What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
such a stupid cunt..'then let them eat S'Mores'!


As the global pandemic gripped the nation and parents grappled with working from home without childcare or schools in session, along with economic uncertainty, unemployment rising, and the weight of explaining this all to cooped up children, President Trump played down the virus’s impact and Ivanka posted a years-old photo of her and her children leaning on throw pillows scattered across a floor, under sheets arranged as a makeshift tent. “Staying home today w/ kids?,” she tweeted. “Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & ‘pack’ sandwiches, salads (S’mores optional) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!”

*two weeks later*..how's that tent working..?


:shock: can't believe she let herself be photographed like the hot mess above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Well-Known Member
Another useless psycho, notice all those southern accents.
Pound The Table
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Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, is that if the media you guys listened to...praised trump, you'd all be in love with him. A bunch of media zombie sheeps.


Well-Known Member
He also rents way too much space in all your heads. By the looks of things, there isn't a minute that passes in a day that he isn't renting space in your head. Not a way to go through life.


Well-Known Member
Media, sources of information owned by the elite disseminated to the masses to manipulate the way people think.


Well-Known Member
Media, sources of information owned by the elite disseminated to the masses to manipulate the way people think.
Oh so Fox News or any of the other right wing (or left wing sites that are actually still pushing the Right wing agenda) troll sources and not actual factual journalism.

Yeah I am glad not everyone listens to that.


Well-Known Member
Oh so Fox News or any of the other right wing (or left wing sites that are actually still pushing the Right wing agenda) troll sources and not actual factual journalism.

Yeah I am glad not everyone listens to that.
Didn't say they were any better.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, is that if the media you guys listened to...praised trump, you'd all be in love with him. A bunch of media zombie sheeps.
So you figure ya know the truth eh Twerp? The sunshines outta Donald's asshole. Drink much Clorox? Hint: We see him perform and constantly lie directly on video with out own eyes and hear him with our own fucking ears...