Pandemic 2020

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I thought about it.

If you are not a paid troll cat fishing us with the propaganda and trying to 'both sides' everything so that people get sick of defending against the big lies and the hate mongers behind your spam get to creep back into relevance, I am willing to have a conversation with you. And apologize to you for dismissing you as another paid troll.

So let's reset. I will take you for your word as what you say you are. But you need to be a real person and not just a personality that is identical to what a paid foreign troll would respond with.
If only my ex-wives had your patience.
Please try and grasp I am sure of the power of division and its use. Please understand I have spent 28 years traveling between the united states and canada working for the government, managing their failures . Usually quit a few lawyers involved and usually I get attacked for trying to actually help the victim.

As for my status in your world: I am a nobody and you are not important enough to be bothered by paid trolls. That would be ego talking up your anger.

I do however take responsibility for disliking your Bully tactics and your troll tactics. It is ironic and quite common for the oppressed to become bully's. Couldn't help but apply some personal ego/justice. You are acting just like the troll you pretend into existence, ego again.

I know of a woman who was molested as a child who then went on to become a social worker, who then raped a child in care, the child was paid out therefore the Canadian government turned a molested child that was molested by a molestation victim into a prostitute, by definition. I was attacked by a law firm for even suggesting I tell anyone about this. I attempted to help children the Canadain Gov were destroying for "saved" funds. Ask an accountant, saved funds are worth more than earned funds. The "killing kids for cash" program is alive and well in canad and the US. The female social worker that molested a child was never charged and instead protected, today they mandate she only work with groups of kids. If a man did what she did he would be in jail for 14 years. This was a white chick in a aboriginal office.

If you have enough money I can show you how ugly the real world you are spoon fed, Is. The Kern county guys should be watched becasue they proved even doctors make mistakes but not completely. Some of what they said was real, right, and correct. You cant just throw them away with another propaganda line form and news network. I wish it was that easy and clean. I wish people were smart enough or willing to see the truth. So often the nut bar has many truths and are destroyed for trying to share.

Good Luck can mean either good luck or the opposite, its a mirror. Ask yourself what you see. Most people are not all bad, you included.

Now imagine what its like being the shooter but not being able to protect the child in this clip.
I'm not a killer type but that is how the character in this clip functions. In my mind death to the offenders i know of would be a gift to them. Right now a law firm is turning as many molested or tortured children in canada into prostitutes with a class action suit. Guess who will pay for the legalizing of this massive harm? The tax payer, for years and years to come. The molesters will walk away with a pension. If my family could ever be safe enough I would make the names and addresses of the offenders public, that's justice.

If i did tell the truth and share names they would label me as you have and let you do the rest.

Hey do me a favor join the Pornhub petition or join Plan usa or canada and help young girls all over this planet that are pushed into marriage at crazy young ages. Every time I piss you off or make you mad, go actually help a kid. This one is a big deal and very helpful, maybe ask why they dont help western children, maybe that will change.

Seriously, Good Luck, currently the only reason some of us dont have this stupid virus.
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Please try and grasp I am sure of the power of division and its use. Please understand I have spent 28 years traveling between the united states and canada working for the government, managing their failures . Usually quit a few lawyers involved and usually I get attacked for trying to actually help the victim.

As for my status in your world: I am a nobody and you are not important enough to be bothered by paid trolls. That would be ego talking up your anger.

I do however take responsibility for disliking your Bully tactics and your troll tactics. It is ironic and quite common for the oppressed to become bully's. Couldn't help but apply some personal ego/justice. You are acting just like the troll you pretend into existence, ego again.

I know of a woman who was molested as a child who then went on to become a social worker, who then raped a child in care, the child was paid out therefore the Canadian government turned a molested child that was molested by a molestation victim into a prostitute, by definition. I was attacked by a law firm for even suggesting I tell anyone about this. I attempted to help children the Canadain Gov were destroying for "saved" funds. Ask an accountant, saved funds are worth more than earned funds. The "killing kids for cash" program is alive and well in canad and the US. The female social worker that molested a child was never charged and instead protected, today they mandate she only work with groups of kids. If a man did what she did he would be in jail for 14 years. This was a white chick in a aboriginal office.

