Calling all growers


Well-Known Member
I've recognized a need for new growers that need help.

If you are interested in helping new growers from start to finish so they have a successful grow, please post here in this thread so people know they can contact you or tag you for help.

A good example is this grow. Click Here

20+ attempts with zero success.

I can't be a mentor but maybe you can help out.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be rude but how many folk do you know who eat a pineapple and then consider to grow their own pineapples, some folks are just not cut out to 'garden' so to speak, I'm thankful for my kindergarten teacher for teaching us how to grow cress and sunflowers at such a young age.


Well-Known Member
Then I tried cloning some money plants and realised they grew more when watered less and not fully saturating the medium, how ghey

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Isn't there a sub forum for this shit? Some of the questions asked by noobs are beyond stupid. It gets old. I learned to grow before the internets, and that meant a lot of reading.

TBH, I would love to mentor a man child who lives in his mums basement and plays Xbox all day while plotting a micro grow that will eventually get him kicked out. I wonder where I could find one.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there a sub forum for this shit? Some of the questions asked by noobs are beyond stupid. It gets old. I learned to grow before the internets, and that meant a lot of reading.

TBH, I would love to mentor a man child who lives in his mums basement and plays Xbox all day while plotting a micro grow that will eventually get him kicked out. I wonder where I could find one.
@Shape Shifter you're being called.

@KingQuazy too


Well-Known Member
Been here for about 2 mouths getting a lot of good information but to know who you can turn to that a good thing I think hope you can pull it off good luck


Well-Known Member
That's actually why i started here. I want it to be easy for everyone to have a great grow.

All the reading I did (books, interwebs and what not) taught me a LOT --surprise, surprise--. But the amount of bullshit I sifted thru and supposed facts with no proof made it frustrating at times.

I think the growers here posting journals that prove the results they claim is one of the best things that can be done for struggling growers.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own style of growing, and not 1 style is better than the other, just different. So when a newbie shows up and ask for help, they get pulled in 20 different directions, not wrong directions, just different. So the newbie ultimately ends up trying 20 different approaches, not realizing each approach is specific to a certain condition, and that condition might not apply to their situation. A mentor would have to be the “ only “ person involved, and guide them from start to finish. The “ mentored “ would have to take notes, extensive notes and apply those notes to the next grow. I still heavily rely on my notes every time I grow. Having to remember when you watered, what you watered with, how much you watered, when you dropped the light distance, when you reduced the feed strength, etc etc etc. So the mentor thing could be successful, it would just have to be on a one on one basis. I learned tons of stuff here, I just took ingredient from everyone’s style and made my own pot of gumbo. That’s the point of a mentor program, not to have someone do exactly what you do, but to teach them how to do it their own way and perfect it.


Weed Modifier
K.I.S.S. :bigjoint:

I don't mind helping people, its why I'm here, to help.

I'm not going to make it complicated for them, just really simple and only the basics, once they know that , and have a successful harvest, then they will be able to expand and try new techniques and they will see what works for them.


Well-Known Member
PM is how it works already!

You read a lot of threads, learn who pretends to know what they are talking about.

Read more you find know it alls who argue they know best.

Read more, ask questions in threads, you really start to see who knows what AND who wants to help.

Step 2...PM someone who you respect and ask for help. They do or dont help. Feelings are not hurt if they dont.

I have asked about 8 people directly for help in a year. All were great, some truly epic in their abilities imo.



Well-Known Member
One key point to remember is to get the person through their first grow. Most of us know how to grow weed. Some of us know how to grow amazing weed and a select few know how to grow the most amazing Sensi on the planet. Some of us are professional, while others only have a couple grows under their belts.

I my brain, a mentor is someone open to questions, offers advice and steps back to let the person try.

Everyone will have a different approach and not all mentors will fit every grower.

If you start getting burnt out, post in the thread and someone can pick up where you left off.