Donald Trump’s Suicide


Well-Known Member
trumps skanky wife has made it about herself.

"I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me -- from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain," the first lady, whose "Be Best" platform centers on civility and kindness, said in the post.


Well-Known Member
trumps skanky wife has made it about herself.

"I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me -- from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain," the first lady, whose "Be Best" platform centers on civility and kindness, said in the post.
"Ah am the most boolied person on the world."


Well-Known Member
trumps skanky wife has made it about herself.

"I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me -- from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain," the first lady, whose "Be Best" platform centers on civility and kindness, said in the post.
Not surprising coming from Melanoma Tramp........she's a fucking cunt.


Well-Known Member
"Ah am the most boolied person on the world."
It was a gold diggers dream come true. The dumbest First Lady in history hit the jackpot/crackpot. From posing nude to wife of the most powerful man in the world. And she didn't even have to learn to speak English. How the tides have changed. Now it's wife of the most hated man in the world and she's upset.

She deserves no sympathy.

What an embarrassment to America to have had these two pieces of garbage living in the White House.



Well-Known Member
It was a gold diggers dream come true. The dumbest First Lady in history hit the jackpot/crackpot. From posing nude to wife of the most powerful man in the world. And she didn't even have to learn to speak English. How the tides have changed. Now it's wife of the most hated man in the world and she's upset.

She deserves no sympathy.

What an embarrassment to America to have had these two pieces of garbage living in the White House.

That she was poor and hungry enough to take soft porn modeling jobs makes her more human to me.

I don't get slut shaming. I get bashing her for marrying for money, marrying Trump, being a kind of validation for Trump, wearing that I don't care jacket to the border when they were locking up children. I get that.
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Well-Known Member
Actually, that she was poor and hungry enough to take soft porn modeling jobs makes her more human to me.

I don't get slut shaming. I get bashing her for marrying for money, marrying Trump, being a kind of validation for Trump, wearing that I don't care jacket to the border when they were locking up children. I get that.
I don’t mind the pictures at all.

Had they been a great first couple, I may even have been a little proud.



Well-Known Member
It was a gold diggers dream come true. The dumbest First Lady in history hit the jackpot/crackpot. From posing nude to wife of the most powerful man in the world. And she didn't even have to learn to speak English. How the tides have changed. Now it's wife of the most hated man in the world and she's upset.

She deserves no sympathy.

What an embarrassment to America to have had these two pieces of garbage living in the White House.

Everybody says she's leaving Individual 1 for Hope Dicks. She likes the young pussy. That's the rumor. I'm not saying that, but many people are. Many people are. Many people say that. Okay?
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Well-Known Member
Actually, that she was poor and hungry enough to take soft porn modeling jobs makes her more human to me.

I don't get slut shaming. I get bashing her for marrying for money, marrying Trump, being a kind of validation for Trump, wearing that I don't care jacket to the border when they were locking up children. I get that.
She's just such a symbol of the hypocrisy and ignorance prevalent among trump supporters.

They think she's the best First Lady because they think she's attractive. Being as dumb as a doorknob doesn't matter to them. The fact that she can barely speak English doesn't matter either despite the fact that they get annoyed when they are out in public and hear people speaking other languages. She's been here for years and has had resources others have not yet has not bothered to learn how to speak anything more than a grade school English vocabulary.

And Franklin Graham standing on his moral pulpit holding a Bible while chastising others turns around and calls melania trump the classiest First Lady in history. It's just disgusting. And if he's a man of God then how in the hell can he support donald trump? These people make me sick.

Maybe she shouldn't be shamed for being the slut she is but there's plenty of other things she should be shamed for.


Well-Known Member
She's just such a symbol of the hypocrisy and ignorance prevalent among trump supporters.

They think she's the best First Lady because they think she's attractive. Being as dumb as a doorknob doesn't matter to them. The fact that she can barely speak English doesn't matter either despite the fact that they get annoyed when they are out in public and hear people speaking other languages. She's been here for years and has had resources others have not yet has not bothered to learn how to speak anything more than a grade school English vocabulary.

And Franklin Graham standing on his moral pulpit holding a Bible while chastising others turns around and calls melania trump the classiest First Lady in history. It's just disgusting. And if he's a man of God then how in the hell can he support donald trump? These people make me sick.

Maybe she shouldn't be shamed for being the slut she is but there's plenty of other things she should be shamed for.
I heard from a trumper that Jerry Jr. screwed her on the tennis court with drumpy watching. That’s why she changed it all.


Well-Known Member
I heard they said it. They are usually right. Bigly
They're very strong and powerful when they say it. Strongly, in a very short period of time.
Rudy gonna get kicked off the bar? oooops there he goes.
He'll just fall off the stool. Then, shove his hand down his pants, waiting to be helped up. "Trial by combat" will come back to convict him.
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Well-Known Member
She's just such a symbol of the hypocrisy and ignorance prevalent among trump supporters.

They think she's the best First Lady because they think she's attractive. Being as dumb as a doorknob doesn't matter to them. The fact that she can barely speak English doesn't matter either despite the fact that they get annoyed when they are out in public and hear people speaking other languages. She's been here for years and has had resources others have not yet has not bothered to learn how to speak anything more than a grade school English vocabulary.

And Franklin Graham standing on his moral pulpit holding a Bible while chastising others turns around and calls melania trump the classiest First Lady in history. It's just disgusting. And if he's a man of God then how in the hell can he support donald trump? These people make me sick.

Maybe she shouldn't be shamed for being the slut she is but there's plenty of other things she should be shamed for.
You make a good point regarding the hypocrisy of the Evangelist Christians conveniently overlooking her past. They slut shame people mercilessly. So, yeah, I get that.

I guess I'm a bit sensitive about the double standard applied to her because that's a broad brush used to dehumanize women. I've loved some women they would call sluts. I wouldn't. I'm glad to have met her.