This isn't over.

This was posted by a trumper on another forum I read. This is why they think Jan 6 is going to be a big day for them. The HUGEST EVA.

On Jan 6th, the President of the Senate, Mike Pence, will count the electors' votes and certify a winner in the Presidential election.

The disputed, fraudulent, and mathematically impossible election results from several swing states will then become an issue if the courts haven't yet corrected that situation.

The Republicans from these swing states have sent their own electors to DC. Pence may, or may not, count those electors rather than counting the electors sent by those states' governments. It would be unprecedented if he went with the GOP slates, but not impossible.

Depending on which electors get counted, one Congressman and one Senator will rise to challenge the election results, making the election officially disputed. If that occurs, the Presidential election is no longer up to the electors.

In a disputed election, the House, but not the straight membership of the House (sorry, Nancy), votes for a President. Each state legislature gets to designate one House member for that state. Those 50 votes determine the President. The GOP controls a majority of state legislatures.

If NONE of the above methods work, perhaps due to tie votes or court rulings or othe political machinations, then the entire Congress votes for a President, with the House and Senate each voting separately. That would probably produce a split vote, House for Biden and Senate for Trump.

At that point it's anyone's guess. Civil war?

Anyway, Pence's job on Jan 6th is to certify a winner of the electoral college. See you in DC, bitches.

I've been trying to tell you they rather have a war than lose trump as president. I really can't wait for that day. Is this why Pence is going to vanish right after that vote?

Just for shit and giggles........................................what if this comes true and Trump stays in the WH?

he'll be assassinated.
This was posted by a trumper on another forum I read. This is why they think Jan 6 is going to be a big day for them. The HUGEST EVA.

On Jan 6th, the President of the Senate, Mike Pence, will count the electors' votes and certify a winner in the Presidential election.

The disputed, fraudulent, and mathematically impossible election results from several swing states will then become an issue if the courts haven't yet corrected that situation.

The Republicans from these swing states have sent their own electors to DC. Pence may, or may not, count those electors rather than counting the electors sent by those states' governments. It would be unprecedented if he went with the GOP slates, but not impossible.

Depending on which electors get counted, one Congressman and one Senator will rise to challenge the election results, making the election officially disputed. If that occurs, the Presidential election is no longer up to the electors.

In a disputed election, the House, but not the straight membership of the House (sorry, Nancy), votes for a President. Each state legislature gets to designate one House member for that state. Those 50 votes determine the President. The GOP controls a majority of state legislatures.

If NONE of the above methods work, perhaps due to tie votes or court rulings or othe political machinations, then the entire Congress votes for a President, with the House and Senate each voting separately. That would probably produce a split vote, House for Biden and Senate for Trump.

At that point it's anyone's guess. Civil war?

Anyway, Pence's job on Jan 6th is to certify a winner of the electoral college. See you in DC, bitches.

I've been trying to tell you they rather have a war than lose trump as president. I really can't wait for that day. Is this why Pence is going to vanish right after that vote?

Just for shit and giggles........................................what if this comes true and Trump stays in the WH?
My workplace is infected by those guys.

It's hilarious.
It's a piece of rightwing nutbar fantasy, it would just be easier for Pence to be made King for a day and pardon Donald. That's all that Donald really wants, to get away with his crimes, including some from before he was POTUS, he doesn't want to be president and won't do the job. Donald likes the attention though and losing to Joe bothers him, but he is also making money from the "stop the steal" con. Trump's major concern I'll posit, is he wants to get away with the crime of the century and retaining the protection of the presidency is the only way.

If Pence was gonna be made King for a day and Pardon Donald, he wouldn't be as nervous or as desperate as he appears to be. Threatening Mitch, holding coup planning meetings in the WH and his total obsession with clinging to power indicate that Mike won't pardon Donald. I'm sure Donald has tried to "cut a deal" with Pence and those efforts will include setting the base after him by inauguration day as he tries to bully him into taking the job for a day or 10 minutes so he can pardon him. Only Jesus or a Pence pardon can save Donald from his worst nightmare, appearing in court in an orange jump suit and being publicly humiliated. Donald would get maximum security time too, no club fed for Donald and he would be doing that time in solitary confinement 23/7. He might not even have a TV in his cell and if he ends up in a supermax after accumulating a life sentence, there is no TV there. Donald has a large heavily armed terrorist following and the judge and jury at his trial will receive hundreds of death threats and if nothing else, that will seal Donald's fate in the prison system.

