Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Caught some Rainbow Trout this morning, kept a couple for grilling then picked up groceries at “the Walmart’s”. Most people now wearing masks. Local tourist areas not the regular kind of July type busy. Also the first time most people were wearing masks, long time coming.
it's official with major vendors..everyone understands now trumpy* is killing us.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Son on phone says Arkansas goes mandatory masks on Monday with up to $500 fine.
Awesome! Tulsa and OKC vote tomorrow on mandatory masks. It appears a lot of places are gearing up. I’m happy about it. Less to worry about and I love the team work! It’s has been a slow process but I am hoping with all the masks mandates it will really help and we will start to see numbers go down next month.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Walleye (aka Pickerel) are great fish. Very active and fun to catch as they put up a great fight, easy to clean, and taste fantastic.

Watch out for those teeth though, they can pretty much take a finger off!

They're a member of the Pike family. Northern Pike is even more of a fight to catch. Again, nice, clean fresh tasting meat. Equally dangerous with its teeth. I've watched several times a Pike take down a medium sized goose or duck right from the surface of the water.

I'm a Bass, Muskie and Pike fisher person, but since I've been out west, we don't have those around here, so I've switched to rainbow trout, char and salmon (all of which plus several more species reside in the lake I live on).
Ok some fun facts lol. Walleye are a member of the perch family not pike, although yes they both have teeth and both great to eat (I like pike more actually) And yup I call walleye pickerel too but they really are a totally different fish.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
There are 9 million school age children in California, and not a single WITH-Covid death has occurred among them.

That’s right. There have been 27,400 positive tests among these nine million kids, but all of them, positively all of them, have been either asymptomatic or mildly ill – as children are wont to become – and have recovered.

Excerpt from article - The Clown cars are fully loaded by David Stockman


Well-Known Member
There are 9 million school age children in California, and not a single WITH-Covid death has occurred among them.

That’s right. There have been 27,400 positive tests among these nine million kids, but all of them, positively all of them, have been either asymptomatic or mildly ill – as children are wont to become – and have recovered.

Excerpt from article - The Clown cars are fully loaded by David Stockman
Good morning, slave.


Well-Known Member
They have less than half the number of cases thay the Netherlands has. Go look it up. They have way slower case growth too, and that's just one Scandinavian country, much less all of them combines like you claimed. If you're going to make a whole mock thread at least research it so you don't come out looking like a moron.
Because they're just Europrovinces. Do you know why Netherlands isn't considered "Scandinavian"? Because some king at some point was Catholic and some other king wasn't. I mean really, let's just put Sweden in a group with Norway, Faroe Islands and like one other former Viking tribal haunt and swear Sweden is really not an outlier...
I do want to interfere in a discussion about lockdowns.
But if you do argue at least get your facts right.
The Netherlands is not and was never a Scandinavian country.
Also the Netherlands never had a king who was catholic.
So if you are mocking somebody about doing research, first do your own.

The Netherlands has up to now about 103.000 cases on a population of 17.500.000
Sweden has 77.000 on a population of about 10.000.000
Denmark 13.000 on a population of about 5.500.000
Norway 9.000 on a population of about 5.300.000
Finland 7.000 on a population of about 5.500.000
Iceland 2.000 on a population of about 350.000
(all numbers are taken from the site of John Hopkins University. They have different numbers then for example Worldometer where the Netherlands has only 51.000 cases instead 0f 103.000. But I know that these are the number of people they have checked. So I think the number of John Hopkins are more correct, because in the beginning of the pandemic (the peak), they did not test people at all)

So all the other Scandinavian countries have about 21.000 and Sweden has 77.000
All the other Scandinavian countries have a population of 16.650.000 and Sweden has 10.000.000

So Sweden has 7.7 cases per 1.000 people
Rest of Scandinavia has 1.3 cases per 1.000 people.
The Netherlands has 5.8 cases per 1.000 people.
That is less then Sweden, but you also have to bare in mind that in Sweden 22 people live per 1 KM2 and in the Netherlands 420 per 1 KM2.
That is 21 times as much per KM2.

Just facts.
Not saying what is better or which way of handling the virus will work out better in the end.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We could have child teachers, child maintenance, child bus drivers and child parents.
Most people with school age children are in their 20's, 30's or 40's, their risk of dying is about the same chance of being carried off and eaten by a
giant fire breathing Pterodactyl.



Well-Known Member
There are 9 million school age children in California, and not a single WITH-Covid death has occurred among them.

That’s right. There have been 27,400 positive tests among these nine million kids, but all of them, positively all of them, have been either asymptomatic or mildly ill – as children are wont to become – and have recovered.

Excerpt from article - The Clown cars are fully loaded by David Stockman
We had it 3 months ago. It fucked me right up.
Mrs was pretty run down but still functioning and the Bairn was completely unaffected.
There's a few folk round my way have had it and they've told me the same.
Kills the old, wrecks the men, not quite so bad for the women and all their kids were sound.