What has Trump done to this country?

Trump finishes with worst first term approval rating ever

(CNN)Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trump's approval rating stands at 33%, while his disapproval is at 60%.

An average of recent polls finds Trump with a 38% approval rating and 59% disapproval rating.

What's the point: A big question during the Trump presidency was whether anything could actually move the public opinion needle. It turns out that the insurrection at the US Capitol last week did exactly that.

The result is that Trump's final first term approval rating looks to be the lowest on record dating back since scientific polling began.

Heading into January, Trump had a 44% approval rating to 53% disapproval rating. That was not significantly different from his 45% approval rating going into the election.

With still a few days left in his presidency, Trump looks like his approval rating will end up below 40% -- a decline of more than 5 points since the election.

It means Trump will be the first president in the polling era to end his first term with an approval of below 40%, the first with a disapproval rating north of 50% and the first with a negative net (approval - disapproval) rating.

Trump has even seen a decline among his once heralded base. His approval rating with Republicans has dropped into the mid-high 70s in the average poll taken over the last week. It's usually in the high 80s to mid-90s. It was 95% in the general election exit poll.

He has certainly made Republican lawmakers less leery of distancing themselves from him.
You can see that in real time with 10 House Republicans from the more moderate end (New York Rep. John Katko) to the more conservative end (South Carolina Rep. Tom Rice).

Most presidents, unlike Trump, see their approval rating jump following their bid for a second term. Unlike Trump, the average president has ended his first term since Franklin D. Roosevelt with an approval rating of just south of 60%. Even the presidents who are unsuccessful in their tries for another term often get boosts .

George H.W. Bush ended with an approval rating of about 56% and a disapproval rating of 40%, despite losing by 6 points to Bill Clinton.
Before Trump, the previous lowest approval rating for a president at the end of his term belonged to Jimmy Carter. He remains the only president besides Trump to finish his first term with an approval rating below 50%.

In a CBS News/New York Times poll taken the week following he left office, 44% approved of Carter's job as president. An identical 44% disapproved of his job as president. A Harris poll taken during the same time found that 42% of Americans rated Carter's job performance as excellent or very good.

Carter, however, had gone into the 1980 election in far worse shape. His approval rating was south of 40% with a disapproval rating of around 55%.

Carter received a bump so late in his presidency that most pollsters didn't catch it. The late Carter boost was tied to the successful Iranian hostage release on January 20, 1981, as recalled at the time by pollster Lou Harris. Carter spent the final days of his presidency working day and night to get those hostages released.

Neither Bush nor Gerald Ford (the other president in the polling era denied another term) had as big of an achievement in their final days, but they did match Carter in an important way. They didn't get in the way of a peaceful transition of power and devoted the last two months of their presidency staying mostly above the partisan fray.

Trump, of course, did the very opposite. He did not try to reach out to Democrats, nor did he try to achieve non-partisan or bipartisan goals in his final two months.

Rather, Trump spent months refusing to concede to President-elect Joe Biden, despite crystal clear results. The months-long saga culminated with the insurrection at the US Capitol that Trump incited.

The question now is just how much damage has been done to Trump's political brand. He's been impeached a second time. How many senators will vote to convict him? Will Trump's brand be so bad that he doesn't bother running in 2024?

We'll just have to wait and see about those questions. What we do know is that Trump may have thought he could escape the post-election period without damage. He thought wrong.
Id be worried if these people were not so incompetent and stupid.
I'd be worried if the incompetent and the evil are consistently shown to be in positions of great wealth and power. Oh wait. :shock:

An awful thing you learn about business, if you've ever been in an industry where you've gone from the front line into upper management, is that the competent and intelligent people you keep expecting to reach as you rise through the chain of command often don't exist. Nepotism and the ol' boys network are responsible for far more people in powerful positions than are sound business decisions.
I'd be worried if the incompetent and the evil are consistently shown to be in positions of great wealth and power. Oh wait. :shock:

An awful thing you learn about business, if you've ever been in an industry where you've gone from the front line into upper management, is that the competent and intelligent people you keep expecting to reach as you rise through the chain of command often don't exist. Nepotism and the ol' boys network are responsible for far more people in powerful positions than are sound business decisions.
This is why I really try to look at the world like Moneyball.

