WHITE RINO update (pics)!!


Active Member
so finally got my phone back from service and well i took some pictures of the grow box. I did alot of changing things around since i last posted an update

New update includes:

3 more 42 watt cfls
intake and exhaust fan
carbon filter
and another fan So what do you guys think? Any advice would be great!


Well-Known Member
Looks good!! Im happy to see that you have your CFL's close to the tops of your plants. This wiil increase the rate at which your plant grows, plus it also eliminates stretching....good one dude!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats perfect!!! With your lights close, you are promoting bushiness. Do you have a fan blowing on your plants?

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
the plants look real good...i like the set up thats kinda what im going for...i just cant find nething where i can have the light just hangin...neway where did u get the daylight 42w cfl? i really want one of those but i dont know where to find them...


Well-Known Member
Budking...Make sure that your fan is oscilating. Everything is looking good. Be sure that your temp and humiidity are were they should be. I'm sure you know those numbers..lol ALL GOOD...I'll keep watching your grow...If you need ant advice, you can count on all of us. I cani gurantee that I have the answer, but I know someone who does.


Active Member
those lights can be found at home depot..... only found in canada. But im sure where ever you are located u can find those cfls


Well-Known Member
During veg, your humidity shouldn't exceed 60%, but should be above 40%. During flowering, it should be no more than 40%. everyine has there own ideas about this, but what I am telling you is pretty standard. During flowering is when you want your humidity low to discourage mold and what have you. Veg 40-60% Flowering 25-40%


Active Member
You can get those types of bulbs online at 1000bulbs.com. They do generate slightly more heat, but just keep them a bit further away.


Active Member
yeaa the one on the right is a soft white the other daylight one was no good so i have to go back to the store to pick one up.


Active Member
well here are some updates since the last posting.

I started to use PURE BLEND PRO GROW nutrients for the veging stage and already after the first use you should see the difference !!

the first pic is the plant that i fim!
the second plant is just growing normaly!



Well-Known Member
They all look good bro...I'll be watching, as long as you are letting us know whats going on....deal?


Active Member
hey everyone! im finally back with some serious updates. I've changed my setup around abit and is now more effective.


picture 1 = The " Fim" Plant
Picture 2 = The normal plant
picture 3 = NEW SETUP

Tell me what you guys think
Also i was wondering why my fimed plant looks like that any one have any ideas?

