Countdown to Apocolypse


Well-Known Member
So I'm drinking tonight.

Don't know if I should take a victory shot for every McCain state

or take a depressing shot as socialism claims another state

I will probably start doing one then drift into the other, thats my prediction



Well-Known Member
So I'm drinking tonight.

Don't know if I should take a victory shot for every McCain state

or take a depressing shot as socialism claims another state

I will probably start doing one then drift into the other, thats my prediction


Hey Zen. I don't think i will be getting as fucked up as you. I certainly won't be getting as fucked up as the opportunist 'depends' salesman at his post election party. This will be forever known as the 'go potty or vote election'. It seems like a fun trick, a last straw. karl rove speculated that lazy assed liberals would rather piss, shit and just 'generally do other stuff', than suffer the discomfort of a widdle or poop attack when voting was the alternative. 'Our conservative, God supported strength will guide and support us through this internal rodeo' said Dwight Whiteman of Texas while whining and rolling around on the ground and wishing he hadn't been such a show off with all the chilli he put in last nights curry,'bush will win! Bodily functions bedamnded.'

I'm drinking at my friend's tonight. Cheers, and all the best. Out of juice, don't mean to be rude. Bye


New Member
I don't drink, Zen ... but I WILL get stoned and stay up late watching the returns.

I wonder if those Black Panther assholes with their intimidating billy clubs have left the polling places yet?



Well-Known Member
that was unnecessary, and just down right derogatory. Good luck with your amero, and nationalist military state this country will be in. Funny thing i see in all of this, is the dems claiming they were all going to move out of country if Bush got in again, and now they ridicule us and tell us, "better start buying your tickets to get out now", when they started the crap tossing contest. Funny thing is, Reps all have enough money to move out of country if Obama gets in, lol.

another pointless genralization of society i know, but i thought that was actually funny.


Well-Known Member
Funny, so-called Black Panthers haven't attempted to asasinate McCain. Altho there HAS been a break up of a plot on Obama.... (and I thought Hillary would be the first to try and take him out.):mrgreen::joint:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you guys will find some comfort tonight clinging to your guns and bibles.

Yeah, for real.

The fucking government can take away your kids and land, but 'keep your dickstrokers OFF my gun.'


Speaking of socialism, are you REALLY a student of socialogy or are you one of those who has learned a term or two and think you understand the concept.... If you support the right, you are more a socialist than any liberal.

I want a country where they won't take my kids for some stupid shit or take my land cuz some developer wants to come thru....

Oh, and btw, according to them, if you AINT clutching a bible you are clutching the Koran.....

In my case it would be Dr. Seuss........

It is fun to have fun but you hafta know how......


New Member
The apocalpyse was prescheduled for 2012, I don't think this election made a difference.

I guess in 2012 when the republicans don't win back the whitehouse they'll blow up the planet. :mrgreen:

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
Oh good! Now pot will be legal since Obama is in office! He's going to take care of me, and let me keep my home, and buy me a bike, and give everyone free beer...

Hell, I think this fucker even promised blow jobs if he got into office. Oh well. We'll see how much he delivers on.

Same old shit.

P.S. I'm NOT a Republican I'm a Libertarian.


Well-Known Member
Oh good! Now pot will be legal since Obama is in office! He's going to take care of me, and let me keep my home, and buy me a bike, and give everyone free beer...

Hell, I think this fucker even promised blow jobs if he got into office. Oh well. We'll see how much he delivers on.

Same old shit.

P.S. I'm NOT a Republican I'm a Libertarian.
I don't remember him promising any of that...


Well-Known Member
The Republicans lost because they are out of touch with the rest of the country.

And no it isn't going to be socialism, that would mean that all the Businesses would belong to the state, that was never purposed. And before you say that the Banks belong to the State, Need I remind you that it was Bush who purposed it, McCain who came off his Campaign and Cheer leaded for it and the Republicans wouldn't vote for it until there was pork put in it..

You Guys should have taken the high road and knocked off the Juvenile attack adds and and should not have ran a dirty mud slinging campaign, The American people are tired of that kind of politics.


Well-Known Member
The Republicans lost because they are out of touch with the rest of the country.

And no it isn't going to be socialism, that would mean that all the Businesses would belong to the state, that was never purposed. And before you say that the Banks belong to the State, Need I remind you that it was Bush who purposed it, McCain who came off his Campaign and Cheer leaded for it and the Republicans wouldn't vote for it until there was pork put in it..

You Guys should have taken the high road and knocked off the Juvenile attack adds and and should not have ran a dirty mud slinging campaign, The American people are tired of that kind of politics.
Absolutely. :peace:


Well-Known Member
You Guys should have taken the high road and knocked off the Juvenile attack adds and and should not have ran a dirty mud slinging campaign, The American people are tired of that kind of politics.
You're hilarious Dank. Its amazing that you turn your blind eye to everything despicable your own party does. Even I can admit that some of McCain's ads were not the fairest, however its right on par with Obama's.

This is what we call "savior mentality".

Obama is too good and holy to stoop to McCain's level with the attack ads..:roll:

Normally such a stupid statement would imply obvious humor, however I believe you actually think that. Astounding.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
So I'm drinking tonight.

Don't know if I should take a victory shot for every McCain state

or take a depressing shot as socialism claims another state

I will probably start doing one then drift into the other, thats my prediction


speaking of socialism.. can you please send me your 300 dollar rebate check that bushsent you. I know you would not except anything like that...


Well-Known Member
Dank- you are awesome, dude. FOr once someone who knows what socialism REALLY means (and how much of the ideology of the right is actually forcing it).

Garden Knowm-



Well-Known Member
You're hilarious Dank. Its amazing that you turn your blind eye to everything despicable your own party does. Even I can admit that some of McCain's ads were not the fairest, however its right on par with Obama's.

This is what we call "savior mentality".

Obama is too good and holy to stoop to McCain's level with the attack ads..:roll:

Normally such a stupid statement would imply obvious humor, however I believe you actually think that. Astounding.
My own Party?
I'm an Independent, not a Democrat.

Definition of independent (adjective)
free; autonomous; sovereign; self-reliant; self-sufficient

I don't hire contractors to fix my house, I do it myself, I don't hire Mechanics to fix my car, I do it myself.
I make my own beer and wine, I also grow my own smoke when I need it.
I do not owe a penny on my house, I own it, lock stock and barrel.
All of this makes me independent, from needing others do do things for me.

I do not think that Obama is a savior, I do think he will do a better job that his predecessor, McCain on the other hand would do the same, as his voting record shows.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

AS far as the Adds: Obama put out adds that pointed out McCain's Record, no lies there.
McCain accused Obama of everything from being a Terrorist to Un-American to being down right Socialist.
None of those stuck.

Seems to me like Sour Grapes on your part.
Do you know what I do with Sour Grapes?
I make Wine.

Do you want some cheese to go with your Whine.
Bye Bye Now, thanks for playing, you are the weakest link.