Trumps last days in office


Well-Known Member
Rabble rousing is the only reason to tag me for “thumbs upping” a friends post. You are literally trying to create some sort of drama or conflict here. Well, fuck off, mate!
Maybe next time don't thumbs up someone who is denying a real threat?


Well-Known Member
Go get your political hard-on somewhere else, buddy. No one gives a damn about anything you say.

You actually tagged people WHO SIMPLY ‘LIKED’ A COMMENT to say “neener neener I told you so!”

Are you a child? Seriously, grow
I'm curious as to why you thought he wasn't going to do something in his last days?


Well-Known Member
No need for name-calling, I'm just pointinging out how I predicted something that came true all the way back on Oct 21st, people denied it, then it came true, now people are upset at the truth.
We know exactly what you’re doing and it’s ridiculous. It’s really something an asshat would do.

Is that better?


Well-Known Member
trump's a fool man, from the start all i heard was "imma build a wall!"

if Hitler had the same media transparency

cry baby shit
Yeah, he is dangerous and I'm trying to warn people but they are getting upset at me for pointing my predictions of him.
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