UFO sighting, youtube link good quality

Delusional? Look at the retarded NASA video you claim is real. I guess the super nintendo background really gives it a lot of credibility. LMAO !!! Globetard :dunce:
So my original background is film/tv. Just wondering what about it doesn’t meet your expectations?
Background in film/tv .... YEAH and I banged Melania Trump on Air Force 1 !!! It doesn't take a expert to see this for what it is. LOL @ The cameras weren't as good back then. LMAO !!!! GLOBETARDS !!! :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
Background in film/tv .... YEAH and I banged Melania Trump on Air Force 1 !!! It doesn't take a expert to see this for what it is. LOL @ The cameras weren't as good back then. LMAO !!!! GLOBETARDS !!! :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
If they were faking it, why would they fake all the accidents and problems they had too. We only made it there once. Did they intentionally burn up the Apollo 1 crew too?
FINAL ANALYSIS: Those 1972 effects weren't that special. :lol: If that were in a movie today people would laugh at how fake it was. Who ever was in charge of special effects would never get a Hollywood gig again. LMAO !!
It's all discussed here.

retarded gorilla might want to read more and talk less. Referring to that saying about "better to remain silent and look the fool" and so forth.

The moon missions were amazing. I just wish humans could have left flat-earthers behind to rot and gone out to explore rather than stay home to get coronavirus.