The Shadow People

Once up in the Hollywood Hills at the end of a one sided residential road there was a locked horizontal post gate
that me and some buds drove up to hopped the gate and went up this long fire road to this plateau and at the
plateau was a big dirt hill we were up on late night on a full moon listening to tunes and partying when all the sudden we spotted 6 shadowy
figures walking up the trail side by side towards us and I said shhhh turn down the music and all 6 figures were identically about 7' tall with squared off shoulders
and they split up with a few looking towards the small crick along the side of the trail and the others walked up to a smaller plateau we were at
a bit ago then they joined back up side by side and walked back down the trail towards the gate and the small open bed truck
we had parked on the other side of the gate. Needles to say we walked down the trail to trial them with none of them in sight
along the trial bushes, trees etc.. on the sides of the trial and we had a cooler in the back of the open bed small truck with a
bunch of beers in it all untouched by the 7' tall shadowy figures. They were nowhere to be seen. I said they were probably
Angels Of Death. True story and what a total trip that was. :shock:
who belives in shadow people. ive seen them before im jus wondering if anyone else has. the shadow person i seen had a fedora hat and trech coat. weird shit ive had some friends see the same shit.
Dude hahah so crazy, I was just writing a post and I was describing what I believe to be a male characteristic of a plant, and I was describing things that look like match heads, or lollipops, or....(or shadow people!) Hahah. It's funny but that stuff can seem super real, and it doesn't always stop at the shadows. Unfortunately, whether or not you subscribe to the idea that shadow people are real or not, the knee jerk reactions that can quickly lead to a fear response from being accosted by the kind, will only snowball the situation and the externalization of issues or problems which come from within will make it appear that they are becoming more aggressive. Laughter and love and light is the only weapon.

Oh, I'm all better now, thankfully pulled myself out of that drug induced psychosis before ending up in jail or the crazy bin. Ended up being cool with Jesus. Wasn't all bad times.
Shouldn't ya'll be hanging out in the r/creepypasta subreddit or something?
This happened to me when I was 12 or so: I was looking outside of my room's window which was on the 2nd floor at night and I see an incredibly spooky, very pale and bald man leaning against the wall of an abandoned house right across the street. It appeared to me as if he was writing something down in a notepad in his hand. I brought my binoculars because even though I could literally sense with every fiber of my brain the evilness of this "person", my curiousity was stronger. So I got down down on my knees and arranged the binoculars in front of my eyes and the same moment I get a closer look on our friend, he moves his head and looks me directly into the face with a truly malevolent and, somehow, knowing smile, even though it couldn't have been possible for him to see me at all in my position. He walked away shortly after, but it seemed more like him merging with the shadows behind the house. No drugs were involved, but this fucker gave me the scare of my life.
You had to have been on meth or you were staying up too late, mister >=(

Just kidding
Okay in all honesty, as much as I like to pretend a lot of stuff I saw a while ago I didn't really see, but there is something up with the phenomenon. Meth heads and non meth heads all over the world are reporting the same thing, so there's definately something to it. I also think schizoohrenia isn't just the brain making stuff. One thing is for sure though, schizophrenia is exactly what staying up for too long, doing hard stimulants, or even smoking weed fornsome people, will get you. Drug induced of coursez but 9 out of 10 cashiers agree that drug induced psychosis mimics exactly schizophrenia. I also wouldn't have realized Jesus is real if I didn't think of that. Crap, there's of those train of thought derailments. I forget where I was going with that but. You're probably right.

Edit: oh yeah I remember!

Of you want to go down the rabbit hole a little further, schizophrenia is something to look about. And it's connection with other dimensions and I think it might actually be botched or premature kallundi or whatever... you'll see.
Nonphixion warned us. Open up your third eye helicopters in the sky.
Okay in all honesty, as much as I like to pretend a lot of stuff I saw a while ago I didn't really see, but there is something up with the phenomenon. Meth heads and non meth heads all over the world are reporting the same thing, so there's definately something to it. I also think schizoohrenia isn't just the brain making stuff. One thing is for sure though, schizophrenia is exactly what staying up for too long, doing hard stimulants, or even smoking weed fornsome people, will get you. Drug induced of coursez but 9 out of 10 cashiers agree that drug induced psychosis mimics exactly schizophrenia. I also wouldn't have realized Jesus is real if I didn't think of that. Crap, there's of those train of thought derailments. I forget where I was going with that but. You're probably right.