What's the deal with Exotic weed?

‘Exotics’ are the labels that people put on to things to make them more expensive.

because there are a bunch of retards who are willing to pay for a name or notoriety more than they are willing to pay for actual quality.

keep buying your “cali” packs, kid
You mean like his Cali-Oregon “Colab” packs? You know how hard those are to find?
The thing is the reason I buy it is because the quality is much better and more bang for your buck but broke people like you would never know
Yo I suck midget toes
Keep smoking your brick weed from round the corner “kid”
If it’s poppin and grown by the best growers it probs is yea
I wouldn’t say I’m the BEST grower, but I don’t disappoint myself...

The whole thing should be deleted.
No. It should be closed but still available for review. Deleting it rewards the distressed B-stock trolls who expect their sins to be washed away. It should stand as a warning, an example of why one never wins when feeding the trolls.

And someone scraped clean through the bottom of the barrel of mainies to come up with the latest spattering of sox this awful ...

... and the (not all) young-account users stupidly feeding them.*
I’m as bored as an old harbor piling, but still have no impulse for a game of pigeon chess.

*and look where I’m posting ... out out damned spot