If you have enough money I can show you how ugly the real world you are spoon fed, Is. The Kern county guys should be watched becasue they proved even doctors make mistakes but not completely. Some of what they said was real, right, and correct. You cant just throw them away with another propaganda line form and news network. I wish it was that easy and clean. I wish people were smart enough or willing to see the truth. So often the nut bar has many truths and are destroyed for trying to share.

Good Luck can mean either good luck or the opposite, its a mirror. Ask yourself what you see. Most people are not all bad, you included.

Now imagine what its like being the shooter but not being able to protect the child in this clip.
I'm not a killer type but that is how the character in this clip functions. In my mind death to the offenders i know of would be a gift to them. Right now a law firm is turning as many molested or tortured children in canada into prostitutes with a class action suit. Guess who will pay for the legalizing of this massive harm? The tax payer, for years and years to come. The molesters will walk away with a pension. If my family could ever be safe enough I would make their names and addresses public, that's justice.

If i did tell the truth and share names they would label me as you have and let you do the rest.

Hey do me a favor join the Pornhub petition or join Plan usa or canada and help young girls all over this planet that are pushed into marriage at crazy young ages. Every time I piss you off or make you mad, go actually help a kid. This one is a big deal and very helpful, maybe ask why they dont help western children, maybe that will change.

Seriously, Good Luck, currently the only reason some of us dont have this stupid virus.
So that is a no, you can't be real.
I can wear a paper mask and pile into Costco in canada or the united states. If your little corner store is opened in many parts of the countries you are attacked. Even if I wear a mask and the numbers in your store are low your store is shut down. This does not help at all and builds fear and hysteria.

That also creates distrust and pushes people into crazy crazy ideas. Right now the damage from this forced lock-down is doing real damage to innocent people. Right now that damage is not stopping Covid. If they wanted to "stop" Covid they would have given you a different mask.
no conspiracy just common sense.
Somehow I was left out of notifications, stumbled in it again, forgive me if I missed some of the finer points.

You do realize the reason the governments did not want people to wear medical grade masks, especially N-95 ones was because the medical community was already short of masks 'real' masks and competing with the general public for them would be a recipe for disaster? It would have been advantageous to have people wearing cloth masks at the time but the idea of them did not take off until medical people had to make their own.

So why has the government not given people adequate protection if they want to stop the spread? Because there is not enough being made for the general public to use. You seem quite intelligent, how did this little detail escape you?

Right now a law firm is turning as many molested or tortured children in canada into prostitutes with a class action suit. Guess who will pay for the legalizing of this massive harm? The tax payer, for years and years to come.

the child was paid out therefore the Canadian government turned a molested child that was molested by a molestation victim into a prostitute, by definition.

So the Canadian government paid the child beforehand? So any victim that gets compensated afterward is a prostitute? Sorry, you are in troll territory now. Why not blame the child for enticing the person in doing it? After all, prostitutes advertise their services, otherwise they would have no clientele. The children were advertising? You are a sick puppy. Or a troll.

Quit embarrassing my country.
So there is a little good news nationwide. Cases are down 16%, hospitalizations down 15% and deaths down 8%. But on the local level I saw where Panama City had the 2nd highest rate of infection in the county. Guess who won't be going to PC any time soon.

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) — The New York Times ranked Panama City second in the nation for new coronavirus cases this week.
The paper tracks cases nationwide on their website.
In the last two weeks Panama City was in the top 10 and at times number two in the nation on a per capita basis for the highest amount of new average daily cases for the last two weeks. The number is based on the amount of new cases per 100,000 people.
There have been nearly 3,000 new cases in the last two weeks with nearly 110 new cases every day.

I guess it's fluid, cause in the actual NYT story PC is down to 6th.

You are wrong about masks. Glad to disagree and leave it at that. Proof will just force you to dig in and deal with the fact you have been played. Do you really think the government wants to tell the truth? You really need a gas mask with filters to protect yourself from the virus. People would panic and the crazies would pour out ready for a gun fight. People would panic. It would be just as easy to produce gas masks with filters as it was to make other masks. Note the points the Canadian Prepper made long before this bull came down. Look up his mask videos.

