Toys that made us!


Well-Known Member
not my pic
I had one of these as a kid got it on my 3rd birthday, well I kept it until I was about 17. You just couldn’t kill em, I owned other bikes but this was my first. I used to do drive thru bottle shop runs on it from 16, trick was to wait until it was busy burn in quick have the money ready and leave the engine running grab the case of beer drop the cash on the counter while the attendants were at the other cars. Then just yell keep the change and burn off.
I didn’t have heaps of toys growing up except lego all I wanted was lego. I was more about outside, I was lucky and had a bmx track at the end of my st and basketball courts, tennis courts and the beach.


Virtually Unknown Member
Anyone ever have Tonka Toys and/or those metal Erector sets?
Those were pretty fun. Remember those Monkeys in a barrel also?
And how 'bout Lincoln Logs?
I kept my original round tube of Lincoln Logs around for decades, slowly losing pieces as the years go by. If ever a young lady came over with kids, I would pull this out and they (kids) would envariably sit down and play with it. Many of the moms had never heard/seen of them. Choking hazards I guess. Had Tonka trucks too.

edit: and TinkerToys, what 5-8 year old kid couldn't be fascinated with those?


Virtually Unknown Member
Insane the things we destroyed as kids. The Space Oddessy Eagle I tried to fly with Este's rocket motors. Or the original Star Wars figures we fought with pellet guns.

Yet here is the toy to me that helped truly make me. Over 40's old, needs some TLC, but I have it still. And a fun switch blade lighter from the 80's. Still illegal here.

TY to all. I feel old. Carved sticks and steam until Erector and the ultimate, LEGOS. LOL. View attachment 4846141View attachment 4846142View attachment 4846143
That top one looks like a rarity


Well-Known Member

My dad has passed now but he got me this when he was stationed in Germany, he would always go on about that I broke it on the first day using the ejector seat, I would say but that's what is was there for dad.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
In a field as a kid my buddy threw up a lawn dart (metal tip) up as high
as he could about 20 or so feet up and yelled watch out! I scrambled to the left then to the right
only for that dart to come down and stick in the top of my head. Stuck straight up in the top of my skull.
Sure was funny at the time lol.
It killed the girl I worked on. She wasn't laughing after being pithed.


Well-Known Member

My dad has passed now but he got me this when he was stationed in Germany, he would always go on about that I broke it on the first day using the ejector seat, I would say but that's what is was there for dad.
I had the same one, and that ejector seat broke on mine right away as well. Probably a design flaw. The rest worked for decades.