Sometimes it hurts my ability to consider the sheer advantage that idiots with a lot of money have.


Wrong scene. This is the one that I think of. Basically taking out the bias when looking for the best people to do the jobs that need to get done.

We don't have crystal balls. And a lot of bad decisions are made because people think they know something about someone, and they really don't.
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Sometimes it hurts my ability to consider the sheer advantage that idiots with a lot of money have.
Donald sure lost a lot of money, a fool and his money soon part ways. I believe he illegally claimed billions in other people's losses on his taxes too. The tax laws have a very long statue of limitations, if you continuously committed tax fraud over the years, it might go back even decades, if I'm not mistaken.
Donald sure lost a lot of money, a fool and his money soon part ways. I believe he illegally claimed billions in other people's losses on his taxes too. The tax laws have a very long statue of limitations, if you continuously committed tax fraud over the years, it might go back even decades, if I'm not mistaken.
Oh god no, it is not Trump I was thinking of there. Trump is a broke ass idiot who is toast. He took his shot and failed as hard as he has his entire life.

But there are enough rich racists/foreign dictators that can still fund a lot of bad actors.
Oh god no, it is not Trump I was thinking of there. Trump is a broke ass idiot who is toast. He took his shot and failed as hard as he has his entire life.

But there are enough rich racists/foreign dictators that can still fund a lot of bad actors.
Donald will be an expensive ass et! Uncle Sam is gonna come down hard on anybody using him for propaganda or offering asylum, Donald is radioactive. Most of the world doesn't understand why you haven't burned him at the stake yet! :lol:

I figure Jared and Ivanka might end up in Israel and would be hard to get back, it depends on the government and it looks like Bebe in going to prison himself.

The USA has been APPEASING (important WW2 related word for the younger people here) the internal fascists for years.

What happens when you decide it's easier to be a pussy than to stand up for what is right and to enforce the law and the Constitution? Well, once again WW2 can show us the answer to this question.

Appeasing Evil, Hatred and Greed only strengthens the movement. It must be met head on and CRUSHED.

I wonder how many were at the sacking of the capital? lot's of folks and machines are doing facial recognition these days, pouring over video frames and identifying morons.

I hope they do voice sampling from this crowd and try to get all their digital devices. I'll bet most of the death threats over the past year or two, to election and public officials, came from the capital hill crowd too.

Merrick Garland should temporarily bring back a few thousand vetted retired FBI agents to deal with the work load.
The USA has been APPEASING (important WW2 related word for the younger people here) the internal fascists for years.

What happens when you decide it's easier to be a pussy than to stand up for what is right and to enforce the law and the Constitution? Well, once again WW2 can show us the answer to this question.

Appeasing Evil, Hatred and Greed only strengthens the movement. It must be met head on and CRUSHED.

On TV Joe will be Gandhi, the open hand, behind the scenes his team will swing the big stick with class, there are many willing hands. Having the congress is important and having them in this state of mind for anti domestic terrorism legislation is important. IMHO the best way to deal with these assholes is to have a terrorist watch list and those on it can't own firearms or fly. Divide off the responsible gunowners from these assholes, say it's necessary to protect the 2nd amendment rights of everybody to sell it. Just the "right" people would be on it, including a reserved spot for the capital hill rioters. That deals with the extremist elements, the threat of being put on such a list would deter many of these idiots.

The domestic information system that created this situation must be dealt with too, using law, and regulation. A house divided cannot stand and people have a basic human right to the truth, lies can kill you, Trump proved it.
Trump will take nuclear football out of DC on his final day in office - and the codes will be deactivated at the stroke of noon ...

Donald Trump
will get to take the nuclear football with him when he leaves Washington DC on his final day in office – but the codes will be deactivated at the stroke of noon.

Mr Trump will be accompanied by the 45-pound briefcase when he flies to Florida on the morning of Joe Biden’s inauguration, as he is reportedly expected to do.

But the nuclear codes that accompany it will stop working as soon as Mr Biden is sworn in as his successor 1,000 miles away on Wednesday.

Military officials will have a nuclear football ready and waiting to accompany Mr Biden after he becomes the commander-in-chief, officials told CNN.

There is something wrong here ....