As for children being molested by the vast number of people in positions of caring with know trauma issues: No, and the semantics of prostitution is not the depravity that I am pointing out. That's you. I am pointing out that the state or country that pays a child without forcing accountability all the way up the chain are pissing away the real damage. They cheapen this horror and the value of that child's life with a quick quiet payment. Just so you know after the kid signs for the cash in turn for their molestation they also sign a Non disclosure agreement that means they can't say shit afterwards. In other words after they are raped they are payed and told to shut up. You hated trump for doing this to prostitutes but social workers get a pass.

You are too afraid to know the truth or the details, its easier to bag on the messenger and go back to being willfully ignorant. Its very sad and very real. The liberals managed a program that pushed/ incentivized the dismantling of care of vulnerable people. look into the largest number of dead kids in B.C's history. It was under the liberal program. Kids thrown on the street to die. You Have no clue how brutal and destructive these freaks are.

I am pointing out that paying for the damage with tax payer dollars does not solve the problem or fix the damage done to the child. The offenders are payed a full pension and the people that activate the damage ( the offenders not made accountable) get to wink and smile at the now payed child when they meet at the grocery store.

Sorry dipshit I am also Canadian I just happen to not be fucking blind. If you want proof I will send you a private message with information I believ proves my point.
Wrong about masks in what way? You say leave it at that and then go off misdirecting to uphold your claim. I will not leave it at that, An as I spent ten years in a hospital and used a N-95 mask around infectious patients I kind of know a thing or two about it. I also know that the masks were in short supply even without Trump cutting off Canada's normal shipments.

As far as being a prostitute, I guess I was signing a NDA. Ibarely made it through one day of mediation, I was told my case would have been a two week trial. And no, I am no dipshit, I said don't embarks my Canada with your trolling. I never said you were not, I just do not care for your cheapening the country with your trolling.
Wrong about masks in what way? You say leave it at that and then go off misdirecting to uphold your claim. I will not leave it at that, An as I spent ten years in a hospital and used a N-95 mask around infectious patients I kind of know a thing or two about it. I also know that the masks were in short supply even without Trump cutting off Canada's normal shipments.

As far as being a prostitute, I guess I was signing a NDA. Ibarely made it through one day of mediation, I was told my case would have been a two week trial. And no, I am no dipshit, I said don't embarks my Canada with your trolling. I never said you were not, I just do not care for your cheapening the country with your trolling.

the video I was pointing out. Also my thought and experience. I have also worked in hospitals. I was a part of the union for some time. I would be called when they could not manage a difficult child from a behaviour stand point. Turns out I a non Doctor had to point out that youth forensics had been supporting a doctors failure to listen to his patient. Turns out the patient had a diabetic response to the forced medication.

In this case the perfectly normal girl has permanent kidney damage and to get rid of her they sabotaged her self actuated sobriety. When they sent her off to emergency psyc. the doctor on at the time was pissed as she had four male staff holding down a girl who had no psyc issue warranting the action. While held down she was traumatized and was screaming / reliving verbally out loud what her foster father ( a doctor who was never charged) did to her. Turns out the label of "crazy" was needed to subvert her will and value. The doctor was shut up and MCFD got their way. Youth forensics mcfd and the rcy all pushed her on the street, alone. She called me and apologized for having to prostitute herself to survive. She does not have the cognitive ability and is now on Heroin. Yet people look at street people not aware of what happens. Tell ya what you come to B.C I can introduce her to you. Maybe you can help. I was attacked for threatening to tell the truth. I have documentation to prove it. Recordings of meeting where youth forensics would scream and yell demanding that I force her to take pills that I begged them to stop. Have proof of my lawyer sending youth forensics a cease and desist order that had them running away. Pretty hard to get forensics to leave any table. They were trying to use my agreement with MCFD allowing a harm reduction program, against me. The girl was allowed to smoke weed at home so she was not on the street. This eventually pulled the bad influences out of her life and she was able to get clean on her own accord. A program that mcfd was a part of until the government told them to pull away as weed was about to be legalized with restrictions that would cause liability. That pull away showed up in the news like in Manitoba ( When I acted to protect her rights in court the court squashed her right for a Gladue. I called and was able to get help from Anisha White from the Gladue society. In the end the "crown" told me "i " would get my gladue another day. To this day if you ask anyone in power at mcfd they will find she is in a wonderful private program in vancouver bc and they will pass on your interest to connect with her, she will never call becasue she is really on the street in victoria B.C doing Heroin. or they are hiding her in a unit at the jubilee hospital.

