is it wrong to be a proud white male


Well-Known Member
if someone calls me a whiteboy, then they arent lying..and it dosent really hurt my feelings, other races have been called worse


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
well i just feel like i have to defend my whiteness all the time....lemme ask you when your talkin with someone an they call you a whiteboy how do you feel...they just stand thier like that shit is the thing to with no reflux they say it over an i the only person this me gettin called a whiteboy is the same as me sayin niger,wetback,kyke an so on an so forth...
You percieve that you must defend your "whiteness". If you go about your business without judging skin colour, keep your back down, you should have no problems then. When they call you names, Ask them why they call you "whitey" and such. Ask them if you can call them browny or blacky? Ask them how it makes them feel. If you call someone out on something that bugs you, they most likely will stop. Or beat your ass, lol. Just kidding. Bullies come in all colours, you just need to know how to deal with them.


New Member
bullies...thats ot where i was going with neva been talkin to one of your colored friends an out of nowhere they call you or someone else white boy...just out of the blue with no disregard...


Well-Known Member
well id never call me friends niggers as i would hope that they wouldnt call me a white boy in a hatefull way you kno its kinda hard to exsplain


Well-Known Member
yea but comin from my friends i wont take it that way. but i kno were ur comin from being dismisted as a white boy by a fagget mother fucker who thinks there better then u cuz ur white


Well-Known Member
mogie is right, there is a little bit of racism in everyone...i dont call people out like that but man if you let people get to you like that, i feel sorry for you


Well-Known Member
white pride!!!!! all around, if its racist thing then i guess i'm racist but i'm not i hear the guy it's ok to be proud aslong as your not white lol and yes we all have some like i'm looking at all yous down there now =P~ j/k


Elite Rolling Society
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then.............

If he talks like a racist and acts like a racist, then......................


Well-Known Member
Ok...its obvious you enjoy talking about this when its not an issue to most people. Thats cool. Rollitup just doesnt seem like the place for this. But its whatever.

Its also a little obvious that you are enjoying tossing around the words "Nigga or Nigger" whichever you prefer. Even though NOBODY here has called you a Whiteboy.

So what are you REALLY trying to accomplish here?


Elite Rolling Society
Shame, Shame, Shame, that you resorted to using the N word.
I'm white, but that words means 200 years of ingnorance and hatred to many people.
I'm not coming back to this thread.
I am shocked how many rednecks smoke pot now. Back in the 70s, if you smoked pot, you was cool, peaceful, and loved everyone and offended no one.


Well-Known Member
When analyzing a subject, any subject , you must also consider the social, historical, and cultural aspects at hand. I would consider it naive not to.
What kind of connotation does the N word have? there is a long history of oppression behind it. i'm not telling you you should feel responsible for this history, just never forget that it has a major influence upon how the word is seen. Hence I do not use it, and neither should you if you don't want to be taken as severely offensive. ''White boy'' does not underline a history of violence , slavery, and racism. Hence it is NOT the same. Do I feel victim of racism? Yes , all of us feel at one moment or another, but I disregard it. Many ignorants out there. As long as my freedom of movement, speech and thought are not abolished I disregard it, yet I highly condemn racism.
I just read some