If Donald gets a pardon from Pence he would pardon his family and associates too, before he goes (maybe), since they would no longer be a risk to him with no right to not self incriminate. If Pence pardoned Donald he would probably be pardoning everybody else as part of a scheme, Donald writes their pardons and Pence writes his. I don't think that is gonna happen, Pence would have to live with Donald and so would Mitch. If Donald ran around lose he would destroy the republican party and them too, nobody rides the wild elephant while Donald's around and perhaps only with his "blessing" from prison. Anybody who wanted the GOP nomination would have to promise a pardon for Donald at least and perhaps even make him their running mate. Unless impeached, Donald could get the GOP nomination right from his prison cell and run from there too, he might even be elected, if the past is any guide to the future.

pardons don't apply to charges not yet filed or state charges. the republicans are scared to say anything because they don't want their house fire bombed like the michigan AG- these are there own this not a wakeup call?

hey! militia! that's all you republicans..see the monster you've let to be created?

as much as i'd love to see trump in prison and wish it; somehow, someway he'll leave the country before- wouldn't you?

they need to get their hands on him as soon as he's no longer president or i have a feeling he'll disappear..maybe that's what that retard was taking about dreams of trump doubles or in this case, triple i think he said three different cars or ways of escape.
I think it was a wish more than a fact, I wanna see the fuck in an orange jumpsuit standing in front of a hard ass female black judge on national TV, before he goes away forever. But before that I'd like to see him running around like Chucky in a horror movie with the knife out for Mitch and the republicans who "stabbed him in the back", it was ALL THEIR fault. I figure it might take some time to settle his self pardon and I hope the judge doesn't slap him with a gag order too soon. Donald will destroy the republican party after they fuck him, forget Joe or the country, Donald will want Mitch's ass along with a long list of others. Revenge and retribution come first, second and third with Donald.

Notice Joe or his team isn't mentioning Donald and is taking pains not to piss him off? They know his focus of malice will shift to the republicans, cause in Donald's simple mind Joe is not threatening him or challenging him in public or even private. Those who never supported him in the coup were disloyal and hurt his feelings and therefore must DIE! :D
pardons don't apply to charges not yet filed
He can issue a blanket pardon for all crimes committed up to the date of the pardon and not beyond, there doesn't need to be indictments first. The problem is it makes someone who accepts such a pardon an open book for anybody who puts them under oath and even the FBI. The only out for them is if they were culpable under state law too and could claim the 5th over that. Also if they were criminal associates of trump their pardons could be challenged and some might be eager to cut a deal and not have their pardons challenged. Also the FBI or a grand jury or other legal bodies could take their pardons at face value and clean them out before challenging the pardons.

Pardons are a trap and Trump knows it, Roger Stone got his sentence commuted, he never got a pardon. They tried everything imaginable to avoid giving Flynn a pardon and he got a pretty narrow one that just covered specific crimes, but they tried to make it future proof (good luck with that). Donald hasn't pardoned anybody associated with him yet, he's floated the idea and might pardon Snowden, but not Assange, that was just to keep those hoping for a pardon loyal and working for him. I think Donald will fuck everybody in the end including his family, there might be a lot of freaking out among his family as inauguration day approaches. Rudy and guys like Roger Stone, who is wide open to other charges, as is Mike Flynn might be disappointed, cause Flynn is working real hard for his blanket pardon now, so is Rudy.
This is CNN
This is the law and Donald will be subject to it as will those around him who committed crimes, judges hear cases, if there is one to be made and juries decide innocence or guilt by unanimous vote. They will have to direct their death threats to them, it will just get Donald maximum security time. There is a reason why Obama, Biden and Clinton are not in jail now and it has to do with judges and juries and not even bothering to present non existent cases, no matter how much Trump howled and danced about it.

