My Re-vegging Journal - any input is welcome


Well-Known Member
I got a new camera today, so those who have been following along dont have to strain to see my pics anymore. Here is the latest updates...

These are all just some random shots, I didnt really take time to learn the camera, just point and click. I'll be back in a few days with some updates on the clones and on the mother.

And just bcuz I could, I took a pic of my seedlings.

2 of them are mr.nice and 3 white widow all from seed.

see yall in a couple days



Well-Known Member
single leaf..obvious reveg from flower
your going to have multiple shoots out of that one bud
looks like beans as well


Well-Known Member
single leaf..obvious reveg from flower
your going to have multiple shoots out of that one bud
looks like beans as well
Hey major_nuggz thanks for stoppin by,

I got a few 4 and 5 leafers also as that one pic shows. and I cut a few shoots from that bud to clone so what u're seeing is leftovers lol. but yea U mentioned "a few beans" and i know that most reveg'd mothers have balls hangin from em but I thought they were sterile, if not then do I get viable seeds from her? if so then whats the point in revegging for clones? I may as well just grow from her seeds...or no?

Im trying to figure out a gameplan to start a SoG with this mother and my seedlings, but I think Ill be up to my nuts in plants and the smell and individual care would get outta control. Do you or anyone else have experience with SoG, and can i get some advice on it?

I failed to mention I just transplanted those seedlings..well actually what I did was I started them in those pots but they were about halfway full, once the plants grew larger and started showing signs of being rootbound, I "flipped" them (thats a restaurant term). I added some more potting mix under them for the roots to go crazy in, now Im going to allow them to get almost root bound again before next transplant. <-- that drastically cuts back on the number of pots I need everytime the roots grow, and the amount of soil I use per grow. They've perked up since then and have already began to grow since that pic earlier today


Well-Known Member
That's crazy looking. I've never seen a reveg 1st hand till now. It does resemble bean leaves. No spikes whatsoever. Pretty cool sir.


Well-Known Member
go with what ya got till you know for sure SPITTIN
I'm just trying a sog for the first time this im a newb at the sog, just now starting my rotation


Active Member
Glad to see all is going well. U'r doing great, also thanks for listening! Its mostly important to do you! if u like to experiment then u should. Its all about trial and error. U'r trial and error, what works for u might not work for others, so rock on! U'r rolling!


Well-Known Member
That's crazy looking. I've never seen a reveg 1st hand till now. It does resemble bean leaves. No spikes whatsoever. Pretty cool sir.
thx this is my first time as well and I thought it looked pretty funked up till these pro's on here told me thats how its was s'posed to look. I owe you guys a huge thanks. Im heading over to ur journal in a few minutes to check on ur grow. see ya there :blsmoke:

go with what ya got till you know for sure SPITTIN
I'm just trying a sog for the first time this im a newb at the sog, just now starting my rotation
I agree, I mean I have my hopes really high and Im not gonna throw them outta the window, since I know the clones will root I should probably stick to that method. thaks for all ur help :mrgreen:

Glad to see all is going well. U'r doing great, also thanks for listening! Its mostly important to do you! if u like to experiment then u should. Its all about trial and error. U'r trial and error, what works for u might not work for others, so rock on! U'r rolling!
:roll: :roll: well I kinda tried to listen..I mean it was only 1 cut, and good things came from it. I still hang on to all of your advice, but yea Im gonna do 'me' regardless, and usually that works out for the worse..well this time it may have worked out for the better and I may have just saved myself some time by taking cuttings early on so I can flower earlier. I really do appreciate all of the support and help, U guys have been great!


Active Member
Cool, Its good that all is working out! U'll be glad u did what you wanted to do in the long run. Then the blame is all yours. LOL... Anyway, its been so cool being able to share my own experiment w/reveggin.. Thanks for letting me hang out, and give my 2 cents... I appreciate it! Keep Growing!


Well-Known Member
thank you all for stopping by, i really appreciate the support!

i cant believe how much growth happened after only 27 days of revegging. that lets me know i probably didnt let her reach full potential last flowering.

im on a 18/6 schedule
i've been feeding half strength ferts 24-8-16
under 3 cfls (2@26w 1@13w)

some pix:

more in a couple days


Active Member
Nice, real nice! Well, alrighty then! I told u! Wait the best is yet to come..... I knew once you seen the new growth rocking along, u'd be pleased I know I sure was. It will grow twice the size as the first time around. U go boy! Keep up the good work, Patience pays off.. Don't put her back into flowering, Keep her as a clone donner... Just keep her roots trimmed from time to time to keep her in a 1 gallon pot, she'll live forever... Grow On!


