organic White Berry SOG med grow.


Well-Known Member
shit, I dont even know. probly in the upper 70's. All the cuttings are doing great on top but below nothin. Ive got 6.0 ph water and added lemon juice for ph down but no nutes. I was thinking about superthirve but decided against it.


Well-Known Member
ns job on the clones, ise your gonna make some serious stash for some serious cash,haha,.my clones are doing pretty good all standing burt 2, i got them from the bottom thats wy. your doing a good job this round . hell the other wasnt your fault i believe , because i have used nutes of the same reg. and that one bottle really seemed stronger concentrate thanprevious,, and saw 4,000 in weed burn up before my eyes.and salvaged bullshit. i was gone 2 days after i fed them , there wasnt much to come bak to, sometime it just be like that,lol. hope you do well buddy. here rollus a fatass joint,OB.the best nute to get thats kind of weak but excellent is Olivias cloning and seedling feed, its perfect. i use it on my seedsevery time and get around 100% germ. used it on the clones and thier all uprite.they look like thier growin to me and it was 3 days ago wen i took them.


Well-Known Member
I use the 3 part GH Flora Series 5mL of each per gallon of RO water. Maybe you should try some nutes???

shit, I dont even know. probly in the upper 70's. All the cuttings are doing great on top but below nothin. Ive got 6.0 ph water and added lemon juice for ph down but no nutes. I was thinking about superthirve but decided against it.


Well-Known Member
I'll make a note of that and be sure to check into it when I go to the store toorrow. I made a hella noob mistake by putting root juice, a nute thats for potted plants, into my res. Green slime grew, washed it all out disinfected, white slime started growing I washed and disinfected and now the white snot/sperm is again growing. Somone mentioned hygrozyme so I'll be lookig into that tomorrow.
My cloner said to add bloom formula to the res at the first signs of rooting. I dont want to make another mistake like the root juice, but Im wondering if these thick milkshake organic nutes can be used for aero or strictly for soil?


Well-Known Member
dont use any nutes on your clones, basic tap water w/ ppm below 150 is ideal. The bigger the clone you took the longer it is going to take to develop roots. The largest clones I last took using just a cup of water were much smaller then yours and they took as long as 14 days, so it is definitely possible yours may take upwards of 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. Just be patient with them, as long as they still look green just keep feeding them clean fresh water. Also, just curious but did you scrape a little bit of the stem until you hit the white fibrous material right under the surface? do this right where you make the cut at the bottem and it helps stimulate root development


Well-Known Member
my clones seem to be doing ok. i just want roots, i plugged a heat thermometer to my heat pad and set it to 78F. it kind of looks like thier growin honestly, its been 4 days... hope you get you a shit load of free plants... i'm fixin to give that dog two houses down a new years present in two months,lol.......:cuss: + bongsmilie = :blsmoke:.....i'm better now...


Well-Known Member
This aero cloner is really testing my patience. My first 3 batches took over 2 weeks to start growing and very slow at that, but when they get going they seem to grow healthy and vigorous. I just put 2 orange bud clones into flowering on the first after 2 weeks of veg officially starting my 2 week perpetual.


Well-Known Member
nice i am germin some now too! i will be here for the long haul and we can compare pics!


Well-Known Member
my clones seem to be doing ok. i just want roots, i plugged a heat thermometer to my heat pad and set it to 78F. it kind of looks like thier growin honestly, its been 4 days... hope you get you a shit load of free plants... i'm fixin to give that dog two houses down a new years present in two months,lol.......:cuss: + bongsmilie = :blsmoke:.....i'm better now...
I bet you still miss your cat though. Mine is 10 1/2 and if she died tomorrow I would be depressed for weeks. Even when traveling for only a couple weeks I still miss my cats.:-|


Well-Known Member
nice i am germin some now too! i will be here for the long haul and we can compare pics!
OH yah! this should be lots of fun. :bigjoint:Unfortunately my 2 moms took a long time to grow to the proper size to take clones as you might have noticed in the journal. Glad to have you along though and if im on schedule I should have 4 healthy veged clones to flower in the upcoming weeks.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
But as of the 1st of november I officially kicked off my SOG with 2 healthy veggd OB clones into flower. I just transplanted 2 10 day old fully rooted white berry clones into thier 6" containers and theyll go in flowering in a few weeks. For now its been the OB clones that ave really started growing. Im sitting on about 25 little clones in dixie cups that arent growing all that much. Just a tiny little bit each day.


Well-Known Member
But as of the 1st of november I officially kicked off my SOG with 2 healthy veggd OB clones into flower. I just transplanted 2 10 day old fully rooted white berry clones into thier 6" containers and theyll go in flowering in a few weeks. For now its been the OB clones that ave really started growing. Im sitting on about 25 little clones in dixie cups that arent growing all that much. Just a tiny little bit each day.
i'm glad man can't wait to see how that whiteberry does!

billy no m8s

Active Member
hey fella seems an age since i bin online! sorry to hear bout the trouble with the cloner, they do tend to take a while with aero, i did notice u say u put clonex on them b4 u put them in! i use aero 4 my clones but i dont put anything on them i just stand mine up in the aeriated water, just wundrin weather ur roots r strugling to root through the blob of clonex! i have read that u can dilute the clonex 1mm per litre and use it to mist leaves while rooting apparently the guy swears by it! also u dont need to give um 24/7 light as they tend to root beta on 18/6 hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I stuck 8 new cuttings in the aero cloner last night and I woke up this morning to all of them dead. The spinner on the pump was clogged or something and it wasnt spraying water. Fuckin cheap ass ghetto set up. Now I gotta wait 2 weeks before I can take any more.


Well-Known Member
I stuck 8 new cuttings in the aero cloner last night and I woke up this morning to all of them dead. The spinner on the pump was clogged or something and it wasnt spraying water. Fuckin cheap ass ghetto set up. Now I gotta wait 2 weeks before I can take any more.
wow things arn't going great are they? dnt worry man things will look up, sounds like whiteberry is pretty damn finicky have u tried putting the clonex solution straight into the res? ima rep u to cheer u up,



Well-Known Member
damn that sucks. that is why i use the GH 3 part, its pure liquid so there is nothing to clog the pump and sprayer.

I stuck 8 new cuttings in the aero cloner last night and I woke up this morning to all of them dead. The spinner on the pump was clogged or something and it wasnt spraying water. Fuckin cheap ass ghetto set up. Now I gotta wait 2 weeks before I can take any more.


Well-Known Member
I guess 6 of them werent dead. I fixed the spinner, sprayed what I thought were dead clones just to see if anything will happen. 12 hours without any water spells death for a little cutting for sure Well checked my aero cloner 6 hrs later and I had 6 clones standing streight up out of the eight I took. pretty amazing. So I got 1 orange bud 2 spoetnik#1 and 3 white berry, not bad. I guess only the strong survive.


Well-Known Member
good job on the clones. mine are still in the green house, keeping temps at 80F, i believe hep . i want to see that white berry, i almost got it this last time.will be tuning in.