Tap Water Usable?


Well-Known Member
Starting a grow in soil and need to use some tap water. isn't there a time that you have to let the water sit for the chlorine and other bad stuff to leave the water. I would search for the answer but it's not working right now.

Thanks ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, just leave the water out overnight to bring it up to room temp and let the chlorine evaporate out. (use cold water, hot water probably will grow bacteria). Here's a pic of my baby growing on tap.



Active Member
if you do use tap water just collect some 2 liter soda bottles and fill them up then let them sit with the caps off for at least 2 days to let most of the chlorine and other harmful chemicals evaporate.

ive filled a fish tank before with straight tap water and the fishes died from the chemicals in the water so it cant be good for your plant, your slowly poisoning it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Who's tap water?

City water? Well water? pH? EC/ppm?

How long is a piece of string? (more info)

Take your tap water to a *good* local aquarium shop and have them test it. Tell them you wanna set up a killer saltwater tank.


Well-Known Member
PH is supposed to be around 6 I think, but I never tested mine. I would fill my res up and wait at least 1-2 hours, but never longer... I mean, I never waited longer unless I didnt need to water, but, I would never water until 1-2 hours AFTER filling my res, bcs thats about how long it takes chlorine to evaporate when it hits oxygen. Lots of chlorine in the drinking water around here...


Well-Known Member
in a pinch, one could use declorinator for aquariums, ijust wouldnt use it all the time


Well-Known Member
PH is supposed to be around 6 I think, but I never tested mine. I would fill my res up and wait at least 1-2 hours, but never longer... I mean, I never waited longer unless I didnt need to water, but, I would never water until 1-2 hours AFTER filling my res, bcs thats about how long it takes chlorine to evaporate when it hits oxygen. Lots of chlorine in the drinking water around here...
Chlorine will evap, but chloromite (sp? whats mainly used these days) won't.
My tap is 7.0 -7.1 Others have stated numbers upwards of 8.5 (kinda scarey high, if ya ask me) City vs well will also matter. Water softeners will add salts (bad for plants) to the water.


Well-Known Member
i use tap water, i leave it out for a day or two. They seem not to mind it at all. We have very good water around here... which shocks me really.


Well-Known Member
Yes, just leave the water out overnight to bring it up to room temp and let the chlorine evaporate out. (use cold water, hot water probably will grow bacteria). Here's a pic of my baby growing on tap.
Another strike against 'hot' tap water; older hot water heaters put out a huge amount of sediment.

Who's tap water?

City water? Well water? pH? EC/ppm?

How long is a piece of string? (more info)

Take your tap water to a *good* local aquarium shop and have them test it. Tell them you wanna set up a killer saltwater tank.
The aquarium place idea is brilliant! :)

I run cold tap water in to some old milk jugs and let it sit for a few days with the cap off. Not sure if this is chlorine or other bad things but, I do notice that after a few hours there are bubbles all over the inside of the jug. I thump the side and they float to the top. When I stop seeing bubbles form inside the jug, I use it.

But, I'll be headed to an aquarium place tomorrow.


New Member
24-48 hours out, the chlorine will kill beneficial bacteria in the soil, just like it does in your intestines and stomach if you drink it. The chlorine kills your beneficial bacteria, and the fluoride kills your brain, luckily plants dont seem to have an IQ.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah i agree ^ couple days is probably the way to go...but at first so u dont have to wait just go buy a couple bottled waters, mineral water, whatever for like a buck, it'll at least get you through the couple day wait...i just keep 32 ounces sitting with an open top at all times, cuz i know imma need the water eventually :-P


Well-Known Member
lol...wut a nice thread this turned into. lots on info flying around. I never really thought about well-water having a lot of salt in it but it could, my parents have to fill a 10 gallon salt reservoir every 6 months or so. Good thing i'm on well water =P. its from the illionois river....a semi clean river. Alot better then the mississippi that i used to hang around....to much boat traffic


Well-Known Member
If ya go to the walmart fish section they have test strips that check for 5 conditions of the water,including ph and nitrates.They also check hardness and overall health spectrum.If a fish can live in it ,its definitely safe for the plants!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
24-48 hours out, the chlorine will kill beneficial bacteria in the soil, just like it does in your intestines and stomach if you drink it. The chlorine kills your beneficial bacteria, and the fluoride kills your brain, luckily plants dont seem to have an IQ.
I dunno. I had one dumb ass plant. :)


Well-Known Member
During summer grows i put a bucket under my a/c runoff and get 5 gallons a day.I save $$$$ on my water bill.But haulin the buckets is a bitch!!!!!!:wall: