American Wildfires

And QAnon can suck my big fat man part. Spreading lies and conspiracies about people on the left starting the fires. There have been arrests for arson and looting but they were all right wing racists and nuts like QAnon. Pure bovine dung these traitors are spewing. What's really sad is the amount of people that believe that crap.

I'll also say that I'm not taking sides with those on the far left that are vandalizing and burning my city every night. They can have a lick of my man parts as well. They all need to grow up and get a brain. Idiots all of them.

Makes me sick what ALL these idiots are spewing and doing.

Get an effing life.
And the thing is that everyone that's been arrested for arson or looting are rednecks that are definitely not liberals. Here in Oregon you have the meth head racist types cruising into evacuated area's breaking into people's homes and stealing property.


is this the McGurk Effect again..?
You mean the people who sent in Trump's HSA goons to kidnap and interrogate the people of Portland? The people who supported Trump when he said he was going to "go in and clean out Portland"?

Nah, I don't want their hopes and prayers. They are dirtier than the air is in the Willamette Valley at this moment. Their anger and violence towards us means we are hitting them close to home. Like when you throw a rock and hit a hive of wasps.

No wonder they are angry. We are going to get through these times but when the fires die down in a few days, we'll still be here. We are going to help people who suffered get back on their feet. We'll be here, living in a wonderful state with a beautiful coast, a coastal range that contains old growth temperate rain forests, the Cascade mountain range and the desert-plains to the east. It's a liberal state with a Democratically controlled government and even Republicans say they cannot see a time when they are in power again. So, I'm OK with them hating on us. When it's over, we'll be in Oregon, our economy is growing faster than the rest of the nation. We'll be fine and they will be in their trashy clapped out trailer homes living on food stamps, complaining about Oregon. Let them have their sour grapes.
Honest to God, that's a great perspective to look at it! Obviously we've done enough to get a reaction out of them, and that's all they want out of us!
You're absolutely right!
Be safe out there man!
is this the McGurk Effect again..?


The Age of (also known as the Age of Reason or simply the Enlightenment)

The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the sovereignty of reason and the evidence of the senses as the primary sources of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state.

Science played an important role in Enlightenment discourse and thought.

Many of us have brains that we use to understand what is going on around us and are not swayed by baseless conspiracy theories and the agenda's of others. We see things as they are. And accept things as they are. We have no need to change the facts to suit our personal agenda.
I'll also say that I'm not taking sides with those on the far left that are vandalizing and burning my city every night. They can have a lick of my man parts as well. They all need to grow up and get a brain. Idiots all of them.

Makes me sick what ALL these idiots are spewing and doing.

Get an effing life.
Those protests are due to police harming the people they are supposed to protect. Their actions make me sick. The people the cops killed no longer have a life to "get".
Those protests are due to police harming the people they are supposed to protect. Their actions make me sick. The people the cops killed no longer have a life to "get".

I understand the original protests. But now it's just people starting fires and vandalizing. There may be a few BLM supporters in these late night crowds but ALL BLM leaders in Portland have denounced the nightly violence and have distanced themselves from the anarchists that have hijacked their movement and made it about nothing but chaos. Minority businesses are even being vandalized by these people.

I support the BLM movement 100% and agree that the police are getting away with murder in many instances and the racism across the nation is systemic. But these vandals and that's what they are, have nothing to do with BLM and what has happened to young men at the hands of police across the country. The only reason any of these protesters are getting arrested is because they're breaking the law with acts of vandalism, looting, and arson. They're also throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

The entire defund the police is ridiculous. What are you going to do when there are no police and meth crazed lunatics run rampant across cities. The people involved in the nightly violence and that's what it is. It's not a protest it's violence. They might want to but 99% of the rest of us don't want to live in a world resembling Mad Max.

We might agree on some things but apparently not everything and there is nothing wrong with that. Civil discourse is good. Violence is bad. Ghandi, Martin Luther King both changed more with peace than any of this violence is going to change.

It's not that I disagree with the goals. It's the method I can't support. :peace:
For those that are unfamiliar with the kind of smoke we're having, it completely blocks out the sun.

I've circled the sun. It's inside the red circle. And on the ground you can actually see the smoke. It's like a cigarette smoker blew out a drag a couple seconds ago and has dissipated but is still visible. Smells like a campfire. And there are places where it's much thicker than here in Portland.

That's 100% smoke. Not clouds.


Hayward Ca., 2 days ago
Took this at noon

A picture my cousin took. I think he was in union city


Stay safe

I understand the original protests. But now it's just people starting fires and vandalizing. There may be a few BLM supporters in these late night crowds but ALL BLM leaders in Portland have denounced the nightly violence and have distanced themselves from the anarchists that have hijacked their movement and made it about nothing but chaos. Minority businesses are even being vandalized by these people.

I support the BLM movement 100% and agree that the police are getting away with murder in many instances and the racism across the nation is systemic. But these vandals and that's what they are, have nothing to do with BLM and what has happened to young men at the hands of police across the country. The only reason any of these protesters are getting arrested is because they're breaking the law with acts of vandalism, looting, and arson. They're also throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

The entire defund the police is ridiculous. What are you going to do when there are no police and meth crazed lunatics run rampant across cities. The people involved in the nightly violence and that's what it is. It's not a protest it's violence. They might want to but 99% of the rest of us don't want to live in a world resembling Mad Max.

We might agree on some things but apparently not everything and there is nothing wrong with that. Civil discourse is good. Violence is bad. Ghandi, Martin Luther King both changed more with peace than any of this violence is going to change.

It's not that I disagree with the goals. It's the method I can't support. :peace:
Defund the police is about shifting resources from the police to fund systems and workers to deal with non-violent situations. For example take jobs away from police and give them to people who are better able to deal with people who are having a psychotic episode, whether due to drugs or mental illness.

Martin Luther King. Was a great man. Yet 50 years after he took a bullet, we still have cops murdering black people. As we saw earlier, they murder others too. Doesn't it seem odd that the protests are all about reforming the police so that they don't murder people yet that's what they did to the Antifa activist who never had his day in court? I do. I'm also not surprised that the cops killed him. No body cams? Not surprised at that either. I'm sorry that the protests are bothering you. Perhaps we could work toward Portland making changes in its justice system so that the protests stop.
Hayward Ca., 2 days ago
Took this at noon
View attachment 4681174
View attachment 4681173

A picture my cousin took. I think he was in union city

View attachment 4681175

Stay safe



You're south at San Francisco Bay. I'm about 80 miles inland at the end of the Willamette Valley by the Columbia river. The smoke sinks to the valley floor and stays there. The air is nasty outside but I'm sure it is there as well. This just sucks all around for everyone but especially those in the fire zones. I have my fingers crossed that we get some weather to help put these fires out and my thoughts go out to those that have lost everything and those still worried about losing property and possessions.