They begged me to help this girl and when I succeeded they tried everything they could to harm myself and my name. This is just one of many cases I dealt with. I have recordings of the rcy disingenuously asking the mcfd rep to keep the girl safe. I have the same tape showing the social worker being forced to take the case she did not want to take. her supervisor threatened her, forced her. I went to my MLA who is a friend of the family. I was one of three other complaints. Nothing was done other than I was threatened.

You have no clue how the system truly works or how depraved it truly is.

Honestly you might want to look into what the "crazy" people say, alot of buried truth on the street.
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the video I was pointing out. Also my thought and experience. I have also worked in hospitals. I was a part of the union for some time. I would be called when they could not manage a difficult child from a behaviour stand point. Turns out I a non Doctor had to point out that youth forensics had been supporting a doctors failure to listen to his patient. Turns out the patient had a diabetic response to the forced medication.

In this case the perfectly normal girl has permanent kidney damage and to get rid of her they sabotaged her self actuated sobriety. When they sent her off to emergency psyc. the doctor on at the time was pissed as she had four male staff holding down a girl who had no psyc issue warranting the action. While held down she was traumatized and was screaming / reliving verbally out loud what her faster father did to her. Turns out the label of "crazy" was needed to subvert her will and value. The doctor was shut up and MCFD got their way. Youth forensics mcfd and the rcy all pushed her on the street, alone. She called me and apologized for having to prostitute herself to survive. She does not have the cognitive ability and is now on Heroin. Yet people look at street people not aware of what happens. Tell ya what you come to B.C I can introduce her to you. Maybe you can help. I was attacked for threatening to tell the truth. I have documentation to prove it. Recordings of meeting where youth forensics would scream and yell demanding that I force her to take pills that I begged them to stop. Have proof of my lawyer sending youth forensics a cease and desist order that had them running away. Pretty hard to get forensics to leave any table. They were trying to use my agreement with MCFD allowing a harm reduction program, against me. The girl was allowed to smoke weed at home so she was not on the street. This eventually pulled the bad influances out of her life and she was able to get clean on her own accord. A program that mcfd was a part of untill the governemnt told them to pull away as weed was about to be legalized with restrictions that would cause liability. That pull away showed up in the news like in Manitoba. When I acted to protect her rights in court the court squashed her right for a Gladue. I called and was able to get help from Anisha White from the Gladue society. In the end the "crown" told me "i " would get my gladue another day. To this day if you ask anyone in power at mcfd they will find she is in a wonderful private program in vancouver bc and they will pass on your interst to connect with her, she will never call becasue she is really on the street in victoria B.C doing Heroin. or they are hiding her in a unit at the jubilee hospital.

Which all has what to do with the pandemic? Guess what, life sucks when you have little power. Don't care to watch you vids as they are not related to the topic. You have an axe to grind, great. Start a thread of your own and take it wherever you want. But getting pissy with the guys here because life is unfair in your neck of the woods will not get you far. I fought institutions, unions, bureaucracies, doctors, lawyers, I have a story that a reporter for human rights and health just could not believe really happened. Can't tell it as the deck was stacked against me and I signed a NDA for a pittance. Why? The mediator said arbitrators get picked because they split the difference, you get half a loaf or just lose half a loaf. Had Human Rights Commission yanked out from under my feet by a judge's ruling on another case. So yeah, life can suck, it is hard to do something against people in an organization that has a couple billion dollar budget. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
So there is a little good news nationwide. Cases are down 16%, hospitalizations down 15% and deaths down 8%. But on the local level I saw where Panama City had the 2nd highest rate of infection in the county. Guess who won't be going to PC any time soon.

