Drooping plant


New Member
Can I save these? First indoor grow. Plants are zkittles auto flower. Growing in coco coir under a 1000 LED at 22” above plants. Watering with distilled water with PH at 6.8. I started recharge in hopes that it would help root growth. I was water heavy and cut back to about a 1/2 cup every 3 days. They are in red solo cups now with plenty of drainage holes. They are 3.5 weeks old and I started fox farms nutrients at very low dose. Again this is my first indoor grow and could use some advice on these. Am I over watering, under-watering? Can they be saved? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
That is bizzare. Why would a company put worm castings in coco, that basically destroys all of cocos advantages lol, wtf????

all coco

Well-Known Member
Looks hungry, which fox farm nutrients are you using? I would try watering once a day with around 0.8 EC / 400ppm of nutrients that have the right amount of calcium and pH between 5.8-6.5


New Member
Looks hungry, which fox farm nutrients are you using? I would try watering once a day with around 0.8 EC / 400ppm of nutrients that have the right amount of calcium and pH between 5.8-6.5
I’m currently using fox farms Grow Big & Big Bloom at about 1/4 the recommended dose. You recommend watering daily, should that be to run off? The media seems to maintain moisture. Would the benefit if I mov. I last watered Monday morning with the fox farm nutrients and recharge. They seemed to have perked up a bit. Thanks for any advise.



New Member
I’m currently using fox farms Grow Big & Big Bloom at about 1/4 the recommended dose. You recommend watering daily, should that be to run off? The media seems to maintain moisture. Would the benefit if I mov. I last watered Monday morning with the fox farm nutrients and recharge. They seemed to have perked up a bit. Thanks for any advise.
Should have read would they benefit if I move to grow bags.


Well-Known Member
Can I save these? First indoor grow. Plants are zkittles auto flower. Growing in coco coir under a 1000 LED at 22” above plants. Watering with distilled water with PH at 6.8. I started recharge in hopes that it would help root growth. I was water heavy and cut back to about a 1/2 cup every 3 days. They are in red solo cups now with plenty of drainage holes. They are 3.5 weeks old and I started fox farms nutrients at very low dose. Again this is my first indoor grow and could use some advice on these. Am I over watering, under-watering? Can they be saved? Any help would be greatly appreciated.