In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

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Well-Known Member
gogrow, have you found any yet? according to you, half of my posts im randomly talking mad shit to people for NO REASON. i just looked through the first page of my posts, and i see a lot of good info that i have given out, and maybe one or two posts where im talking shit to people...who deserved it! didnt see 1 post where i randomly spoke shit to anyone for no reason. it should have been every other one though, no? and you say i dont contribute...tsk tsk. i usually dont name call for no reason. yea, i might have done it before, (hell, i just did it in this thread, but i realized it and said sorry) but it certainly isnt every other thread, or anything even close.


stays relevant.
For the record, every avatar I've ever reported or mentioned to a mod was removed.

I can understand why the mods haven't removed ALL of the naked chick avatars, look how much people bitch about being censored? bearo420 couldn't have his porno av so he quit the site, wanted to cancel his account.

That's why my point is that this is not an issue with the MODS. Rollitup has already made it clear he thinks they bring the site down. But the members protest censorship. So I want to make this point to the members, if they don't like the naked chick avatars being censored, they can't complain about my naked guy avatars.
I've told rolli for a long time that the porn avatars will prevent females from wanting to join... Chiceh will back me up on this, as we've discussed it on a number of occasions... and yes, when you report something to the mods, they absolutely do a top notch job of handling it, but obviously it needs to extend further than reporting it... When policing just becomes responding to calls, there is a problem.

I'll make sure I report every pornographic avatar I see... and with my type of forum activity, you can count on a boatload of infractions going out this week :)


Well-Known Member
damn go grow, sure is taking you some time to find all those post where im "spoutin off". you should have found 250 of them by now...


Well-Known Member
I have news for you....all of that censorship whether you realize it or not already happens here...entire threads have been deleted...that is why many of the real growers have migrated my friend
As Zappa asked on freak out album...Who are the brain police ???

its freedom of speech. i can insult anyone i want. besides, you are a bitch. it says it right in your name.
no. its people like you who curl up and cry when you see a stray tit, or someone calls you a name, or you read something you dont like. thats the reason censorship is in place.
I'd suggest you adjust your tone to Wikid, (a well loved,valued friend)
lest you'd like about 400 -reps... for starters....:evil::evil::evil:

For the record, every avatar I've ever reported or mentioned to a mod was removed.
I can understand why the mods haven't removed ALL of the naked chick avatars, look how much people bitch about being censored? bearo420 couldn't have his porno av so he quit the site, wanted to cancel his account.
That's why my point is that this is not an issue with the MODS. Rollitup has already made it clear he thinks they bring the site down. But the members protest censorship. So I want to make this point to the members, if they don't like the naked chick avatars being censored, they can't complain about my naked guy avatars.
*hugging wikid after her tough slog through the bowels of common decency* :hug::hug::hug: Go Wikid.... I like the funny av.'s better..whats unique, funny about body parts that are a dime a dozen.. the av's that you stare at..(no I didn't say beat meat to), but those like gogrows bike one..pookiedoughs cataconda (where is pookie ??)..etc.. all those great reefer pic's... and I want Wikids kitty back...:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As Zappa asked on freak out album...Who are the brain police ???

I'd suggest you adjust your tone to Wikid, (a well loved,valued friend)
lest you'd like about 400 -reps... for starters....:evil::evil::evil:

*hugging wikid after her tough slog through the bowels of common decency* :hug::hug::hug: Go Wikid.... I like the funny av.'s better..whats unique, funny about body parts that are a dime a dozen.. the av's that you stare at..(no I didn't say beat meat to), but those like gogrows bike one..pookiedoughs cataconda (where is pookie ??)..etc.. all those great reefer pic's... and I want Wikids kitty back...:mrgreen::mrgreen:
I want my kitty back too Twisty. I miss it dearly *sniffles*

Thanks for the support hun *tackles you and smothers you with love*


Well-Known Member
read my above posts before you ask me to adjust anything. iv already apologized.
Sure.... but next time try not having to pull foot out of mouth by not putting it in, in the 1st place... We're friends here..we can disagree, but not attack.. As much as wikid hates the XX rated shit I HATE assholes who's only response is fucking bitch or you're gay... Nothing like intelligent debate.... just verbal shits.....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
HAHA... this is the first I'm seeing of this thread (that's what I get for going to bed early last night).

Anyhow.... the nudity (of either gender) in the Avitars doesn't matter to me, I usually just chalk it up to pre-pubescent boys putting up pics of women they wish they could have... but never will. Anyone can troll the internet and find a naked pic to put up.... no one is fooled into thinking the hot naked chick in your avi is your g/f :lol:

Here's some food for thought though.... there are definitely more men then women here. I've also seen lots of posts where the guys are saying they wish more women were here. Makes sense... this is more then just a growing site... it's also somewhat of a 'social' site, so unless your a gay dude, it makes sense you'd want to socialize with us females.

You never know who's lurking on the forum..... thinking about signing up.... possibly lots of women.... and the more timid ones might be afraid to join if they think this a raunchy boys club. I can see how that could be the perception if every other avitar is a naked chick with mj leaf covering her naked crotch.... or the ever present 'jiggling boobs' gif. :roll:

Do as you like guys.... just remember we women like to feel comfortable and welcome when we first arrive at a party.