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WMBB) — The New York Times ranked Panama City second in the nation for new coronavirus cases this week.
The paper tracks cases nationwide on their website.
In the last two weeks Panama City was in the top 10 and at times number two in the nation on a per capita basis for the highest amount of new average daily cases for the last two weeks. The number is based on the amount of new cases per 100,000 people.
There have been nearly 3,000 new cases in the last two weeks with nearly 110 new cases every day.

I guess it's fluid, cause in the actual NYT story PC is down to 6th.

I have been following the numbers on , . I am pleasantly surprised the hospitalized number went down as it did but the deaths broke the 5,000 mark.
February 4, 2021446,1345,212

Which makes sense as deaths are delayed from admissions. Got over the Thanksgiving/Christmas hump. The scary part is the new more infectious strains that are suppose to be dominant in March. We did a severe lock down where I live to get our numbers down. We are running a marathon and I am guessing we are only at the half way mark yet.
Which all has what to do with the pandemic? Guess what, life sucks when you have little power. Don't care to watch you vids as they are not related to the topic. You have an axe to grind, great. Start a thread of your own and take it wherever you want. But getting pissy with the guys here because life is unfair in your neck of the woods will not get you far. I fought institutions, unions, bureaucracies, doctors, lawyers, I have a story that a reporter for human rights and health just could not believe really happened. Can't tell it as the deck was stacked against me and I signed a NDA for a pittance. Why? The mediator said arbitrators get picked because they split the difference, you get half a loaf or just lose half a loaf. Had Human Rights Commission yanked out from under my feet by a judge's ruling on another case. So yeah, life can suck, it is hard to do something against people in an organization that has a couple billion dollar budget. Back to our regularly scheduled program.
Which all has what to do with the pandemic? Guess what, life sucks when you have little power. Don't care to watch you vids as they are not related to the topic. You have an axe to grind, great. Start a thread of your own and take it wherever you want. But getting pissy with the guys here because life is unfair in your neck of the woods will not get you far. I fought institutions, unions, bureaucracies, doctors, lawyers, I have a story that a reporter for human rights and health just could not believe really happened. Can't tell it as the deck was stacked against me and I signed a NDA for a pittance. Why? The mediator said arbitrators get picked because they split the difference, you get half a loaf or just lose half a loaf. Had Human Rights Commission yanked out from under my feet by a judge's ruling on another case. So yeah, life can suck, it is hard to do something against people in an organization that has a couple billion dollar budget. Back to our regularly scheduled program.

This was from you:
"You do realize the reason the governments did not want people to wear medical grade masks, especially N-95 ones was because the medical community was already short of masks 'real' masks and competing with the general public for them would be a recipe for disaster? It would have been advantageous to have people wearing cloth masks at the time but the idea of them did not take off until medical people had to make their own.

So why has the government not given people adequate protection if they want to stop the spread? Because there is not enough being made for the general public to use. You seem quite intelligent, how did this little detail escape you? " watch the video.

You are wrong.
Which all has what to do with the pandemic?

Good point. Too much to read and or watch when you could be pretending everything is the way the news tells you it is. Easy to piss it away becasue otherwise the work to get real justice or truth is not worth it. The fact is the bullshit the government feeds you is just that, especially in canada. My point is I am not a troll or a weak run along. I have fought and still fight. I have worked in this system and the American system for 28 years and know how the structure bullshit works.

So when you say I am full of it you are wrong. The assumptions people are fed by the media are pure bullshit. Both the left and right. You want a side and someone to spoon feed you comfort, there is no comfort and the truth is the last thing you want to hear. If you ever decide you want the actual truth it starts at the IMF and you can even find youtube videos where they say accountability for their actions on Canada or the US are not their problem. They show in cute writing on their website exactly what they intend the countries do and how to do it. Government and "sides/ teams" are a distraction for weak people who dont want to spend the time to get the truth.