Well-Known Member
seems like all of my new growth is happening on that one bud, if it gets too much more its gonna get too heavy. what should I do about that?


Well-Known Member
Nice, real nice! Well, alrighty then! I told u! Wait the best is yet to come..... I knew once you seen the new growth rocking along, u'd be pleased I know I sure was. It will grow twice the size as the first time around. U go boy! Keep up the good work, Patience pays off.. Don't put her back into flowering, Keep her as a clone donner... Just keep her roots trimmed from time to time to keep her in a 1 gallon pot, she'll live forever... Grow On!
just re-read this, U think I should just keep cutting from her huh? I was gonna use one of the clones as a mother doner just to free up some space for now.. but it would make much more sense to keep her as the mother. some of her shoots have 3 or 4 heads, and that would make for multiple clones from a single shoot, where as one plant can only produce one branch per node...hmm..a lot to think about...over a blunt..:peace:


Active Member
I think u should keep cutting from her and prune new spots on her branches, by taking off old growth to create new growth. I would keep her as the mother she's much more viable. U need to prune often to keep creating new shoots. That is the key to have her bush, so you can take mulitple cuttings from all over the plant. Sorry, it took so long to get back to ya! Hope u had a geat weekend.


Well-Known Member
I think u should keep cutting from her and prune new spots on her branches, by taking off old growth to create new growth. I would keep her as the mother she's much more viable. U need to prune often to keep creating new shoots. That is the key to have her bush, so you can take mulitple cuttings from all over the plant. Sorry, it took so long to get back to ya! Hope u had a geat weekend.
4sho..I had a blast this weekend watching Cleveland beat up on Detroit to make it to the NBA Finals for the first time ever! Go Cavs!:blsmoke:


EDIT: day 26

My seedlings are 26 days old and today is day 2 of flowering for my seedlings, my mother plant is 26 days into revegging.
I've set up a location to keep my mother plant vegging so i could continue to flower my seedlings. I've taken 8 cuttings off of her, 6 of them have rooted already and are in starter cups for now. Here are a few updated shots of the latest growth.

first off my babies :)

my mother

this is where I had to tie her down at:

massive mess of new growth

should I keep trimming the rootball on my mother to keep her in that pot? or would it be possible to trim her so that she could fit into a smaller pot? thanks for all the help vb & everyone else
Blaze on... :blsmoke:


Active Member
I would check the roots structure and see how it looks, If shes fine then leave her, if she's getting excessive roots, trim them. U could also trim them anyway and put her into a smaller pot, if that's what u want. U'll need to take more trimmings once u do and watch her (she'll be kicking ass then). U'r welcome for the heads-up! I'm glad to share... I've encluded a few pictures of my revegg's into their 5th week of flowering and my outside girls starting to really take off. Let me know what yall think. Its cool sharing!
1st picture is a cutting of Amsterdam mixed seed
2nd picture is of Master Kush, a bagseed, and Bubba Haze
3rd & 4th picture if of WW flowering-Revegg
5th is of another mixed seed from Amsterdam
Massive flower structure and resin you can lick right off the leaf:mrgreen: Oh yeah,
these heffa's are done come June 21st. Oh yeah:hump:



Elite Rolling Society
This is absolutley amazing. Spittn4cash, you are really teaching us a lot here, more members here need to see this! I threw away a "stump" Sunday after Harvesting, but I have 2 left to harvest and I am going to try and re-veg one like you did, except I will do Hydro instead of soil.
some of those leaves don't even look like pot!
amazing, absolutely amazing!
More people need to see this,

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
Nice post, Thanks for the info.
I was planning on doing this and didn't think it would be very tough.
My grandmother kept the same Pointsetta for over 20 years.I remember thinking how funny it was, she would put her baby to bed every night in his box and some how she would always have it blooming for X-mas.
I wonder if I can keep one going that long?

Keep up the good work:peace:


Active Member
Just jump right in. Its really not very hard, its actually rewarding to see them come back to life again, and do even better than the first vegg. I'm trying not to keep all of them, but its so hard to toss them out, when they return with a vengence.