Lastly.... my own little request.... could you guys pretty please not use spiders as your avitar... they FREAK ME OUT!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is a serious question, I have never seen a vagina shot on RIU ever, wikid talks about all these naked chicks avis like its an epidemic, I have not seen one vagina on here!!! Wikid do you consider "naked chick" avis the ones i see every once in while girls in bikinis and what not...are you offended by these? Are bikinis what you consider "naked"? because I never seen any girl naked on RIU, never seen any vag pics, never seen any clit shots. What I have seen were girls in is a challenge, if you are right about all the naked chick avis, you should be able to find at least one example on RIU


Well-Known Member
She is probably talking about the homepage girl.
That is the only closest thing I've seen, and her vagina is covered by a 7finger hybrid mj leaf.

I've seen one set of tits but the nipples weren't showing, I believe that was CaptoneT.


Well-Known Member
This is a serious question, I have never seen a vagina shot on RIU ever, wikid talks about all these naked chicks avis like its an epidemic, I have not seen one vagina on here!!! Wikid do you consider "naked chick" avis the ones i see every once in while girls in bikinis and what not...are you offended by these? Are bikinis what you consider "naked"? because I never seen any girl naked on RIU, never seen any vag pics, never seen any clit shots. What I have seen were girls in is a challenge, if you are right about all the naked chick avis, you should be able to find at least one example on RIU
there was a nude chick avy in this thread that was deleted last night man...they are all over the place


Well-Known Member
This is a serious question, I have never seen a vagina shot on RIU ever, wikid talks about all these naked chicks avis like its an epidemic, I have not seen one vagina on here!!! Wikid do you consider "naked chick" avis the ones i see every once in while girls in bikinis and what not...are you offended by these? Are bikinis what you consider "naked"? because I never seen any girl naked on RIU, never seen any vag pics, never seen any clit shots. What I have seen were girls in is a challenge, if you are right about all the naked chick avis, you should be able to find at least one example on RIU
I have 2 of them at least, one with an ass and the flash of the camera in the snizz and another with the chick spread eagle...of course not Zoomed in but still snatch...still ass and snatch is sexual.

I think most r missing the point, Wikids Avatar is not is not a claim of desire, it is for comical and debate driven purposes it is 100% obvious...

so many of you are blowing it all out of preportion and basically
PROVING HER RIGHT,...of the double standard.

You guys act like shes posting child porn or pics of beastiality...
Gross inhuman things.
Or you act like what she really put up is similar to the chick avatars on here,...
Seriously put a mask on her dumb ass some make up and make the pic less sex more funny FIRST
Before you even try to compare wikis AV to any skank one on that then theyll be more equal...

But come on if someone doesnt see the double standard their diluted and denying it...
The Avatar she posted was clearly photoshopped to reduce the sexual part of the penis with comical weed relevant things...

none of the WHORE ones even have anything to do with weed so at least hers is SITE RELEVANT and less shocking/offensive...

So go ahead back up us who defended Wikid by trying to compare them AVs some more because all you do is PROVE HER POINT ONCE AGAIN...
There is a double standard for whore AVs over ones customized for chicks. Face it.


Well-Known Member
Nice post Wikid I agree 1000 percent. Like a naked woman makes them a better grower than everyone else? I doubt it. Plus I like the idea of a super hero to the rescue. Here he cums to save the day super dick is on the way. Plus I must add that I have been called Dude on here about 400 times. Female grower and damn proud of it

I am probably one of the 400 who did it, and I will apologize in advance and for my past mistakes, but in my defense... I call everyone dude.. if we were face to face, I would still call you dude, and iof you said "uh.. i'm not a guy.." I'd look at you and be like, "yeah but.. dude?"

I dont't think the dude, when speaking TO someone, means the same as when talking about someone.. for example

"Dude, I got up this morning and went to see Mary, she had some fuckin killer smoke dude.. fuckin awesome.. you shoulda been there"


"Look at that guy over there.."

"Which one?"

"The dude with the hat on.. that one.."

See what i'm sayin dude? It's not meant to be taken
offensively and I'm sorry you or anyone else took it that way..


Well-Known Member
This is a serious question, I have never seen a vagina shot on RIU ever, wikid talks about all these naked chicks avis like its an epidemic, I have not seen one vagina on here!!! Wikid do you consider "naked chick" avis the ones i see every once in while girls in bikinis and what not...are you offended by these? Are bikinis what you consider "naked"? because I never seen any girl naked on RIU, never seen any vag pics, never seen any clit shots. What I have seen were girls in is a challenge, if you are right about all the naked chick avis, you should be able to find at least one example on RIU
Your post count and activity show you're here a lot less than me. Does it stand to reason that I might have seen more avs than you?

No, I don't consider girls in bikinis naked.

You want at least one example of a naked chick av?

14pimp's Marijuana Growing Profile
acer's Marijuana Growing Profile
206's Marijuana Growing Profile

There you go. Those three are in the top 75 pages of the members list. And I was REALLY high last night, cuz that's the top 75 pages of not over 2000 MEMBERS, but nearly 3000 PAGES of members, showing almost 90,000 members.

So yeah, that's a lot of members to go through.

My penis av is gone :sad:

But my thread is still open :grin:
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