with many different strains and growing in many different environments .
I have had years curing in Washington State, a couple in Arizona and now I’m in Oklahoma. Each environment brings its own set of climate challenges .

I have heard and read many ways to dry and cure and have tried many.
I still have not found a Safe bet on any of these ways for my temperament .

Growers tell me all the time the snap branch song but I don’t buy it.

I only go by the feel of my buds and I take them in and out of moisture drying and getting moist again until they reach that perfect frozen State of dryness Without any leaf breakage.

And it gets trickier and more challenging when you leave longer leaves on like I just did.
Try to find a rookie out there that can dry buds with longer leaves coated in sugar . I bet it’s hard to find because the drying process is so damn hard .i am convinced folks cut buds tight and short because they are easier to dry and cure but it’s Not a connoisseur cut In my eyes.
If you want to ease the curing process maybe you should try some Bovedas. I use them for 2 years now and it makes the whole thing more forgiving.
Just my 2 cts
Nice buds btw!
I use Boost 55 packs which are equivalent or to or better then Bodevas. They come with an indicator to show when they are old . They work a little differently then Bodevas . I have used Bodevas in the past . I prefer the Boost because they seem better quality and feel much juicier . Now the thing with Boosts is that they take a while to set your jar. They go bonkers when you fill your jar up. The humidity will skyrocket but that is the perfect situation really because they are zapping your buds back with moisture. And if I recall properly the best cure is a nice slow cure ! Once the moisture is gone, after a while ,it’s gone for good. So lots of burping and possible paper bag transfer is needed in the beginning. But once you are dialed in after the hard work it doesn’t get any better.
That’s the difference between weed that is made to grow and sell out the door ASAP and connoisseur cured weed made to be enjoyed for a year and weed that becomes better with age . Big difference . I smoked pot shop shit for a few years From some of the Washington state , Oregon and Cali farmers and it’s filled with chemical and is all looks no brains. They are a bunch of sell outs.
I have tried that meathod Of snap the branch and I don’t like it. By that time my outter leaves on the buds are crispy and break. Subcool was just another grower handing down general basic growers 101 knowledge. Everyone knows about the branch snap shit. It would have been nice to know his real secrets to drying and curing which he never told . He brought them to the grave untold.
That’s the method right there Mo! The problem where I live is the relative humidity stays between 5 and 20% usually closer to 5. If I’m not careful it dries down so fast that it leaves behind chlorophyll, I usually put in containers in intervals to slow it down a little. Those Boveda packs are great to help stabilize the process.
Yes I think we are very similar in our dry and curing process.
That is when you employ a closet where you can open and close the doors to regulate the speed of drying. Bathrooms work well also. Although you must beware the plume!
I do that along with placing a temperature gauge and humidity reader.
I know a lot of growers say 50% humidity in your dry room. That is absolute nonsense!
my dry room must be at 68% at least or it’s drying too fast.

so what I do is use a little dehumidifier to boost my humidity level and keep the temps in the 50-60 degree cold if I can .
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My wife won’t let me in the house with it. I was thinking of modifying one of my old tents. I want to get dark jars like that Ambs, those are killer!
Good idea about getting those jars. Yes they make it difficult to see your little temp/ humidity gauge but it’s so nice to be able to keep your jars out in the sunlight and stare at all those huge delicious buds you so painstakingly slaveD over To produce. Plus no stress about worrying your inflicting damaging sunlight Onto your product.