Democrat or republican means nothing, Fox or CNN means nothing. I cant believe how brain dead people are. label each other and let the freaks walk all over you while you crush one another in the process. Covid lock downs are a military approach for control. Not a solution for a virus. The same as counter attack programs used to manage drunk drivers. In Canada when A cop pulls you over for cellphone or drinking and driving offense it starts as a insurance funded program and the cop is working for the insurance company, a monopoly in BC Canada. So when the cop working for the insurance company breaks the law and subverts your rights he would have to call himself on himself to stop that illegal action he is performing for the insurance company. So when he stops you and you have not been drinking but harasses you and stops you and detains you, he is breaking the law and pissing away your rights. You dont want to look like a tinfoil hat guy so you roll over like a bitch and piss away one of your remaining Canadian rights.

Same with Covid. closing some stores, small stores is fine becasue you believe they are some how more infectious than Costco. Really sport??? You want to make that argument? If everyone was wearing a proper mask as pointed out on that video the virus would die down. What about animals?? Oh boy this just got complicated didn't it? Even with a vaccine animals will still maintain the virus as it can mutate and come back again. Use your brain.

The bull you are fed comes from the same idiots who lie and cover up rape and damage to the most vulnerable in our society, yet you believe them now cuz ???

Covid lock downs are a military approach for control. Not a solution for a virus.
No, it is just a tool to keep the sick from overwhelming the health system. We went from the mid teens in positive tests to under 4%. And the government would rather have had business up and running but things were starting to get out of hand. I would love for them to close the borders to only essential traffic. The virus does not care one bit of your control theories.
Good point. Too much to read and or watch when you could be pretending everything is the way the news tells you it is. Easy to piss it away becasue otherwise the work to get real justice or truth is not worth it. The fact is the bullshit the government feeds you is just that, especially in canada. My point is I am not a troll or a weak run along. I have fought and still fight. I have worked in this system and the American system for 28 years and know how the structure bullshit works.

So when you say I am full of it you are wrong. The assumptions people are fed by the media are pure bullshit. Both the left and right. You want a side and someone to spoon feed you comfort, there is no comfort and the truth is the last thing you want to hear. If you ever decide you want the actual truth it starts at the IMF and you can even find youtube videos where they say accountability for their actions on Canada or the US are not their problem. They show in cute writing on their website exactly what they intend the countries do and how to do it. Government and "sides/ teams" are a distraction for weak people who dont want to spend the time to get the truth.

Democrat or republican means nothing, Fox or CNN means nothing. I cant believe how brain dead people are. label each other and let the freaks walk all over you while you crush one another in the process. Covid lock downs are a military approach for control. Not a solution for a virus. The same as counter attack programs used to manage drunk drivers. In Canada when A cop pulls you over for cellphone or drinking and driving offense it starts as a insurance funded program and the cop is working for the insurance company, a monopoly in BC Canada. So when the cop working for the insurance company breaks the law and subverts your rights he would have to call himself on himself to stop that illegal action he is performing for the insurance company. So when he stops you and you have not been drinking but harasses you and stops you and detains you, he is breaking the law and pissing away your rights. You dont want to look like a tinfoil hat guy so you roll over like a bitch and piss away one of your remaining Canadian rights.

Same with Covid. closing some stores, small stores is fine becasue you believe they are some how more infectious than Costco. Really sport??? You want to make that argument? If everyone was wearing a proper mask as pointed out on that video the virus would die down. What about animals?? Oh boy this just got complicated didn't it? Even with a vaccine animals will still maintain the virus as it can mutate and come back again. Use your brain.

The bull you are fed comes from the same idiots who lie and cover up rape and damage to the most vulnerable in our society, yet you believe them now cuz ???

that right there, that's a large stinky pile of crap.
Good point. Too much to read and or watch when you could be pretending everything is the way the news tells you it is. Easy to piss it away becasue otherwise the work to get real justice or truth is not worth it. The fact is the bullshit the government feeds you is just that, especially in canada. My point is I am not a troll or a weak run along. I have fought and still fight. I have worked in this system and the American system for 28 years and know how the structure bullshit works.

