and yet he continues, unfettered.

nancy and chuck need to stop worrying about legacy and pull the trigger- or there will BE NO TRIGGER LEFT TO PULL!!!
I really don't think that is their concern here. The Republicans have shown that they will very clearly condone his criminal actions and it isn't going to happen as long as they do.

The ball is in our court now.

I am deeply concerned. Racism does not tend to show up in polls - but once that "voting curtain" closes...
I am deeply concerned. Racism does not tend to show up in polls - but once that "voting curtain" closes...
Trump has 41% support, yet a much higher percentage admit they fear another Trump presidency. He's losing in the swing and red states, OH is an outlier, if Florida goes blue he's fucked on election night and he might even lose GA & TX. The senate could be gone by 10 seats out of 23 and the house will have at least 30 more democratic seats. If the democrats win they will drive through reforms (H.R.-1) that will remove many of the GOP advantages and investigations and prosecutions of Trumps minions will continue for years. The GOP is also gonna lose on the state level too in many places and next year is redistricting. Demographic change should save America within a decade and not just the increasing numbers of "brown people", but every year millions of new young white voters come online and an equal number of old ones die, attitudes die with them.
I really don't think that is their concern here. The Republicans have shown that they will very clearly condone his criminal actions and it isn't going to happen as long as they do.

The ball is in our court now.

I am deeply concerned. Racism does not tend to show up in polls - but once that "voting curtain" closes...
The republicans also support removing your rights and disenfranchising you, they don't seem to have an issue with election cheating, crime, or treason. Fortunately the coming election loss might be too big to rig for Trump, everybody who is against Trump will make sure their vote is counted and many will go through extraordinary measures to do so. The die is cast.
New Polls: Biden Leads Trump Nationwide And In Key Battleground States | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
#1 POTUS shall not shit himself while in office.
He violated this norm when he fled NATO summit after being openly mocked by the world's leaders.After shitting himself he had KellyAnn Conjob pick him up to take him home early.

He violated this norm when he would/wouldn't in helsinki after felching Putin. He shit himself when he couldn't hold down the load he drew from vlads ass
I dont think any of our "norms" have significantly changed in the last 4 years. Other than the fact that Democrats have decided America is the worst place on earth to have to live.
Its the worst when run into the ground by an unqualified, shit choked, cowardly cheat, liar, Russian puppet and international buffoon. Fearful, willfully ignorant, poorly educated, racist slobs, cretins and 'christians' accept cancerous greed and regressive race to the bottom 'leadership' rather than riding the horse in the direction it is going.

He is a fucking grotesque swine. He made clear what he was all about with birtherism, trump u fraud, charity fraud, inauguration lie. He is a person that cannot be trusted. His life is a corrosive nightmare of entitlement, cheating, lies, betrayals, exploitation and ludicrous malignant narcissism. There is a whole canon of recent written history detailing his hideous character and deeds. WTF are you thinking magat
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I realize they feel free but,
this whole no PC crowd will be kicked to the curb by the millennials
Those folks are just going thru the death throes of a dying breed
10 years. A lot can happen in 10 years. Starting with Republicans voting twice to spoil the election and our system of democracy with it.

This is not a reality yet. We'll see how this election runs its course. Trump and his traitorous Grand Theft Party are showing how much the writers of the Constitution wrote it assuming the people in charge would feel constrained by it. I don't know how it's going to fall right now because there don't seem to be any rules anymore.
Trumps a disgrace to America, We will hold every single one of you responsible for Trump being in office, with his fascist ways, Is this really what you People want ? This is Becoming a real bad thing and You Trump Supporters are helping a Hitler come back. This is America Wake up get this piece of shit out of our White House before you all regret it too !!

He don't care about you, You're a Prop for him he would shit on you in a heart beat, Why are you all so fucking blind to him ?