CNN's narrative is consistent with other news sources with a very few notable exceptions (FOX to a point, OAN and Newsmax). It is also consistent with the narrative from the news services of other liberal democracies like Canada, the UK and the English services of the EU countries. If anybody has trouble grasping the true nature of reality I can help, cause a lot of folks are getting smoke blown up their asses, but seem to enjoy it and don't appear to mind.
I think it was a wish more than a fact, I wanna see the fuck in an orange jumpsuit standing in front of a hard ass female black judge on national TV, before he goes away forever. But before that I'd like to see him running around like Chucky in a horror movie with the knife out for Mitch and the republicans who "stabbed him in the back", it was ALL THEIR fault. I figure it might take some time to settle his self pardon and I hope the judge doesn't slap him with a gag order too soon. Donald will destroy the republican party after they fuck him, forget Joe or the country, Donald will want Mitch's ass along with a long list of others. Revenge and retribution come first, second and third with Donald.

Notice Joe or his team isn't mentioning Donald and is taking pains not to piss him off? They know his focus of malice will shift to the republicans, cause in Donald's simple mind Joe is not threatening him or challenging him in public or even private. Those who never supported him in the coup were disloyal and hurt his feelings and therefore must DIE! :D
Before that will happen, the SCOTUS will have to rule that his imminent self-pardon is illegal.
Before that will happen, the SCOTUS will have to rule that his imminent self-pardon is illegal.
The judge could set it aside, he has to be indicted before the pardon can be challenged and the court owns his ass after he is, normally. This is new territory, but the end result is in little doubt, a self pardon cannot stand, Donald knows it and it is reflected in his behavior. He does behave logically at a certain level and for somethings, like when his ass is in a jam. You'll notice he does seem to be following expert legal advice when issuing pardons or commutations of sentences, nobody with the exception of Flynn got a pardon and his was narrow, not a blanket one like he will need. The pardons he's been floating are just to keep those loyal to him on board, as the ship slips under the waves.

The more I think about it the more I like the idea of Donald running around loose for a spell. Mitch has got to cut his throat sooner or later and Putin forced Mitch's hand early and Putin was trying to distract from the Russian hacking news that broke. Six months of Donald on the loose will fuck the republican party and destroy many republican senators chances of reelection in 2022 and there are a few up for reelection then. Start a rightwing conspiracy today and join the crowd, Mitch and the "establishment" republicans hurt Donald and betrayed the great leader, amplify Donald's message and embellish it, divide and conquer.
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What is it with you Trump cultists and CNN?

Did the Russian propaganda attack on our nation have this big of an impact on your vocabulary?

it's Trump..he's a hard on for CNN for the past 5 years..he rarely mentions MSNBC or anyone else- might have something to do with libel and slander against Joe Scarborough after he killed that intern..i think Joe S pays his attorneys..Trump? not so much. i'm sure he was told to back off.
The judge could set it aside, he has to be indicted before the pardon can be challenged and the court owns his ass after he is, normally. This is new territory, but the end result is in little doubt, a self pardon cannot stand, Donald knows it and it is reflected in his behavior. He does behave logically at a certain level and for somethings, like when his ass is in a jam. You'll notice he does seem to be following expert legal advice when issuing pardons or commutations of sentences, nobody with the exception of Flynn got a pardon and his was narrow, not a blanket one like he will need. The pardons he's been floating are just to keep those loyal to him on board, as the ship slips under the waves.

The more I think about it the more I like the idea of Donald running around loose for a spell. Mitch has got to cut his throat sooner or later and Putin forced Mitch's hand early and Putin was trying to distract from the Russian hacking news that broke. Six months of Donald on the loose will fuck the republican party and destroy many republican senators chances of reelection in 2022 and there are a few up for reelection then. Start a rightwing conspiracy today and join the crowd, Mitch and the "establishment" republicans hurt Donald and betrayed the great leader, amplify Donald's message and embellish it, divide and conquer.

you've got to admit this is the most action they've seen in much corruption; so much betrayal..this is almost like palace intrigue.