So when you say I am full of it you are wrong. The assumptions people are fed by the media are pure bullshit. Both the left and right. You want a side and someone to spoon feed you comfort, there is no comfort and the truth is the last thing you want to hear. If you ever decide you want the actual truth it starts at the IMF and you can even find youtube videos where they say accountability for their actions on Canada or the US are not their problem. They show in cute writing on their website exactly what they intend the countries do and how to do it. Government and "sides/ teams" are a distraction for weak people who dont want to spend the time to get the truth.

Democrat or republican means nothing, Fox or CNN means nothing. I cant believe how brain dead people are. label each other and let the freaks walk all over you while you crush one another in the process. Covid lock downs are a military approach for control. Not a solution for a virus. The same as counter attack programs used to manage drunk drivers. In Canada when A cop pulls you over for cellphone or drinking and driving offense it starts as a insurance funded program and the cop is working for the insurance company, a monopoly in BC Canada. So when the cop working for the insurance company breaks the law and subverts your rights he would have to call himself on himself to stop that illegal action he is performing for the insurance company. So when he stops you and you have not been drinking but harasses you and stops you and detains you, he is breaking the law and pissing away your rights. You dont want to look like a tinfoil hat guy so you roll over like a bitch and piss away one of your remaining Canadian rights.

Same with Covid. closing some stores, small stores is fine becasue you believe they are some how more infectious than Costco. Really sport??? You want to make that argument? If everyone was wearing a proper mask as pointed out on that video the virus would die down. What about animals?? Oh boy this just got complicated didn't it? Even with a vaccine animals will still maintain the virus as it can mutate and come back again. Use your brain.

The bull you are fed comes from the same idiots who lie and cover up rape and damage to the most vulnerable in our society, yet you believe them now cuz ???


Hmm, so it's a right that you drive on the Queens highway. It's a privilege here so the need to be careful can be lifesaving.
I get it and know what they are doing. It is actually the reduction of spray and the distance it travels that is mitigated with a N95.

Still does not stop mutations harboring in animals. This has already happened in the uk.

Still does not cover the conflict of interest around vaccines with zero accountability to the companies who sell them.

Keeping Costco open and destroying small business families is not a benefit in any way. Not towards Covid management or management of the potential outcomes. The outcome is more people to coopt Trump and storm whatever location they have been directed. More people to protest and call the Rebel news. These people are left in the cold with no other option, and for a reason, not by accident.

There is no good reason that is backed by real science that states Costco is safer for people to walk in. People pile in and don’t social distance. In the beginning the Costco restaurant was open while small independents were forced to close. Force causes hysteria and distrust. It would have been cheaper to push for delivery systems to support businesses and get a better level of management.

The reason Canada had such a rush of immigrants, border crossing, was not to make us feel special, or to actually help people. The reason is we have a serious population problem. We broke all the rules and did not manage it correctly. Canadian citizens were hurt and harmed in the process, for years now. Any talk about it is squashed or labeled. Children have been harmed (more girls molested) and the management of people who are coming in as well as the people already here has been criminal. Boomers are on the way out and we need a class willing to work for less. Canada has a serious population issue.

I can’t prove the intent for this but the finance minister on cbc was clear, she is spending us to the point that we are keeping up with the rest of the massive deficits. Crazy high as fast as she can spend. I am sure they are very concerned about how that will hurt you and the value of your dollar. So sure they care.

If the country was locked down and Justin did not return the sick troops home from China we could have used the proper masks and hunkered down as a country for a year or two. We have enough resources and could have remained mostly managed at very low levels.

If people were handed gas masks without a plan and told everything would be fine, yeah it would have been an all-out panic. Idiots in power didn’t want to lose face so they wait until the liability could be used as an excuse. The entire process has zero concern for you your safety or the health or well-being of the working or business class.

In the end the control part is a side effect of the power they have under this emergency status. Now any spending, taxes, or structure changes can happen quickly and easily. That is what we call a dick tater ship.
In the end the control part is a side effect of the power they have under this emergency status. Now any spending, taxes, or structure changes can happen quickly and easily. That is what we call a dick tater ship.

Who is this dictator that wants to provide for the common good?
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