Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

In ‘03 I visited folks who lived in rural southern Ontario.
They told me tales of the great ice storm of ‘98.
Some areas were with no power for over 2 months.
Neighbors pulled together and made it work.

I don't remember that, but I've seen the pictures of all the power masts that had toppled over from the weight. I do remember the big power outage that hit us and the northern states in 2003. At least that was in the middle of summer. Everyone was outside partying and barbecuing everything in their freezer before it spoiled. As a kid it was like a big block party.
I don't remember that, but I've seen the pictures of all the power masts that had toppled over from the weight. I do remember the big power outage that hit us and the northern states in 2003. At least that was in the middle of summer. Everyone was outside partying and barbecuing everything in their freezer before it spoiled. As a kid it was like a big block party.
I was there for that!
They blamed it on a squirrel in the high-volt lines. A

Really? lol I didn't know that. All the tech available and we're defeated by a squirrel.

We lost power due to racoons in the sub station in town once also.

Was he given a proper send off? We revere our raccoons here

Was he given a proper send off? We revere our raccoons here

I imagine the sendoff was rather electric.