IMHO: You're either Rich and want more Money or you're Uneducated and don't understand what the fuck is happening right now. Wake up read a book by an Author that tells the Truth and you can understand what America Stands for. This man is Destroying our America and you Idiots are letting him, I can Kind of See Rich fucks but you Poor folks are going to be Screwed big time. You have nothing to fall back on, lose your house and be out on the Street. Trust me he don't give a shit..
10 years. A lot can happen in 10 years. Starting with Republicans voting twice to spoil the election and our system of democracy with it.

This is not a reality yet. We'll see how this election runs its course. Trump and his traitorous Grand Theft Party are showing how much the writers of the Constitution wrote it assuming the people in charge would feel constrained by it. I don't know how it's going to fall right now because there don't seem to be any rules anymore.
60 days is long time in Trump world, and there seems to be much coming out lately, many books published etc. Nothing seems to matter though, Trump's support appears to be locked in and Biden's is too, only about 10 points higher. The polls are interesting in that you get different results with different questions, a much higher percentage of the public fear another Trump presidency than who claim to support him etc, the numbers are all over the place. There is more than enough information for any reasonable person to make up their minds, I don't see breaking news on any level affecting Trump's support much at this point. It starts with election and media reform, police and justice reform are a given, minorities simply have the democratic party by the balls, they will demand, not ask.

In this fight like any other ya go with what ya got, not what ya want, next time will be different, there will be a bulwark built up against this bullshit. Like I keep saying racism/Trumpism/fascism is a national security threat, will be seen that way from here on out and treated as such.

Trump can dance and scream all he wants, but states run elections and the blue ones will have their congress people and senators ready to be sworn in for the Jan 3rd. If any red states have problems with the election, their congress people and senators are on that ballot too BTW and won't be seated on Jan 3rd. Inauguration is on the 20th, but the new congress sits on Jan 3rd.
10 years. A lot can happen in 10 years. Starting with Republicans voting twice to spoil the election and our system of democracy with it.

This is not a reality yet. We'll see how this election runs its course. Trump and his traitorous Grand Theft Party are showing how much the writers of the Constitution wrote it assuming the people in charge would feel constrained by it. I don't know how it's going to fall right now because there don't seem to be any rules anymore.
One other thing, Nancy doesn't want to use the nuclear option (inherent powers) because they are afraid it might cost votes and are trying to avoid that, if possible. However after Nov 3 rd it might be a different reality, the democrats won't be so reluctant and their might be a lot of pissed off GOP Congress people and senators facing unemployment. If he loses Donald is gonna go nuts, but his minions will have deserted him and the regular government people will call Joe first or be told too. Donald has done no transition work as required and given no briefings to Biden's people and won't. One president at a time, but there are exceptions to everything.
One other thing, Nancy doesn't want to use the nuclear option (inherent powers) because they are afraid it might cost votes and are trying to avoid that, if possible. However after Nov 3 rd it might be a different reality, the democrats won't be so reluctant and their might be a lot of pissed off GOP Congress people and senators facing unemployment. If he loses Donald is gonna go nuts, but his minions will have deserted him and the regular government people will call Joe first or be told too. Donald has done no transition work as required and given no briefings to Biden's people and won't. One president at a time, but there are exceptions to everything.
We won't be out of the woods even if Biden thrashes Trump in November. Trump has had a very consistent level of support, about 40% say they approve of Trump's presidency. Through it all, they have stuck with him. I don't think his hardcore supporters will abandon Trumpism if Trump loses in November. They will regroup and it will be 2009 all over again. Trump is doing nothing to rescue our economy or country from economic disaster, on purpose. The worse off he leaves this country, the better for his fascist movement.

Post-Trump, the US economy will be stuck in depression for years. As with Obama taking the blame for Bush's failures, Biden and Democratic Congress will be blamed for Trump's. In four years fascists will once again be a real threat, only worse. It will be their last real chance at establishing permanent fascist rule. The candidate that Republicans will put up in 2024 will be a more militant fascist. We have to shepherd this country's democratic institutions through about 10 years of this kind of shit. During this time, any success on the part of liberals will be temporary while the fascists only need to win back control of the government one more time to permanently establish fascism.

As some who have posted on this thread indicate, they think the change to fascist control is already permanent.