What is this?


Well-Known Member
pretty sure you did to much to the medium. next time just feed water and if your particular strain is hungry is will ask for nutes. ocean forest does go along way with simple potting up


Well-Known Member
So your saying no nutes?
I'd feed nothing but ph water, it sounds like everything got really outta whack and you can't source the issue. perhaps feeding more will make it worse maybe so maybe not, I would feed nothing but water for a bit if it worsens add a feeding regiment , but stacking all those things into the medium has most likely made it impossible to diagnose , as you add more you may throw the balance off even more


Well-Known Member
I'd feed nothing but ph water, it sounds like everything got really outta whack and you can't source the issue. perhaps feeding more will make it worse maybe so maybe not, I would feed nothing but water for a bit if it worsens add a feeding regiment , but stacking all those things into the medium has most likely made it impossible to diagnose , as you add more you may throw the balance off even more
I will just feed next time with fresh ph balanced water to see if that fixes her.


Well-Known Member
its not stable long. id say your going to run into lock outs from staying at 7.2 , also mentioned before your ocean forest should be buffered so try maybe no messing with ph and just water it.


Well-Known Member
its not stable long. id say your going to run into lock outs from staying at 7.2 , also mentioned before your ocean forest should be buffered so try maybe no messing with ph and just water it.
Im week 7 into grow though, will the ph buffer ware off? Im happy frog, not ocean soil