Marjorie Taylor Greene

Gotta love the sign in the photo: I absolutely agree. The entire Q/ANON alternate-reality game represents the largest single loss of sense/intelligence in the nation’s history
We've had some pretty crazy folks in our short history. The no nothing party ran a lot of Catholics out of the northeast back in the day.
Persecuted maybe, but unfortunately usually not prosecuted for them.

I think of all the domestic violence victims throughout the centuries.

i'm pretty confused. i thought if you said something about putting a bullet in the head of Nancy Pelosi that would be a non-starter. guess not. <shrug>

i can hardly understand what she's even talking about with that mask on and her style of speaking it's making me crazy..if you're on national television and socially distanced take it off. geeze already!
i'm pretty confused. i thought if you said something about putting a bullet in the head of Nancy Pelosi that would be a non-starter. guess not. <shrug>

i can hardly understand what she's even talking about with that mask on and her style of speaking it's making me crazy..if you're on national television and socially distanced take it off. geeze already!
That's just for brown skinned folks. Iff'n yer' white, rich, or in a position of power, well, that's different. But, you knew that. She's as hard to look at as she is to hear.
Honestly, Pelosi is no harder to look at than Trump, Cruz, Graham, Gohmert, Kennedy, Gaetz, Greene...McConnell.... and who really cares: selecting ‘pretty’ for national office has utterly failed in every tribe, town, and kingdom it’s ever been tried in, as it should have: that is the royal road to ideocracy.

Between Pelosi’s lack of pretty and Trump’s lack of character, I’ll take Nancy, thanks. wife complains about my hearing all the time, but I can understand what people say when they’re masked...*if* I can understand what they say without it, the mask isn’t an obstacle.
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I think it is funny that they are doing to her what right wing propaganda did to AOC.

AOC >>> MTG in every category except for crazy. Trolls actually had to work to find and mangle edited clips of AOC, while MTG just gives the soundbites away.

Honestly, Pelosi is no harder to look at than Trump, Cruz, Graham, Gohmert, Kennedy, Gaetz, Greene...McConnell.... and who really cares: selecting ‘pretty’ for national office has utterly failed in every tribe, town, and kingdom it’s ever been tried in, as it should have.
That is just a lifetime of sexism talking (IMO).

Between Pelosi’s lack of pretty and Trump’s lack of character, I’ll take Nancy, thanks.
No question.
AOC and MTG in a mud wrestling match. Hype it up and in the meantime Biden can pass legislation. Well at least after the Trump trial.
I love that Biden's press secretary will not play that gave giving her any platform at all.

It is also completely obvious that she is pulling the cult member card with her 'I was lied to' then troling with a 'both sides + media' propaganda politics.

Just like whats-his-fuck's 'coop-anon.. Idk what it is. hee-hee' troll. You know that is going to be taken as some 'sign'.

Im glad Nancy is stripping her committees. She is still in congress, but another Republican can have her seat. Just because she got conned and really wants to change, doesn't mean she has any clue of what she is doing and someone better could actually help our nation get back on it's feet.

The Republicans should have kicked her out and had Georgia's governor appoint another Republican. That is why we have political parties and not cult leaders. The celebratization of our political leader's needs to stop.

At least we can hopefully have this as the start of exposing all the big lies that has been being pushed.

She is trolling by playing the 'both sides' and ANTIFA lies troll. Which is negates everything. If she is sincere she can wait a couple years, win her seat again and then let her take on some responsibility outside of voting for her district on bills.

And the con is that by technically using the word 'Media', she is not lying.

From Fox/Newsmax and Trump trolls on MSNBC/Fox doing 'opinion' or selectively leaking lies that had to be reported since they were from what is technically a well placed source Trump is feeding (hell if not Trump himself). And then the troll army online (foreign and domestic) spamming it nonstop and warping it across every chat feed they can online programs the con. Trump and the Republicans have been giving everyone 'plausible deniability' essentially in this sedition.
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When I was a kid, I would tell my dad things that I hoped would keep me out of trouble. He never called me a liar, he’d say “that’s a likely story”. It took me a while to figure out how that worked: I’d offer a plausible story about how it wasn’t me and I didn’t do it, and maybe it didn’t even happen and why don’t you trust me, but he never fell for it. In order to buy my story, he’d have had to set aside everything he knew about people, about life, about physics, mechanics, and time...and his ability to cut through bullshit...*and* care more about buying my story than he did about making sure I learned not to try to get away with stupid childish bullshit.

By the Reagan era, it was easy to spot the paper-thin ‘cover stories’ provided by political bad actors; by the Shrub era, it was obvious that only ONE party was doing this...and they weren’t just *good* at it, it was a major source of entertainment for them...because Dems (used to) get tanglefoot trying to take the GOP horseshit seriously enough to dispel it. Trump, of course, has completely shredded the notion that their denials are in any way plausible, or will outweigh facts and evidence. If we’re to survive as anything *like* a free nation, we can’t allow their deliberate dishonesty to serve them any longer.
Picture this in your mind. Q is the guys of South Park and they are continually coming up with outrageous ideas, then post them and sit back and laugh at all the gullible monkeys that fall for it. The latest being Trump and Biden had face transplants and Trump is still prezydint. Not far off, right?
Honestly, Pelosi is no harder to look at than Trump, Cruz, Graham, Gohmert, Kennedy, Gaetz, Greene...McConnell.... and who really cares: selecting ‘pretty’ for national office has utterly failed in every tribe, town, and kingdom it’s ever been tried in, as it should have: that is the royal road to ideocracy.

Between Pelosi’s lack of pretty and Trump’s lack of character, I’ll take Nancy, thanks. wife complains about my hearing all the time, but I can understand what people say when they’re masked...*if* I can understand what they say without it, the mask isn’t an obstacle.

i think he was talking about Greene.
Picture this in your mind. Q is the guys of South Park and they are continually coming up with outrageous ideas, then post them and sit back and laugh at all the gullible monkeys that fall for it. The latest being Trump and Biden had face transplants and Trump is still prezydint. Not far off, right?

there already was a movie..Face Off.

i hope this takes down FOX.